You don't need Religion!


And if you look for the worst in anything that has been around for centuries, you could make a similar list.

How many groups feed more hungry people, provide more assistance for the poor or the sick? How many have given us so much music and art?

Your view is as bad as those you wish to condemn. You see only the worst and ignore anything else. Just like the homophobes who see only a deviant sex act, you see only the horror and none of the good.

Someone save us from the fundamentalists of either stripe.
I have known too many gays that insist (and I trust their word) that they have been gay their entire life. My sister is one of those. God would not make her gay and then destroy her for what she is.

But feel free to let me know who is coming to get me (from the thread about anti-christianity biases).

Please stop lying to your sister, she made a choice to act on a lustful desire, and that is not supposed to sound mean but it is the truth. As far as who is coming to get you, the government
Please stop lying to your sister, she made a choice to act on a lustful desire, and that is not supposed to sound mean but it is the truth. As far as who is coming to get you, the government

I haven't lied to my sister and she hasn't lied to me.

And why would the gov't come after me? I am the one maintaining the line between church & state.
Religion helps them get away from reality, as education goes up pretend beliefs go down!
It helps the ignorant sleep at night
Religion as an individual freedom and loyalty can be and often is serenity and hope, for without God there is no real hope or justice. It’s when religion becomes the organized authoritarian human collective agenda is when it’s sure to become the corrupt model of bigotry and violence.

“Nations go to war in the name of God, but God recognizes no nation.”

“Throughout all of history the Priest have not been kind to liberty.” (Thomas Jefferson)
so then, you don't sleep at all?

Don't you understand the problem? In order to think like The Dude, you have to think like a bigot, where entire groups of people act and behave a certain way or have certain characteristics, based on what color they are or where they come from, or if they believe in God. This is how 'all' highly educated people never have sleep problems.

Now, "highly educated" is a phrase that doesn't really mean what you think, if you subscribe to Dudeism. If you went to college and earned a degree, it doesn't mean you're highly educated, you may be a certain color or live in a certain place, or you may believe in God, so that would completely nullify your intelligence, just belonging to one of those groups. However, if you don't remember much of college because you were too high and drunk, then you're cool. It doesn't even matter if you earned a degree, or what it was in. Just the fact that you smoke weed, makes you instantly, a "highly educated" person, the same is true for rejecting God or supporting abortion... unless you're from Alabama, of course, then there is nothing you can ever do to be "highly educated." You see? It's all in how you classify people into little groups and apply stereotypes.
My name's not Fake Maggie.
That speaks to exactly what you are.
That you would use thst line of attack.

You are completely without morals.

You cannot logically debate facts so you stoop to the most vicious abuse.

It is the liberal way.
Not after I'm with your wife

wow third grade humor, why am I not surprised. must be some good stuff you are smoking because you are in fantasy land again. my wife doesn't like guys hung like a gerbal. And make no mistake, and I promise you this, you would never say that when you were in my presence without picking up your teeth off the floor if you still have any teeth.