And again you're making my points for me.
1. MSNBC didn't say the focus should be on WGWG, but that it shouldn't be ignored in favor of profiling other groups.
2. The stats weren't saying that only 254 white guys were killed in 15 years, it was about the number killed in extremist attacks by white men v. those killed by Muslims. Blacks had nothing to do with this yet for some reason you saw fit to bring it up.
"Since 9/11, fatalities from attacks by right-wing extremists — a group of almost exclusively white men — has accounted for 254 fatalities. Meanwhile, Islam-inspired attacks accounted for 50 fatalities over the same period."
3. No matter how many attacks are attributable to Christians, their religion is rarely mentioned as opposed to Muslim attacks. Why? Why not say Arab attacks or African attacks or Indonesian attacks? How about attacks by gender?
4. White gangs have been responsible for thousands of deaths over the years. Google the stats.
You're trying to make excuses for why white guys aren't given the same level of scrutiny as Muslims and blacks and it's pretty easy to see through.
1.So the comparison is made...and it looks like I'm right
2.White extremists compared to Muslim you cherry pick a date to start, omitting 9/11, to get a figure you're comfortable with?
3. That is because the Christian religion is rarely relevant to the attacks, their reasons usually involve the gov. or simple insanity as opposed to the Islamic terrorists that almost
universally cite their religion as a motivating factor and their religions tenets and writings to justify their murder of enemy, innocents and infidels....Gender ?....Islamic terrorists
use men, women, and even children in the attacks....Christians are almost always male perps.
4. your statistics on white gangs I'm not familiar with unless you're referring to the organized crime wave of the 30's .....if not, cite it for me.
Thousands of deaths over the years ?....Black gangs are responsible for thousands of deaths every year recently and I've only been talking about 1 city....I don't know what the
figure would be countrywide....scrutinize all you want....the facts won't change, only your spin.
Incidentally, its hardly fair to only count Muslims attacks inside the US...we are protected by 2 oceans and friendly nations North and South.....its obvious that if they find an easy way
to enter the US the carnage would akin to what its like in places they can travel to with ease....they have brought down planes, taken over ships, and set bombs off all over the
world in their effort to kill more Americans.....thats reality, not bigotry