fully immersed in faith..
I can guarantee that after tomorrow we will no longer have to predict the election......
You should admit reality, it will help you tomorrow night. Just admit that Trump is very unlikely to win.
For the record i think the polls will be proven wrong one way or another. We are seeing a lot of first time voters and voters who have only voted once in the past 3 elections. ARe they latinos or trumps monster vote? Tommorow will tell.
It also looks like hillary will end up +1.4% in florida whereas obama was +3% coming into election day so at least there its not breaking her way.
fyi we need a stickied thread with all of our collated 270towin maps.
Trump has no shot. Hillary will win 40 states. It is over. You guys rocked it with her as a nominee. She is the most trusted and loved in US history.
There will be a surprise or two, I am sure.
like trump getting elected?
dooo eeet.
That is progress, but sarcasm is only the start of admitting reality... now try it again without the sarcasm.
HAHAHAHA, I am really loving this!
Try what? I am loving this too.
Hopefully populism survives.
Trump is a lousy vessel, but overthrowing the elitists establishment politicians remains the goal.
I did make a bet. You didn't accept. Fuck off
Why bet? You guys nailed it. Trump has no shot. Hillary will win Texas, Georgia and will get 28% of republican voters like the thread you started. What more can I say. America loves Hillary. She is the most trusted politician in American history. She is better than Obama. You guys nailed it with her as a nominee
Try to get your head around reality. Trump might win, but its unlikely and not understanding that is not good for your mind.
That was merely projection on Gayrod's part. If Trump wins, either his head or bowels will explode.What do you think is going to happen to my mind?
What do you think is going to happen to my mind?
That was merely projection on Gayrod's part. If Trump wins, either his head or bowels will explode.
Dear GayRod
Can you explain this? You see I look at this report from CNN and say "hmmmm if Trump performs as well as Romney on Election Day then maybe he takes North Carolina". Now I posted a great article that warns us about reading too much into early voting. But what do you make of this? Black vote down. Millennial vote down. This has been reported on before yet you seem reticent to discuss it. All anyone from your side seems to want to talk about is the rising spic vote. But hey maybe I am just not as grounded in reality as you are since I don't have a blog or anything.
I am basing my opinion on polls, state and national. I always expected black vote to be down because Clinton is simply not Obama and not the first black president. I think Trump gets NC, I don't think he gets Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada or New Hampshire and without at least one of those I am almost certain he cant win. How that Correlates to black and Hispanic votes, I don't know.
some part of me wants trump to win so the ffin media has to deal with a hostile president for the next 8 years. The one they boost always wins. Hopefully it will encourage newere alternative media to pop up.