You support a man who sleeps with porn stars

What the elites who constantly sneer at us and lie to us and abuse us as they burn America to the ground fail to comprehend (being abusive morons is their a universe where stupid hurts) is that Trump is better than what we usually get.
The real elites ignore you. That is much worse than being sneered at. They build up America, but not your America. You are not an entity in their universe.

So you sneer at them. You use your one remaining power, political power, to use the government to try to destroy their America.
Relating the spanking of Trump's bare bottie with a rolled-up sex mag. was essential to the prosecution case.
Whatever dirt the Israeli scum have on him is now irrelevant.

Haw, haw....................................haw.
NO! They a human petri dishes and that is the reason Trump did not do it either. Stormy Daniels has had hundreds of partners without even a condom.
It appears that she really wanted trump to wear a condom. I have to wonder about trump's thinking.
As Robin Williams once quipped- ' There is not enough blood in the human body to supply an erection and a brain at the same time '

Stormy Daniels Says Trump Lasted 'Maybe' Two Minutes In Bed: 'I'm Being Generous'​

Trump be nimble, Trump be quick, Trump ejaculated all over those tits?!! Two minutes, damn!

Adult film star Stormy Daniels has taken a dig at president Donald Trump's sexual performance—suggesting the businessman "maybe" lasted two minutes in bed.

Speaking in an interview with Vogue that was published on Tuesday, Daniels was asked for details about her alleged sexual encounter with Trump.

"How many details can you really give about two minutes?" Daniels responded. Pressed further by interviewer Amy Chozick, who responded "Two minutes?" Daniels quipped, "Maybe. I'm being generous."

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, claims she had an extramarital affair with Trump in 2006, several months after the birth of his youngest son Barron, whom he shares with wife Melania Trump.

The alleged interaction led to the star being paid $130,000 in hush money by Trump's then-lawyer Michael Cohen, who last week admitted he made payments to Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal in order to keep them quiet on alleged affairs—claiming he was directed to do so by Trump.

Speaking in further detail about her alleged interaction with Trump, which he has denied, Daniels said the businessman, who was then enjoying success with his show The Apprentice, asked her questions about the adult film industry.

"Businessmen like to talk about business," Daniels told Vogue. "The questions were good."

She then described the moment she came out of the bathroom in the hotel room the pair were in: "He was in his underwear and his shirt and he was like, 'Heeey…' It was just normal-people sex."

Daniels has previously spoken about the night she allegedly had sex with Trump, commenting that the "best thing" about the evening was watching Trump watch a shark documentary and observing that "he is obsessed with sharks," reportedly commenting: "I hope all the sharks die."

Despite claiming to have had an extramarital affair with Trump, Daniels recently said that she believed the first lady may be happy in her relationship, suggesting Melania Trump has every right not to speak out about her marriage.

"People should stop speaking for her," Daniels told U.K. tabloid The Daily Mirror. "Maybe she's happy. Everything we say about her is a projection. Some people misplace sorrow and pity on another person. The entire world would be interested to know what she feels, but if we never know, that is her right and I support it," she added.

Stormy is a liar. She is also a grifter. Stormy herself in a letter from her lawyer stated that Trump and her never had sex.

Was she lying then too?
:rolleyes: Your proud ignorance is at times astounding! I'll try and give you an summarized education point for point:

1. The withdrawal was negotiated by your Cheeto Jeezus due to the FACT that we were there for over 16 years with no clear signs of "winning" (whatever the hell that meant). Afghanistan is a sovereign nation who for better or worse had a gov't before and after 9-11. Being an occupying foreign army in a COUNTRY THAT DID NOT ATTACK US eventually doesn't set well with the locals. To his credit, Cheeto Jeezus saw the situation as a costly (money and lives) situation that couldn't be sustained or supported by the UN of which both countries are a member of. And as recent history shows, Bin Ladin had long ago left the country (allegedly nailed under the Obama admn. in Pakistan).

2. The Taliban to date has NOT initiated any terrorist aggression towards the US borders or military abroad. Their repressive actions in Afghanistan have been closely monitored over the years for any moves outside the borders.

3. Since ISIS, Al Qaeda and the Taliban are all ideologically opposed to each other (a matter of fact & history), it is unlikely for the two to set up shop in Afghanistan. If you have any information to the contrary, please post it as I would genuinely be interested.

That is the biggest pile of bullshit ever presented in defense of the grifting, senile, corrupt, incompetent Joe Biden ever.

Don your hip waders folks, when Tai erupts, it gets very deep. :laugh:
:rolleyes: Your proud ignorance is at times astounding! I'll try and give you an summarized education point for point:

1. The withdrawal was negotiated by your Cheeto Jeezus due to the FACT that we were there for over 16 years with no clear signs of "winning" (whatever the hell that meant). Afghanistan is a sovereign nation who for better or worse had a gov't before and after 9-11. Being an occupying foreign army in a COUNTRY THAT DID NOT ATTACK US eventually doesn't set well with the locals. To his credit, Cheeto Jeezus saw the situation as a costly (money and lives) situation that couldn't be sustained or supported by the UN of which both countries are a member of. And as recent history shows, Bin Ladin had long ago left the country (allegedly nailed under the Obama admn. in Pakistan).

2. The Taliban to date has NOT initiated any terrorist aggression towards the US borders or military abroad. Their repressive actions in Afghanistan have been closely monitored over the years for any moves outside the borders.

3. Since ISIS, Al Qaeda and the Taliban are all ideologically opposed to each other (a matter of fact & history), it is unlikely for the two to set up shop in Afghanistan. If you have any information to the contrary, please post it as I would genuinely be interested.
Why are you bringing up one of Biden's acts of treason?
Do you think this is really a good idea for you?

The Details of Stormy Daniels' Story About Sex With Trump Are Legally Irrelevant​

Under the prosecution's theory, Trump would be guilty of falsifying business records even if Daniels made the whole thing up.​

Funny thing about that; no crime was ever specified.
You are describing yourself again. You can't blame YOUR problem on anybody else, Moonbat.
I'm certain that everybody- except you- is bored rigid with your repetitious incompetence. Why don't you simply stfu and go study some paleoclimatology, numbnuts.