You nuns, grab your coat hangers we got babies to murder

Oh, yes. That wasn't a demand. It was a suggestion that she run along before she is embarrassed further.

You might want to take the same suggestion, bug.

It became a "suggestion".

You might want to pull your head out of your ass coward.
It became a "suggestion".

You might want to pull your head out of your ass coward.

No, it always was a suggestion, and it still is.

You are bested, bug. But do continue to embarrass yourself for our sake. It's fun.
You have none since no evidence has been provided to support the claim. It's funny that you think your claim of them is proof.

You claim to only be here since February. Lie
I have been here over ten years educated these proles on stocks
There isn't a smarter finance person on this site.
Nor is there a more accomplished martial artist.
I will show you the degrees if you are man enough to go toe to toe on the mat.
I will buy you lunch and a beer after you tap out in less than 3 minutes
You have none since no evidence has been provided to support the claim. It's funny that you think your claim of them is proof.

So no poster has a degree cause they haven't showed it online
Thanks for making an ass out of yourself
Cause I would as soon as you lie about yours
First things first.

Nowhere in the Constitution does it state that Congress can't impose duties on the People (which is why there are things like Jury Duty and filing tax returns). Especially when that imposition is actually for the "common welfare" of the people. Having access to affordable healthcare is certainly good for the "common welfare" of the people.

The first paragraph of Article One Section Eight gives the Congress the power to collect “Duties,” genius.

They can collect duties, genius, but that doesn’t give them the power to use said duties to finance things/programs not authorized by the Constitution as a power of the federal government.

As I have proven, health insurance is a power that can be and has been implemented by the State of Massachusetts and private citizens themselves buying it for themselves.

The so-called “common good” isn’t served by BIG federal government mandating that the population buy a product they may or may not need or want or can afford.

The “general welfare” documented in Article One is the powers enumerated in Article One and furthered in following amendments to the Constitution, as explained/proven and mandated by the final paragraph of Article One Section Eight,

“To make all laws which shall be necessary, (i.e. enumerated in the Constitution), and proper, all other powers vested by this Constitution, i.e. (amendments), in the government of the United States or in any Department or Officer thereof.”
In addition to this, since Congress has the authority to regulate interstate commerce, and as health insurance is by its very nature interstate commerce, it falls under that authority.

And then there's good ol' (and now dead) Justice Scalia, who said that "...where Congress has authority to enact a regulation of interstate commerce, it possesses every power needed to make that regulation effective."

This granted Congress a very wide berth with which to operate in, and so they did, using "every power to make that regulation effective."

Even your corrupt partisan ideological Justices, (I’m using the word “Justice” loosely), wasn’t willing enough to stretch the Commerce clause into a mandate forcing the people to buy a product. Regulating commerce in any and all honesty, is a power to keep States from imposing excise taxes on each other and to regulate import and export duties and taxes with foreign nations and sure as hell wasn’t ever meant to, or even imagined to force the people to buy something for any reason. A free people buy what they want, not what Big government wants. Thus, the verdict is, the term “free country” as assigned to America is a farce and a lie. ObamaCare is the evidence of that.
Justice Roberts wrote that, "...determining whether the Necessary and Proper Clause grants Congress the legislative authority to enact particular federal statute, we look to see whether the statue constitutes a means that is rationally related to the implementation of a constitutionally enumerated power."

And by that preposterous ”rational” beginning, the corrupt Roberts proceeded to imagine and construct an ”irrational” opinion that just because Congress has the power to tax, Congress can virtually construct any statute they want in the name of “The Power To Tax” rendering the rest of the entire Constitution void and trumped by one simple enumerated power, a “TAX.” So all Congress has to do according to the corrupt Roberts is to add a tax to every and any statute to make it constitutional, when in fact even Obama denied ObamaCare was a tax. How much more corrupt and fucked up could that be?

Again, if your argument is your brainwashing by a corrupt Roberts and you can’t think for yourself and see what a corrupt preposterous underhanded load of garbage Roberts has shoved down your throat, it’s really sad, genius.

Again genius, “necessary” indicates actions that the States and or the people can’t do for themselves. ”Proper” indicates constitutionally enumerated powers and amendments to the Constitution.
In order to enact the ACA legislation, it had to be paid for, which is where the aforementioned tax comes into play. That made the mandate provision constitutional and thus allowed for moving forward with the rest of the Act.

Oh, but Congress passes all kinds of laws that aren’t paid for. What made ObamaCare differen’t?

Again, can you name something that Congress can’t pass that won’t be constitutional as long as they add a tax to pay for it

How about the Congress passes a law that says you have to give your house to a homeless person and you must pay the transfer fee/tax to do it? Would that be constitutional?

Since the ACA was Constitutionally viable via the mandate, the next part was regulating interstate commerce and eliminating what insurance companies do best - refusing to pay.

By what intellectual principle do you call America a “free country” and correlate it to a federal law that mandates that “The People” must buy a product?” Is that neo-liberalism or authoritarianism?
And by that preposterous ”rational” beginning, the corrupt Roberts proceeded to imagine and construct an ”irrational” opinion that just because Congress has the power to tax, Congress can virtually construct any statute they want in the name of “The Power To Tax” rendering the rest of the entire Constitution void and trumped by one simple enumerated power, a “TAX.” So all Congress has to do according to the corrupt Roberts is to add a tax to every and any statute to make it constitutional, when in fact even Obama denied ObamaCare was a tax. How much more corrupt and fucked up could that be?

Again, if your argument is your brainwashing by a corrupt Roberts and you can’t think for yourself and see what a corrupt preposterous underhanded load of garbage Roberts has shoved down your throat, it’s really sad, genius.

Again genius, “necessary” indicates actions that the States and or the people can’t do for themselves. ”Proper” indicates constitutionally enumerated powers and amendments to the Constitution.

You hate Roberts?
Bush picked Roberts.
Wait till you see who Hillary will pick.
Poor Lil' Bobo