Black Conservatives and the Zimmerman Case

LOL, that you were fired from, 26 years ago.

Right. After a power play by Antonio Gotto, for control of Baylor College of Medicine, he pushed the head of pulmonary medicine out, and there was a free for all and a freefall, with no one having job security. I lasted for another 2 years. And then my time came. Are you still at your Jack-N-the-Box job?
Right. After a power play by Antonio Gotto, for control of Baylor College of Medicine, he pushed the head of pulmonary medicine out, and there was a free for all and a freefall, with no one having job security. I lasted for another 2 years. And then my time came. Are you still at your Jack-N-the-Box job?

But you claimed your firing was racist, didn't you?
But you claimed your firing was racist, didn't you?
Of course it was. I was the only black tech. And Respiratory Therapy, jealous of the pulmonary section for years and the lab techs close association with the doctors, took over our dept., and began working on people to get them to leave. I refused, so I was fired, and won my case. Anything else?
Of course it was. I was the only black tech. And Respiratory Therapy, jealous of the pulmonary section for years and the lab techs close association with the doctors, took over our dept., and began working on people to get them to leave. I refused, so I was fired, and won my case. Anything else?

If you were the only Black tech and other people were fired who weren't Black, how was your firing racist?
If you were the only Black tech and other people were fired who weren't Black, how was your firing racist?

I was the only black tech. You can't fire me, and it not be racist, you dumb fuck. Other people were not fired. They quit, took early retirement, or cross-trained for other positions.
I was the only black tech. You can't fire me, and it not be racist, you dumb fuck. Other people were not fired. They quit, took early retirement, or cross-trained for other positions.

So any time a Black person is fired, it's racism?

Did you win, or did you take a settlement?
Because I'm black and you're not. You don't know any black people. You only know what you've heard on the news. Trayvon Martin was murdered and George Zimmerman got
away, partially. Because for the rest of his natural life, he'll be haunted and scared for his life. A fitting end to a low down dirty coward. You have no Chutzpah. You're a ho.

I don't know about Suzie, but you're an idiot and a racist...and Zimmerman is alive and well because he had a gun and the balls to use it....
Of course it was. I was the only black tech. And Respiratory Therapy, jealous of the pulmonary section for years and the lab techs close association with the doctors, took over our dept., and began working on people to get them to leave. I refused, so I was fired, and won my case. Anything else?

Thats what we commonly refer to as playing the race card...."if its the truth, it ain't racist".....
Calling someone a "Racist" and "playing the race card" are the "go to" tactics in the playbook of liberals, because it presupposes that liberals would know better what constitutes racism than someone subjected to it, on a daily basis. They, in fact, haven't a clue. It's "projection", plain and simple.
The only difference between Liberals and us is that they wrote the book on racism.

Most blackkk people are more racist than the biggest Jack Daniels swillin', confederate flag bearin' redneck racist from the backwoods of Mississippi.

The Saint Skittles debacle pulled back the veil on that well hidden secret.

Nope there was a recent study done and republicans are far more racist than black people