You nuns, grab your coat hangers we got babies to murder

The Conservatives hate the 9th Amendment.

They don't think the government should protect any rights unless they are specifically spelled out in the Constitution.

What right do y'all fucking leftist claim authorizes your commie politicians in Washington to force people, or businesses, or religious organizations to pay for things that violate their religious principles?
YES! You do need to go on by equating each of your presentations rationally to your claims about the Little Sisters case relative to being "frivolous." What postcard size form could have been filled out and registered to solve the situation and saved taxpayer's dollars in the courts, genius?:dunno:

That's not what you asked for, piglet. I gave you what you asked for: frivolous lawsuits that made it to the Supreme Court. You are now attempting to change the request, and that's not happening. What, did you pull the hair out of your Barbies so you had to find something else to do and this is all you could come up with?

You're not even worth $4.75 an hour in my opinion, bullshitter!

The opinion of a proven liar such as yourself is worthless.

By the way, when are you going to explain how the Little Sisters case will cost taxpayers more money than will already be allotted to the court system as you've accused, as I've challenged you to do in earlier post, genius?:dunno:

Time and Court business cost money, idiot. If you think that the Supreme Court spending time on any case, let alone a frivolous one, doesn't cost taxpayers money, then you are even more clueless than we have all seen you to be.

By the way, numbnuts, how's it feel to be intellectually bested by a "little girl?":dunno::rofl2:

I don't know. If it happens I'll tell you. But at least you've acknowledged in front of everyone that your'e a little girl.

Oh Yeah! Lest I forget, when are you going to take on the other challenge I put to you and deliver the constitutional article or amendment that authorizes the federal government to even be involved in Health insurance? The little Sisters case would be moot had not the feds violated the Constitution and passed the ACA, numbnuts!

The Supreme Court ruled the ACA isn't unconstitutional, piglet.

Now run along. Your Holly Hobby is getting Lonely.
You aren't aware of what I'm talking about, then.

The Constitution does not specifically enumerate freedom FROM religion, but we have a right to be free from the machinations of radicalized religious extremists who try to force their beliefs on the nation through legislation.

The problem with your statement is that you consider equate you opposition with it being extremism. You not liking it doesn't make it extreme simply because you don't like it.
The Conservatives hate the 9th Amendment.

They don't think the government should protect any rights unless they are specifically spelled out in the Constitution.

Liberals hate the Constitution. They have to pretend things they WANT to be considered rights are in it when they simply aren't there yet support limiting rights to a level they desire that are there.
The problem with your statement is that you consider equate you opposition with it being extremism. You not liking it doesn't make it extreme simply because you don't like it.

In the United States of America, we are intended to be able to practice our own private religions freely and privately (extending the term "privately" to attending a church/temple/synagogue/mosque, etc., which are granted special privilege above the average citizen (I'm not going to get started on that right now).

However, when any such organization attempts to force by the enactment legislation for its own goals that would affect the entirety of the population? That's extremist.
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Attempting to force through legislation one's own private, religious beliefs on an entire country that may not share those same beliefs is extremist.

That's what the Taliban and ISIS do, isn't it? They do seem to have a lot in common with conservative Christians in the US, don't they?
Attempting to force through legislation one's own private, religious beliefs on an entire country that may not share those same beliefs is extremist.

I don't share the same private viewpoint of lots of things that Liberals try to force through legislation. Difference is I'm expected to accept it because "we won".

I had a conversation with someone that "thought" like you related to this very topic. She said that religious beliefs should not be used when it comes to legislation concerning things like abortion or same sex marriage. Although I already knew the answer, I asked her if she supported social welfare programs funded through government mandates. The answer was yes. When I asked why, the response was "because it's the Christian thing to do". The idiot never did realize that she was claiming something she actually did was wrong. I doubt you agree that she was a hypocrite.
Liberals hate the Constitution. They have to pretend things they WANT to be considered rights are in it when they simply aren't there yet support limiting rights to a level they desire that are there.

Rights that aren't there fall under that whole unenumerated rights thing we call the "Ninth Amendment."
Rights that aren't there fall under that whole unenumerated rights thing we call the "Ninth Amendment."

Are you claiming that if you WANT something to be a right it automatically is? Please tell me you don't think that because if you do, you're a stupid motherfucker. Correction, you're a stupid motherfucker whether you think that or not.
I don't share the same private viewpoint of lots of things that Liberals try to force through legislation. Difference is I'm expected to accept it because "we won".

I had a conversation with someone that "thought" like you related to this very topic. She said that religious beliefs should not be used when it comes to legislation concerning things like abortion or same sex marriage. Although I already knew the answer, I asked her if she supported social welfare programs funded through government mandates. The answer was yes. When I asked why, the response was "because it's the Christian thing to do". The idiot never did realize that she was claiming something she actually did was wrong. I doubt you agree that she was a hypocrite.

Clearly, she doesn't think like me, and I agree she is certainly a hypocrite.

What social welfare programs are involved, and their scope, would certainly bear on my opinion.

But if i agreed with them, it would be because I believe them to be the correct thing to do, not the religious thing to do.

My morals and ethics come not from any holy book, but from my own sense of what is decent and just within the auspices of the Constitution.

If I relied on religion for deciding such things, I'd be stoning/burning/nailing up people until there weren't any left.

And, well, I'm not a Christian, so the last thing I'd be guided by is "the Christian thing to do."
Are you claiming that if you WANT something to be a right it automatically is? Please tell me you don't think that because if you do, you're a stupid motherfucker. Correction, you're a stupid motherfucker whether you think that or not.

Certainly not. There is no right to kill someone because they are simply walking down the street, as such an act is not an unenumerated right.

As to your "stupid motherfucker" comment, I suppose the best response to such obvious nonsense is none, which is precisely what you're worth. Thank you for the comment, however, as it helps others see you for what you are. :)
Certainly not. There is no right to kill someone because they are simply walking down the street, as such an act is not an unenumerated right.

As to your "stupid motherfucker" comment, I suppose the best response to such obvious nonsense is none, which is precisely what you're worth. Thank you for the comment, however, as it helps others see you for what you are. :)

It helps others see your for what you are motherfucker.
That's not what you asked for, piglet. I gave you what you asked for: frivolous lawsuits that made it to the Supreme Court. You are now attempting to change the request, and that's not happening. What, did you pull the hair out of your Barbies so you had to find something else to do and this is all you could come up with?

I knew you’d try to wiggle your way out of actually coming up with actual “frivolous” law suits that compare with your absurd bullshit claims about the Little Sister suit. I knew you couldn’t come up with a suit as ridiculous as your stupid postcard 15 minute filing claims.:good4u::cof1:

What a fucking dope! :rofl2:

The opinion of a proven liar such as yourself is worthless.

You win the “liar” prize bullshitter, commie!:rofl2:

Time and Court business cost money, idiot. If you think that the Supreme Court spending time on any case, let alone a frivolous one, doesn't cost taxpayers money, then you are even more clueless than we have all seen you to be.

Well genius, even little girls like you think I am know that the Supreme court doesn’t have to take a case if they don’t want it. They can simply defer to the lower court’s decisions. Therefore numbnuts, if the Supreme Court is wasting taxpayers money hearing what you claim is a frivolous suit, the Little Sisters are innocent of that chatge and the Court is guilty. :good4u::cof1:

I don't know. If it happens I'll tell you. But at least you've acknowledged in front of everyone that your'e a little girl.

Oh! It’s happening with your every post moron and “blessed are the little children!”:cof1:

The Supreme Court ruled the ACA isn't unconstitutional, piglet.

The Supreme Court is a fucking gang of partisan political ideologues, commie!

Explain the Roberts decision and explain how it trumps the10th amendment, if you dare!:dunno:

Now run along. Your Holly Hobby is getting Lonely.

I let intellectual bullshitting cowards like you run from the truth and logic I present, commie! I’ll be here while you hide under your commie rock!:tongout::mun::rofl2:
I can't help it you do that to your own mother.

And thank you for responding so predictably.

No, you're wrong. My mother's been dead for many years. I guess it must be your mother.

There, now I've made a "your mother" joke at your expense, I'm going to go have a nice cup of coffee.
And thank you for responding so predictably.

No, you're wrong. My mother's been dead for many years. I guess it must be your mother.

There, now I've made a "your mother" joke at your expense, I'm going to go have a nice cup of coffee.

There's one way to prove you haven't been anywhere near my mother. Wanna guess what it is?

I wasn't joking when I said it about your mother nor did I say it was recent. Just said what it was.
Originally Posted by Stelakh i'm just going to pretend you didn't do exactly what you set out to do so i can feel better about myself after you humiliated me again
