A lot of baby killers got off scoot free,
Desh, did you or did you not spit in the face of a Black Vietnam veteran...?
Can you prove they weren't ?
You morons come back a decade of more years later re-writing history.....and I don't blame you. The shameful and disgusting treatment of the
Vietnam vets by the liberal left wing nuts was as despicable as it gets.....
AND, I don't give a fuck what you say today or what snopes says or anyone else....it happened. I remember news reports of it.
but even then the media was left leaning and the coverage of that disgusting practice was over as fast as it appeared....
Ah I'm younger and was smart enough to go to college.Draft dodgers like you and Bill Clinton didn't have to worry about it.
Ah I'm younger and was smart enough to go to college.
I only ever spit in the face ( a good one to) of one person.
That person was black.
he was about 6'3" and about 300lbs and spit in my face first.
so I looked right at him and hocked one right in his fucking face.
Never saw that drug dealer in my neighborhood again.
You shits wet your pants at a picture of two skinny black guy standing around in front of a nearly all black voting district Becuase they feared idiots like you would try and stop them from voting.
Those poor skinny black guys didn't know how you do your real cheating.
Where at? When did he claim it? Do you have any documented proof?
Sorry, but I don't find hearsay from an anonymous poster without any details of the event very compelling. There is no valid proof that it ever happened. The rights wing culture warriors dreamed it up in the 80s and claimed it was common.
So you say. From your posted comments; it's more likely you had one of your "episodes" and just spit in the guys face, for no reason.
Here is some real history for you on a similar myth and urban legend.