You don't need Religion!

So the Left asking for change is a perfect example or what was discussed, but the Right asking for a constitutional amendment to deny any change is not an example of gov't interference in private lives or of big gov't?


Thats funny.

you should laugh less and think more.......the left wants the government to do something for them, the right wants a constitutional ban on the government doing something......which one is looking for the government to interfere......(/waits for reality to sink in, wondering if your mind can handle it)..........
Yes, Dixie, it DOES happen on both sides.

The comment I responded to was: "'Right from Wrong' is often subjective, unfortunately. Especially for the Left. For Example: Leftists believe that illegal immigration is a good thing, and that National Defense under Republican administrations is a bad thing."

The Right is just as guilty of this. They claim to want smaller gov't, but they scream bloody murder until the gov't protects marriages. They even call for a constitutional amendment for it.

They claim to want a less intrusive gov't. But they want the gov't to intrude with zoning laws to protect their property values. They want the gov't to pass anti-smoking laws that tell privately owned businesses whether they can allow smoking inside buildings they own.

There are plenty of examples. That you are too partisan to see them is not my issue.
I'll agree with you on the smoking law thing, as that is plain Nazi. But there's nothing wrong with protecting your investments, or protecting the sanctity of marriage. Both are worthy causes. Opening the gates to illegal immigration, or taking gun rights away from lawful citizens, are not worthy causes.
I'll agree with you on the smoking law thing, as that is plain Nazi. But there's nothing wrong with protecting your investments, or protecting the sanctity of marriage. Both are worthy causes. Opening the gates to illegal immigration, or taking gun rights away from lawful citizens, are not worthy causes.

So the gov't regulating privately owned businesses to make them nonsmoking is Nazi? But the gov't regulating privately owned businesses and property to protect the money of people around them is good?

When the liberals scream that conservatives are all about money and don't care about the people, this is partly why. That you approve of gov't intervention to protect profits but disagree with them doing it to protect the health of people, you fit the accusations.
So the gov't regulating privately owned businesses to make them nonsmoking is Nazi? But the gov't regulating privately owned businesses and property to protect the money of people around them is good?

When the liberals scream that conservatives are all about money and don't care about the people, this is partly why. That you approve of gov't intervention to protect profits but disagree with them doing it to protect the health of people, you fit the accusations.

Here's the problem with your line of thinking, nothing is unconstitutional, irresponsible or reprehensible about "profits." Profit is the result of capitalism in a capitalist society, and that's what we are. You are a little pom-pom girl for Socialism, which has to kill Capitalism to prevail. Therefore, you have been brainwashed to believe that "profits" are a bad thing that we need to have the government control and regulate. You're certainly not "protecting the people" by killing Capitalism and instilling Socialism, you might be deluded into thinking such a thing, but the facts are not on your side.
Here's the problem with your line of thinking, nothing is unconstitutional, irresponsible or reprehensible about "profits." Profit is the result of capitalism in a capitalist society, and that's what we are. You are a little pom-pom girl for Socialism, which has to kill Capitalism to prevail. Therefore, you have been brainwashed to believe that "profits" are a bad thing that we need to have the government control and regulate. You're certainly not "protecting the people" by killing Capitalism and instilling Socialism, you might be deluded into thinking such a thing, but the facts are not on your side.

Nice speech but total nonsense. First of all, I have not spoken out against profits at all. I questioned allowing the gov't to interfere in private affairs to protect profits.

My personal belief is that the gov't should not interfere in our lives any more than is absolutely necessary. I diagree with both zoning and with the smoking bans in privately owned businesses. For the simple reason that the govt should not tell an individual what they do with their private property or how to run their privately owned business unless there is some serious, documented harm to the community (like sewage or chemical run-off).
Nice speech but total nonsense. First of all, I have not spoken out against profits at all. I questioned allowing the gov't to interfere in private affairs to protect profits.

My personal belief is that the gov't should not interfere in our lives any more than is absolutely necessary. I diagree with both zoning and with the smoking bans in privately owned businesses. For the simple reason that the govt should not tell an individual what they do with their private property or how to run their privately owned business unless there is some serious, documented harm to the community (like sewage or chemical run-off).

Well, I don't know what you are talking about when you say "allowing the gov't to interfere in private affairs to protect profits." The government doesn't make profits. So who's profits are they supposedly protecting? Those of capitalists who will pay taxes on the profits? Why should they not do that?

We seem to share the same philosophy regarding government interfering in our lives, but government does play a role in our lives as well as in civilized society. Government is merely a synonym for The People, we elect the government to represent us. It's important to remember that when you start becoming too paranoid about government.