Your opinion on Sean Hannity


I dare you to stop us GL
Sure he says things like "Anyone who questions our government is an enemy of the country" and sticks up for Rush Limbaugh and says he's a good man. Sure he talks about how global warming is a liberal scam and brings up that underground terrorist all the time that Obama knew when he was a kid. Does that really make him a douche?
On Sean Hannity...He is marginally human.

Our Sean is much smarter, but I am not sure our Sean has better looking legs or not.
C'mon Damo! If you listen to the ultra-lame Bill O'Reilly on a regular basis, I know your tuning into the Hannity and Glenn Beck shows. :clink:
C'mon Damo! If you listen to the ultra-lame Bill O'Reilly on a regular basis, I know your tuning into the Hannity and Glenn Beck shows. :clink:
I don't think Hannity airs here, and Glenn Beck airs while I work. My office is a radio hole, nothing gets in or out of there...
I don't think Hannity airs here, and Glenn Beck airs while I work. My office is a radio hole, nothing gets in or out of there...

I actually listened to hannity's radio show a couple times, when I was a trapped passenger in a car. Man, that was vomit-inducing.
Many years ago I used to ride to lunch with another guy who listened to rush everyday. I started eating peanut butter sandwitches in the office to keep from having to listen to rush.
Many years ago I used to ride to lunch with another guy who listened to rush everyday. I started eating peanut butter sandwitches in the office to keep from having to listen to rush.

Same here. I used to ride with these dudes who were Rush and Bush fanatics. Armchair warriors all. They used to pour over maps of iraq in 2003, plotting and gossiping about military strategy, and they would high five each other with the news of each convoy of teenage iraqi conscripts that our air force shredded.

It was sickening really, watching those armchair generals salivate over war.
I like Sean Hannity..He does more for the troops, than all the progressive radio host put together..

Hannity is a great American.:clink:
I actually listened to hannity's radio show a couple times, when I was a trapped passenger in a car. Man, that was vomit-inducing.
I've always found him incredibly boring. And that crater-face he has on his TV show too...
I like your avatar

You can hardly tell you're missing any chromosomes at all....photoshop the pic?