Funny thing, in an asshole poll, it turns out a lot of people win on JPP. If I made this list a top ten we would be getting nearly more than half the participants. So I cut it down a bit. Lucky number 8 anyone?
coming in at number 8 is a group of the boards most controversial posters. Unlike our top vote getters, this group of people are hated by enough people to make the list, but still have plenty of their own fans to not be very high up. The board is split on these fine folks and thus they can be considered quite polarizing in their own way.
With 7 votes apiece:
Darla, Howey, patriot, taft, THE DUDE round out the bottom of our top 8
Now we are really getting into the meat of it, almost double digits baby. These few members are clearly hated by a decent % of this board and are very asshole-y in nature. It's a 3 way tie with 9 votes each:
Congrats Evince the hypocritical fact hating sociopath, PMP (honorary debate co-champion), and truth deflector. You made the top eight!
Ok I am not going to write a paragraph on everyone. This guy I barely know, but I guess a lot of people hate him anyway. He's our first double digiter with 10 votes:
Phili Rabbit!
cool beans.
cool beans.
How do you guys know these people? I barely ever see them. This guy might as well be a great russian bear, he's that much of an asshole. He's our 5th place finisher with 11 votes.
Boris the animal

Our number 4 finisher needs no introduction. Is he really a conservative? Is he just an asshole? Is he a troll? You tell me.
Congrats Big Money, you get 4th place with 12 votes
HOLY POTATOES WE ARE IN THE FINAL 3 ALREADY. It's time for the big numbers ya'll. No more child's play.
This guy is such an asshole, people still had him on their minds even though he's been gone nearly 3 months. He's banned from this board more often than he is on it. The first person to ever get banned for 4 months consecutively without being perma'd, and perhaps one of the only ones that could have made a real run at the number 1 slot, give it up for:
Damnyankee, 15 votes
What is there to be said about our #2? Number 2 is a very appropriate title for him, because like the turd coming out of ones asshole, it's nothing but bullshit that comes out of this guys mind and onto all of your screens! Honestly, I think DY is worse than him. But w/e. You can currently find him pretty much always sipping piña coladas in the war zone chilling in his hammock. I recommend his howey 30 day thread, in which he reminds everyone how long our #8 finisher has before he is allowed back. Updated almost daily!
usfreedumb is our #2 asshole champion! wooooooooooooo. 16 glorious votes.
Our number 1 finisher. hmm. Out of 33 total votes cast, this guy got 20 of them. My calculator app tells me that is a cool 60% of all participants that put him on their list. We all knew this mofo had this shit locked up before I even opened the thread. No surprise, no upset, this guy is the early 00's patriots, the 80's celtics, the fucking yankees + michael jordon and tiger woods of assholedom. Hated by everyone, ignored by no one, your number 1 asshole is:
I love America