Wow Tom... and here I thought this was going to be a tribute for my brilliant pwnage of pinheads in your global warming thread.
Although I must say, I often do feel like the guy in the spiral when debating here. Thank god I am a 'shape-shifter!'
Dixie wins every debate. Just ask him.
The last time I lost a debate, was when I teamed up with Grind and Lady Tianabrute, to challenge SR on his idea for our forum to be moderated by a committee of his personal henchmen, as opposed to an open forum, where we could all say what we pleased. We lost in our attempts to convince him in debate, and began a conspiracy to undermine his process. The result of our loss, was essentially the birth of this forum. So yeah... sometimes I do lose.
Someone is revising history. Grind and I single-handedly fucked over SR and's the replay of events:
- Grind and I revealed that SR could read private messages
- SR denied this fact, and then banned Grind and I
- SR got pissed and posted private messages on the forum
- Everyone got raging pissed at SR and left the site
I'm not 'revising' history, just condensed it. You are referring to the final chapter of the saga. The Mass Exodus. I had already gone (a day or so) by then, I think. It really all began... well, really when SR created FullofCrapPolitics, he was always such a fucking control freak and dictator, and wanted to micro-manage everything. We all wanted to be left alone and allowed to post freely and uncensored, and he wanted a more moderated dialogue, but he wanted the dialogue to meet with his approval, so he came up with this idea to appoint a 'committee' who would essentially be powerless, but would 'report' to him, and he would take appropriate disciplinary actions. The 'committee' had to be comprised with a certain number of lefties and righties, and there would be 'democratic' votes, but basically we were all going to have to bow and kiss the SR ring.
When this was all in the 'debate' phase, myself, Grind and Lady T, were vocally objectionable to the whole 'committee' idea, and argued that it would be a complete disaster (which it was). After it had been decided by SR to forge on with his idea, the three of us conspired to throw the election of the new committee, by backing a 'Manchurian candidate' who would vote against the committee and prevent anything from being done, as they required unanimous consent. As I recall, the fact that our candidate would likely win a seat and muck up his plan, was the excuse he gave for being justified in revealing the PM. It was his only evidence of a conspiracy, because we had made sure to keep conversations private, and many of them were on yahoo messenger, away from the forum entirely.
I think that was more or less successful. I was elected to the council, and pushed for a couple sensible reforms. They were all shot down. Nobody else proposed anything. It was pointless.
I actually did like the Security Council from a symbolic point of view. I think it would be fun to have something like that on JPP.
according to onceler, tom is scared of dixie
I'm not 'revising' history, just condensed it. You are referring to the final chapter of the saga. The Mass Exodus. I had already gone (a day or so) by then, I think. It really all began... well, really when SR created FullofCrapPolitics, he was always such a fucking control freak and dictator, and wanted to micro-manage everything. We all wanted to be left alone and allowed to post freely and uncensored, and he wanted a more moderated dialogue, but he wanted the dialogue to meet with his approval, so he came up with this idea to appoint a 'committee' who would essentially be powerless, but would 'report' to him, and he would take appropriate disciplinary actions. The 'committee' had to be comprised with a certain number of lefties and righties, and there would be 'democratic' votes, but basically we were all going to have to bow and kiss the SR ring.
When this was all in the 'debate' phase, myself, Grind and Lady T, were vocally objectionable to the whole 'committee' idea, and argued that it would be a complete disaster (which it was). After it had been decided by SR to forge on with his idea, the three of us conspired to throw the election of the new committee, by backing a 'Manchurian candidate' who would vote against the committee and prevent anything from being done, as they required unanimous consent. As I recall, the fact that our candidate would likely win a seat and muck up his plan, was the excuse he gave for being justified in revealing the PM. It was his only evidence of a conspiracy, because we had made sure to keep conversations private, and many of them were on yahoo messenger, away from the forum entirely.
Brent, the U2U Scandal was the last in a long line of events. It basically started with the BBCode Fiasco (of which Dixie played the primary role, but it also involved myself and Dano - and it affected posters such as Stirfry), leading to the New Years Site Shutdown, and ushered in the FPSC Fiasco. People were already starting to emigrate away from the site in waves by the time U2U broke. That said, you and Grind did officially finish off the site.
Fixed that for you.according to onceler, Yurt is scared of Darla
It was the royal we!
Aww..*blushes* I don't win EVERY debate...
The last time I lost a debate, was when I teamed up with Grind and Lady Tianabrute, to challenge SR on his idea for our forum to be moderated by a committee of his personal henchmen, as opposed to an open forum, where we could all say what we pleased. We lost in our attempts to convince him in debate, and began a conspiracy to undermine his process. The result of our loss, was essentially the birth of this forum. So yeah... sometimes I do lose.
Holy crap. And you guys have the nerve to criticize the AOLers!