Socos profile picture........

First off Genius the 7.62 round is use is 7.62 X 54. It comes out of the end of a Mosin Nagant so that would make it a Warsaw Pact round.
You were the one automatically saying it was a nato round. I corrected you by telling you in this quote is was x54. Not a NATO round genius but then you went on trying to show what big fucking know it all you are and you weren't and anyone that has nothing else in their life to do can look at the posts on nato vs warsaw pact 7.62 rounds and see they were not the same in any way shape or form. I am done with you on this. You showed your ass and then tried to pretend something else. I have proved that and so now fuck off. Fucking Loony. The post this week classifying you as the loony was right on target.

You were the one automatically saying it was a nato round. I corrected you by telling you in this quote is was x54. Not a NATO round genius but then you went on trying to show what big fucking know it all you are and you weren't and anyone that has nothing else in their life to do can look at the posts on nato vs warsaw pact 7.62 rounds and see they were not the same in any way shape or form. I am done with you on this. You showed your ass and then tried to pretend something else. I have proved that and so now fuck off. Fucking Loony. The post this week classifying you as the loony was right on target.

You are the 'Looney' this post just proves are also under the influence...give the burbon a rest before you attempt to clarify what is was you said..end of story! Like the kids in this forum love to say you are owned once again! Bye bye drunk guy!
You are the 'Looney' this post just proves are also under the influence...give the burbon a rest before you attempt to clarify what is was you said..end of story! Like the kids in this forum love to say you are owned once again! Bye bye drunk guy!
What the fuck every Looney Toons

soco has been replying to my last post for over fifteen minutes now...must be having trouble with seeing the key board...or he is having too many...:shots:

to really give a shit...:cof1:
I was using a pea shooter which shot .40 geiger pellets out of a nylon lined West Elm Elementary goo goo straw, back in the day. And if you don't know which day, you're obviously fucked in the head idiots.

I was using a pea shooter which shot .40 geiger pellets out of a nylon lined West Elm Elementary goo goo straw, back in the day. And if you don't know which day, you're obviously fucked in the head idiots.

Thanks I was about to go to sleep waiting for soco to sober up enough to make a response I could understand!:clink:
A pissing contest between two gun nuts. How do you guys deal with all the women that must constantly be swarming about?
Beats me elbeefy..............

A pissing contest between two gun nuts. How do you guys deal with all the women that must constantly be swarming about?

I am down there with you ...lots of love but no takers...and aren't you the RP apologist adhere to the 2nd amendment and all...whats your problemo anyhoo?...Ya lost your BB gun in the rain forrest...or are you also drunk?

And the pissing contest is between a former LE officer and a wannabee criminal defense attorney who is stuck as a Divorce should be sympathetic to me being that your ex may have slept with the diviorce litigator for a fee reduction and all..:cof1:
I am down there with you ...lots of love but no takers...and aren't you the RP apologist adhere to the 2nd amendment and all...whats your problemo anyhoo?...Ya lost your BB gun in the rain forrest...or are you also drunk?

And the pissing contest is between a former LE officer and a wannabee criminal defense attorney who is stuck as a Divorce should be sympathetic to me being that your ex may have slept with the diviorce litigator for a fee reduction and all..:cof1:

I'm all for gun rights. I just think its weird being obsessed with them, just like I'm all for communication rights, but people who obsess about video games all day are weirdos.

But what do I know? I'm just a fat guy on an Island. :D
Yes you are a weirdo.............

I'm all for gun rights. I just think its weird being obsessed with them, just like I'm all for communication rights, but people who obsess about video games all day are weirdos.

But what do I know? I'm just a fat guy on an Island. :D

Obsess with video games,beer,poker and boobs...but hey let me chastize soco for his lack of knowledge on weapons used during Nam et al..I know what I am talking about...not obsessed in the least...just putting a drunk in his proper place...soco made a ass outta himself without my help...albeit I did steer him in the right direction.....wanna be next elbeefy?:cof1:
Obsess with video games,beer,poker and boobs...but hey let me chastize soco for his lack of knowledge on weapons used during Nam et al..I know what I am talking about...not obsessed in the least...just putting a drunk in his proper place...soco made a ass outta himself without my help...albeit I did steer him in the right direction.....wanna be next elbeefy?:cof1:

Beer and tits, yes, video games, I haven't played one since probably the 1980's.

And I make an ass out of myself on here daily, without so much as a nudge. I don't need no help fool!:cof1:
Point Taken...........

Beer and tits, yes, video games, I haven't played one since probably the 1980's.

And I make an ass out of myself on here daily, without so much as a nudge. I don't need no help fool!:cof1:

I digress to beer and 'Tits'...albeit darla will attack me for this comment but heaven forbid she will attack you........