Let's go Brandon!
And since we disagree politically, you refuse to carry on an adult conversation? I was curious about the bubble wrap. You already have R 70...more or your attic. I wanted to know if you were getting your claimed savings due to heat reflection up, or down? I don't see a heat shield decreasing your heat loss, given your 24" of fiberglass already.
You also mentioned an attic fan. Said fans are meant to keep a house cool...not warm.
All evidence points toward an attempt to save on cooling, not heating. Given that you made no mention of an A.C unit, I simply asked where you spent the bulk of your electricity.
You don't have to be an asshole in every thread.
Apparently I'm the only adult in our conversation.
As stated in the OP, The bubble wrap "reflects heat from above in the summer and from below in the winter". According to the chart, it did exactly that.
A roof-mounted attic fan is deigned to draw heat and humidity out of the attic, allowing the insulation to work more efficiently in all seasons, albeit most effective during the summer.
A heat pump is a reverse cycle unit that supplies heat in the winter and cooling in the summer.