Althea told me...
Truthfully, you didn't offer any data. You showed a comparison between your usage...and some 'average' home.. If you don't agree that the only true reflection of your actual savings comes via a comparison of your electric bills for the same periods from last year, then you aren't qualified to use the term 'retarded'....unless you're being introspective.Based on your analysis of the data, I honestly think that you have to be retarded to come up with these conclusions.
I take you at your word when you said that you had '2 ft.' of insulation in your attic. If that's true, the foil clad bubble wrap won't hurt, but it's probably not worthwhile if you hadn't gotten a break on the price.I was skeptical of the reflective shield myself, and you're right, it doesn't increase the R value. Of course that was never claimed. But then I realized that a similar material is used in spacecraft. I then noticed that architects in my area are specifying as a type of building wrap under siding, as well as in the configuration that I used it.
I suggest that you wait for at least ten year's worth of extremely precise data before making a decision to do this in your own home. You can never be too careful or analytical.
Re. your mention of other applications, I can see the merit. If you have a 2x4 framed house, and have no other options for bolstering your R factor, it's probably a lot better than the thin foam they use before installing siding.
Likewise, if you have R 19 in your attic, this product might be more cost effective than doubling/tripling the fiberglass.
I just don't see this product as being a contributing factor to your overall energy savings, given your R 76 in the attic already.
Yes..I will keep an eye on the product, and see if the application is anything I can use in the future.