Simply prove it. If its true its documented. You can research the propaganda and find there is no historical truth involved, in the meantime I shall be awaiting your proof concerning the proclamation that "...all men are created equal." is false because Slavery existed. You will not because YOU CANNOT. All you spout is lies and indoctrinated false accusations. Why? Because you are ignorant as hell.But I am attempting to teach you just a little truth.
Just like me? mean just like Robert KKK Byrd who was a leader of the KKK and just recently passed away while still holding office in the Demwit party in 2010. Yep that's over 100 years ago...right...err...left comrade liar?
Pretty easy, stupid fuck. At the writing of the Declaration, if all men were equal, those slaves would not have been property, would they?
Go back to bed, old man. You're out of your league.