Top 8 (yes... 8) Board assholes, OFFICIAL RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes the voting machines were unsecure.

the proof is they had to do things to secure them.

the fact adverse right just keep pretending they are winning

You should direct your passion elsewhere. In politics it is glaringly obvious that you are being led around by your nose. Maybe take up art, or guitar. But the last thing this country needs is another blind lemming following its party off the cliff.
It was your asshole idea.

We know you're whining because you only finished second; we get it. I guess you're just going to have to live with it. I know if you try harder next time you'll do better. But I think overall you're just too damn childish to be the asshole you want to be!
Congrats to all you assholes!

We know you're whining because you only finished second; we get it. I guess you're just going to have to live with it. I know if you try harder next time you'll do better. But I think overall you're just too damn childish to be the asshole you want to be!

dear fucking insane, nutless, sociopathic, gutless, turd bonnet of a barely qualifying as a human being evil fuck.

do you even think about what you post before you post it?

You do realise that you are really patronising and condescending, don't you.

That'a OK, pencil dick, you'll always have me around to ensure that not everyone here is condescending and patronizing to you! That should make you feel a little bit better to know that I will still be here to kick you around for all your creepy transgressions!