Black Conservatives and the Zimmerman Case

Believe me, you don't want to fuck with me.

Is that like an invitation to an intellectual duel of swords Mr. Boris? :0)

Are you sure Mr. Boris?

Here's your chance to demonstrate your fierce intellectual prowess and utter domination over the serf class.

All you've got to do is be smarter than the black guy. What could be easier?

Oh course, you may feel a bit intimidated by my first post in this thread which easily demonstrated that the OP was written with ideology, and without any shred of intelligence.

You may have also noticed how I went above and beyond just refuting the knucklehead story .. that YOU thought was important enough to post .. :0) .. but I went just too damn far and made fun of the thought of 'what a great time it is to be a black conservative' .. when in fact, they're in hiding. :0)

But of course .. you wouldn't know that.

So I helped you .. I taught your dumb ass something you didn't know.

So .. homeboy (eb) :0) .. if you choose to draw swords and give the pilgrims a show .. be my guest. :0)
Black Conservatives Are Cock Sucking Uncle Toms

More racism from the left.

Only African-Americans who toe the liberal line are tolerated, the rest are subjected to vile racist abuse.

Here is my salute to conservatives .. black conservatives in particular


That's what I think of their stupid ass article .. where they virtually beg for recognition with repeated "there's never been a better time to be a black conservative," :0)

Oh Really?

What did Romney end up with in percentage of black votes in 2012?

At one point it was projected to be ZERO PERCENT. :0)

Do all so-called 'black conservatives' agree with the morons of this article? .. NO?

The Black Conservative: Black Conservatives for Trayvon Martin

We are pro second amendment, pro national security, pro-life, pro educational choice, pro free enterprise, and pro justice for Trayvon Martin. There are groups of prominent black conservatives who have taken public stances in defense of George Zimmerman. They do not speak for us. We will be accused of heresy because we don't kiss the rings of the pundit popes of conservatism.

We will be called “pseudo-conservatives” because we vehemently reject the idea that an unarmed adolescent boy was justifiably killed because of social media pictures, skittles, and a hoodie. While we understand we will be excoriated by our ideological "brethren", we stand firm, and hope that our legal system will charge Zimmerman. Contrary to popular belief, black conservatism is not monolithic.


Truth is, black conservatives have their heads down and don't want to be noticed among the only community they would have any real impact .. the black community.

Real easy to talk that bullshit of the article among white audiences .. but show up at a black college with that and see what you get. :0)

Never been a better time to be Allen West, huh?

:0) Sure


Wow, yeah there's no racism there or anything. All this talk of Republicans are racist and how come more blacks don't vote Republican and then the minute one does Democrats and liberals all are over them like this. Like white liberals have the best interest of black people at heart anymore than white conservatives do. What a joke.
Wow, yeah there's no racism there or anything. All this talk of Republicans are racist and how come more blacks don't vote Republican and then the minute one does Democrats and liberals all are over them like this. Like white liberals have the best interest of black people at heart anymore than white conservatives do. What a joke.

Yes, they do.

Case in point .. Trayvon Martin.

Which side did white conservatives fall on .. and which side did while liberals fall on?

Case closed.

Conservatives should never, ever again even think about asking why blacks won't vote for them.
Wow, yeah there's no racism there or anything. All this talk of Republicans are racist and how come more blacks don't vote Republican and then the minute one does Democrats and liberals all are over them like this. Like white liberals have the best interest of black people at heart anymore than white conservatives do. What a joke.

You will never have a united country whilst the Democrats are considered to be the party of blacks and the Republicans whites.
Yes, they do.

Case in point .. Trayvon Martin.

Which side did white conservatives fall on .. and which side did while liberals fall on?

Case closed.

Conservatives should never, ever again even think about asking why blacks won't vote for them.

How about the side that says that you are innocent until proven guilty? It seems to me that many had made up their minds well before the court case.
Once again, these leftist losers think that to be a "real" black in America, you have to be a Liberal Democrat as well. Doesn't fly with me at all.
Word to the wise, Rune may act like an old woman at times but he is a man. He is Cape Cod's answer to Captain Birdseye.


Tom I love your new photo. Did you teach the parrot to speak yet, or are you the only parrot?

Your fake beard is a bit much though, and you look a little younger than I imagined though you are not really bad looking for such a misogynist prick.
How about the side that says that you are innocent until proven guilty? It seems to me that many had made up their minds well before the court case.

Obviously you think black people are confined to just your opinion. We aren't.

Something the right has never understood.
Obviously you think black people are confined to just your opinion. We aren't.

Something the right has never understood.

Innocent until proven guilty is not an opinion, it is an right. That transcends all religious and racial boundaries. Zimmerman may be guilty as hell but the evidence presented in a court of law was totally inadequate for a conviction, even notwithstanding Evince's famous ear witness.
Innocent until proven guilty is not an opinion, it is an right. That transcends all religious and racial boundaries. Zimmerman may be guilty as hell but the evidence presented in a court of law was totally inadequate for a conviction, even notwithstanding Evince's famous ear witness.

I really love how when Blackasshole wants to talk racial he goes all "angry nigga" throwing around motherfucker as if it is supposed to be intimidating.

He is a little puss