Black Conservatives and the Zimmerman Case

BAC, don't mind her. She works for a juvenile correctional facility, making little more than minimum wage. Stupid as fuck, and stuck in imagined "white privilege'. Totally "classless". I read that bitch the riot act over a year ago.

Poet, my main man!
You need to be exposed for the crab mentality that you have and for the fact that you're a race baiter.

I guess you really are no longer worth viewing

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[h=2]This message is hidden because USFREEDOM911 is on your ignore list.[/h]One more piece of trash taken out.
Calling someone a "Race baiter" and "playing the race card" are the "go to" tactics in the playbook of white racists, because it
suggests that they
would know better, what constitutes racism, than someone subjected to it, on a daily basis. They, in fact, haven't a clue.
It's "projection", plain and simple.
Calling someone a "Race baiter" and "playing the race card" are the "go to" tactics in the playbook of white racists, because it suggests that they would know better, what constitutes racism, than someone subjected to it, on a daily basis. They, in fact, haven't a clue. It's "projection", plain and simple.

Calling someone a "Racist" and "playing the race card" are the "go to" tactics in the playbook of liberals, because it presupposes that liberals would know better what constitutes racism than someone subjected to it, on a daily basis. They, in fact, haven't a clue. It's "projection", plain and simple.
Calling someone a "Racist" and "playing the race card" are the "go to" tactics in the playbook of liberals, because it presupposes that liberals would know better what constitutes racism than someone subjected to it, on a daily basis. They, in fact, haven't a clue. It's "projection", plain and simple.

It's okay if you don't have an "original thought". But don't go around "stealing" and appropriating others' posts, as if they were your own. I know you're so pathetic that you can't find material to support your positions or viewpoints, so I'm not surprised, in the least. And you're not a patrician, by any stretch. FYI, liberals aren't racist, by definition.
It's okay if you don't have an "original thought". But don't go around "stealing" and appropriating others' posts, as if they were your own. I know you're so pathetic that you can't find material to support your positions or viewpoints, so I'm not surprised, in the least. And you're not a patrician, by any stretch. FYI, liberals aren't racist, by definition.

LOL, who elected you and Black Ass Hole to the office of Race Pimp and his Ho?
LOL, who elected you and Black Ass Hole to the office of Race Pimp and his Ho?

There you go, again, talking about your mother and your downlow daddy. Liberals are not the problem. Obviously. And I don't know how you could go from "Patriot" to Patrician, when you are neither.
There you go, again, talking about your mother and your downlow daddy. Liberals are not the problem. Obviously.

LOL, I thought you quit the board according to some who were laughing about you.

Agree with liberal - not racist
Disagree with liberal - racist

Have I got your stance about right?
LOL, I thought you quit the board according to some who were laughing about you.

Agree with liberal - not racist
Disagree with liberal - racist

Have I got your stance about right?

Agreement or disagreement has nothing to do with proclivities or whether one is a racist or not. One either "is", or "is not". I don't want to get too deep for you, knowing that your I.Q. is below the national mean.
Agreement or disagreement has nothing to do with proclivities or whether one is a racist or not. One either "is", or "is not". I don't want to get too deep for you, knowing that your I.Q. is below the national mean.

LOL, it's obvious that your comedic value was hardly exaggerated.

I nailed you, didn't I?

Now, step lively and call me a racist.
LOL, it's obvious that your comedic value was hardly exaggerated.

I nailed you, didn't I?

Now, step lively and call me a racist.

Comedic value? Your humor quotient is amazingly "low", to think that I possess any comedic value.
Nailed? Bitch, please. You can't nail "pussy".
Step lively? Stupid bitch....we don't have to "step" anywhere or anyhow....Lincoln done freed the slaves. And why would I need to call you something, everyone already knows?
Comedic value? Your humor quotient is amazingly "low", to think that I possess any comedic value.
Nailed? Bitch, please. You can't nail "pussy". Step lively? Stupid bitch....we don't have to "step" anywhere or anyhow....Lincoln done freed the slaves. And why would I need to call you something, everyone already knows?

You do exactly what I want you to do. Better put some ice on that, race pimp.

So says the racist motherfucker.

I've told you before; I'm not really sure if I fucked your mother or not.
Is she freaky or frigid?
Does she moan or just lay there?
Does she like a "back door man" or would she rather be flat on her back?

You really need to give more information, before I can truly say that I fucked your mother or not.