Cracks me true a pic could wonder he talks like he does...his head is in the sand...

First off Genius the 7.62 round is use is 7.62 X 54. It comes out of the end of a Mosin Nagant so that would make it a Warsaw Pact round.
I was circa M1 abrahams. However the M60 A1 and A2 had a coax gun that was 7.62 by 51 (NATO) which was the M73 and later the M219 ( ) The M60 A3 MBT had a coax gun designed by FN which was also 7.62 x 51 which was the standard issue NATO round. Now here is where you lose me. But you were in the army and you didn't know that the coax gun on a tank shot the same rounds as an M-60. Wasn't the M60 a door gun on a Huey? I can't recall but you can tell us. But seeing as you were 6 months in country and you went through basic training and I KNOW that they trained you on that even all the way back then you would have known that it was also a 7.62 x 51 (NATO) shit attorney..and it was also the round of the M60 A-1 tank front machine gun...the 50 cal was reserved for the TC...are you sure you really served in the Army?![]()
I don't expect I will see you back anytime soon
Actually he is talking about my picture in my profile and not my avitar. He would tell you that himself but he not coming back to this post because I have completely schooled his ass on the Ammunition topic. I would not have even done it but the fucker always has to prove how much more he knows about shit than everyone how gay is grampa battleborn worrying about the lawyer daddy's pic.
My call is the kid is front billing and if he takes super care of him he's super. Now shut up grampa and get your walker.
wow how gay is grampa battleborn worrying about the lawyer daddy's pic.
My call is the kid is front billing and if he takes super care of him he's super. Now shut up grampa and get your walker.
Actually he is talking about my picture in my profile and not my avitar. He would tell you that himself but he not coming back to this post because I have completely schooled his ass on the Ammunition topic. I would not have even done it but the fucker always has to prove how much more he knows about shit than everyone else.
ReRead what I posted you fucking blind ass moron. the NATO round always was a 7.62 x 51 round. You tried to call me out by telling me that the round in the Mosin was the same as the NATO round you stupid stuborn fuck. Read all the posts. And then you stupid son of bitch look at this page 9 ) which shows that the turret cupola TC gun was ALWAYS a .50 cal. Then sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up cause you don't know shit about this subject. NOT SHIT!reread what you posted above...I was a TC on the M60 well as a Huey down the road...and yes I only served six months in was already explained previously many made my point without me having to explain again...the 7.62 was in fact a Nato round in the oldies days...get a grip counselor you are really embarrassing yourself...again!... and the Huey used both 7.62 and .223 M-16 for door gunners..depending on the LZ! Maybe even the 50 cal and rockets if available...this was a experimental war...numbnuts...who was not there! before ya google again...ask USC he was there also...I doubt he would dismiss what I said...unless he really was not there...I give him the benefit of the doubt...cause' I belive him to be real...unlike you counselor!
ReRead what I posted you fucking blind ass moron. the NATO round always was a 7.62 x 51 round. You tried to call me out by telling me that the round in the Mosin was the same as the NATO round you stupid stuborn fuck. Read all the posts. And then you stupid son of bitch look at this page 9 ) which shows that the turret cupola TC gun was ALWAYS a .50 cal. Then sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up cause you don't know shit about this subject. NOT SHIT!
ReRead what I posted you fucking blind ass moron. the NATO round always was a 7.62 x 51 round. You tried to call me out by telling me that the round in the Mosin was the same as the NATO round you stupid stuborn fuck. Read all the posts. And then you stupid son of bitch look at this page 9 ) which shows that the turret cupola TC gun was ALWAYS a .50 cal. Then sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up cause you don't know shit about this subject. NOT SHIT!