You support a man who sleeps with porn stars

WRONG, but you dont care. You just say whatever you chose to try to create a reality that eases your anxiety.


Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.
In the year 2024, my party would never nominate someone for prez who banged porn stars, screwed Playboy models, and paid bribes to them

Your party literally adores, worshipps, and idolizes a guy who did that, in spite of having numerous opportunities to jettison him and nominate a conservative with better character.
it's really his anti-globalist policies that are the big sell....

just in case you were wondering how to do better.

Stormy Daniels Says Trump Lasted 'Maybe' Two Minutes In Bed: 'I'm Being Generous'​

Trump be nimble, Trump be quick, Trump ejaculated all over those tits?!! Two minutes, damn!

Adult film star Stormy Daniels has taken a dig at president Donald Trump's sexual performance—suggesting the businessman "maybe" lasted two minutes in bed.

Speaking in an interview with Vogue that was published on Tuesday, Daniels was asked for details about her alleged sexual encounter with Trump.

"How many details can you really give about two minutes?" Daniels responded. Pressed further by interviewer Amy Chozick, who responded "Two minutes?" Daniels quipped, "Maybe. I'm being generous."

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, claims she had an extramarital affair with Trump in 2006, several months after the birth of his youngest son Barron, whom he shares with wife Melania Trump.

The alleged interaction led to the star being paid $130,000 in hush money by Trump's then-lawyer Michael Cohen, who last week admitted he made payments to Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal in order to keep them quiet on alleged affairs—claiming he was directed to do so by Trump.

Speaking in further detail about her alleged interaction with Trump, which he has denied, Daniels said the businessman, who was then enjoying success with his show The Apprentice, asked her questions about the adult film industry.

"Businessmen like to talk about business," Daniels told Vogue. "The questions were good."

She then described the moment she came out of the bathroom in the hotel room the pair were in: "He was in his underwear and his shirt and he was like, 'Heeey…' It was just normal-people sex."

Daniels has previously spoken about the night she allegedly had sex with Trump, commenting that the "best thing" about the evening was watching Trump watch a shark documentary and observing that "he is obsessed with sharks," reportedly commenting: "I hope all the sharks die."

Despite claiming to have had an extramarital affair with Trump, Daniels recently said that she believed the first lady may be happy in her relationship, suggesting Melania Trump has every right not to speak out about her marriage.

"People should stop speaking for her," Daniels told U.K. tabloid The Daily Mirror. "Maybe she's happy. Everything we say about her is a projection. Some people misplace sorrow and pity on another person. The entire world would be interested to know what she feels, but if we never know, that is her right and I support it," she added.

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  • Borrowers repaying their loans for 20 to 25 years can apply for income-driven repayment (IDR) loan forgiveness.
  • Borrowers who have been making at least 10 years of payments and originally took out $12,000 or less for college can receive forgiveness.
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  • Borrowers are eligible for forgiveness after making 240 or 300 monthly payments, depending on the type of loans and repayment plan.
  • Current students are also eligible for federal loan forgiveness if their parents meet income criteria.
3. Food prices are rising due to a combination of factors that affect both the supply and demand of food. Some of these factors are the COVID-19 pandemic, changes in consumer behavior, supply chain disruptions, fuel shortages, labor shortages, weather, disease outbreaks, war, and natural disasters. Food price rises are a global phenomenon that impacts many countries and regions.

Energy prices are rising due to supply and demand on the global wholesale market. Factors such as a long winter, a windless summer, a worldwide squeeze on energy supplies, and the reopening of economies after the Covid-19 pandemic have increased the demand and reduced the supply of gas and electricity. This has led to higher costs for providers, which are now being passed on to the consumers.

AND OF COURSE THE HEFTY HAND OF WALL ST. SPECULATION! Also, neither Biden or ANY administration controls how a PRIVATE INDUSTRY regulates it's prices (something you right wing wonks are pretty adamant about).

"Weakness on the world stage".....sorry toodles, but being secure against attack and being a top imperialist/colonialist power are two different things.

You don't like the VP .... that's your perogative as an American citizen. How that translates into "total chaos" is something you'll have to explain further.

As to the college protestors: Hmm, is that such a crisis as compared to the yahoos that stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6th? Local cops initially stated on record that any violent actions were done by "outside agitators" and "agent provocateurs". Now that Universities are calling out the local cops to act like it's Kent State in 1968, you're okay ... God forbid anyone criticize Yahoo and his corrupt party committing war crimes. I hope you keep the same mentality when the next Alt-right/Confederate flag waving/neo-nazi/sovereign citizen gathering carries on and gets the bum's rush from the cops. Fair is fair.

And stop LYING about supporting Israel's atrocity on the Palestinian people. Get educated on the latest approved arms shipment.

As I've systematically deconstructed your tired ass MAGA talking points here, you can spare us all anymore drivel.

The only "total chaos" here is in the MAGA GOP scrambling to maintain a believable position as reality sets in. Pity the MAGA peanut gallery is too slow to catch on.

RB60 = Really Boring 60 year old.
That's one hell of a bullshit story. Fuck those college kids, let them learn to pay their bills.
Then, you move the goalposts to Jan 6, which is irrelevant to what I posted.
You "deconstructed" nothing. Not one damn thing.
In short, you're a babbling fool and you hate this country.
I'll be voting for Trump (if he's the nominee). You child, can kiss my white American ass.
For your education:

The Afghan gov't told The Shrub (G.W. Bush) that they knew where Bin Ladin was holed up, and they would deliver him on the condition that he be tried in the Hague (International Court). The Shrub rebuffed the offer, sent in the troops.

16 years later, Trump negotiates a withdrawal time line with the Afghan gov't.

4 years later, Biden honors the agreement ... and is subsequently lambasted by the right wing media, punditry and politicos for "causing" a disaster.

Question: WTF did you think was going to happen regardless of when the withdrawal took place?
You seem to have issues staying focused on what I posted. Read. Get informed. Grow up. Then, shut up!