Where does the Republican party go after Trump?


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The Republicans are not really a conservative party anymore. I used to think that the Republicans were a loosely held together alliance of conflicting ideologies (social conservatism, fiscal conservatism, neoconservatism, libertarianism), but Trump has proven that the entire thing was kind of a sham. Trump isn't a conservative, has zero family values and has openly mocked religion, and has plans to loot the treasury (e.g. tax breaks for the rich, everyone else gets an empty sack) and blow a hole in the debt the size of Texas.

On second thought, Americans are stupid and will be blaming the next president for not cleaning up Trump's mess fast enough, then will elect someone worse Trump. Rinse and repeat.
The Republicans are not really a conservative party anymore. I used to think that the Republicans were a loosely held together alliance of conflicting ideologies (social conservatism, fiscal conservatism, neoconservatism, libertarianism), but Trump has proven that the entire thing was kind of a sham. Trump isn't a conservative, has zero family values and has openly mocked religion, and has plans to loot the treasury (e.g. tax breaks for the rich, everyone else gets an empty sack) and blow a hole in the debt the size of Texas.

On second thought, Americans are stupid and will be blaming the next president for not cleaning up Trump's mess fast enough, then will elect someone worse Trump. Rinse and repeat.

The main three heroes of the Republican Party over the last seventeen years has been George Dumbya, Sarah Palin, and The Orange Clown.

I mean, how much lower is it really possible to go after the unholy trinity of Dumbya, Drumpf, and Palin?? Is that the bottom of the barrel, or not?

I don't know, I mean former klansman David Duke? Or former used-car salesman Darrel Issa?? I really don't know how much lower they can go from the Clown Show they have been cheerleading for almost two decades.
The main three heroes of the Republican Party over the last seventeen years has been George Dumbya, Sarah Palin, and The Orange Clown.

I mean, how much lower is it really possible to go after the unholy trinity of Dumbya, Drumpf, and Palin?? Is that the bottom of the barrel, or not?

I don't know, I mean former klansman David Duke? Or former used-car salesman Darrel Issa?? I really don't know how much lower they can go from the Clown Show they have been cheerleading for almost two decades.

There's still Ted, the pants shitter, Nugent...
They could still run him...
The Republicans are not really a conservative party anymore. I used to think that the Republicans were a loosely held together alliance of conflicting ideologies (social conservatism, fiscal conservatism, neoconservatism, libertarianism), but Trump has proven that the entire thing was kind of a sham. Trump isn't a conservative, has zero family values and has openly mocked religion, and has plans to loot the treasury (e.g. tax breaks for the rich, everyone else gets an empty sack) and blow a hole in the debt the size of Texas.

On second thought, Americans are stupid and will be blaming the next president for not cleaning up Trump's mess fast enough, then will elect someone worse Trump. Rinse and repeat.

If you people manage to impeach Trump and destroy his administration, the republican party will never win another national election in anyone's current lifetime.
The Republicans are not really a conservative party anymore. I used to think that the Republicans were a loosely held together alliance of conflicting ideologies (social conservatism, fiscal conservatism, neoconservatism, libertarianism), but Trump has proven that the entire thing was kind of a sham. Trump isn't a conservative, has zero family values and has openly mocked religion, and has plans to loot the treasury (e.g. tax breaks for the rich, everyone else gets an empty sack) and blow a hole in the debt the size of Texas.

On second thought, Americans are stupid and will be blaming the next president for not cleaning up Trump's mess fast enough, then will elect someone worse Trump. Rinse and repeat.

the American people didn't elect trump

the republican party has cheated in elections for decades now

this time they had to get the Russians to help them cheat
The Republicans are not really a conservative party anymore. I used to think that the Republicans were a loosely held together alliance of conflicting ideologies (social conservatism, fiscal conservatism, neoconservatism, libertarianism), but Trump has proven that the entire thing was kind of a sham. Trump isn't a conservative, has zero family values and has openly mocked religion, and has plans to loot the treasury (e.g. tax breaks for the rich, everyone else gets an empty sack) and blow a hole in the debt the size of Texas.

On second thought, Americans are stupid and will be blaming the next president for not cleaning up Trump's mess fast enough, then will elect someone worse Trump. Rinse and repeat.

How is Trump NOT Conservative? Give us some examples. I would love to see them. So far, rescinding Obamacare....conservative......lower taxes.....conservative......support allies like Saudi Arabia......conservative.....

I think a better question from LibTards is where the Party of the Jackass is heading. With the help of Obama they have managed to lose the House, then lose the Senate and now the White House along with only holding five State Houses in the Republic.

But in Liberal loony land, this is winning and Republicans are on the decline. :rofl2:
The main three heroes of the Republican Party over the last seventeen years has been George Dumbya, Sarah Palin, and The Orange Clown.

I mean, how much lower is it really possible to go after the unholy trinity of Dumbya, Drumpf, and Palin?? Is that the bottom of the barrel, or not?

I don't know, I mean former klansman David Duke? Or former used-car salesman Darrel Issa?? I really don't know how much lower they can go from the Clown Show they have been cheerleading for almost two decades.

^Another leftist moron who still thinks the Party of the Jackass is winning. Priceless. :rofl2:
If you people manage to impeach Trump and destroy his administration, the republican party will never win another national election in anyone's current lifetime.

You cannot impeach a President on hearsay and innuendo; no matter how many times the idiots in the Party of the Jackass say so. ;)
The main three heroes of the Republican Party over the last seventeen years has been George Dumbya, Sarah Palin, and The Orange Clown.

I mean, how much lower is it really possible to go after the unholy trinity of Dumbya, Drumpf, and Palin?? Is that the bottom of the barrel, or not?

I don't know, I mean former klansman David Duke? Or former used-car salesman Darrel Issa?? I really don't know how much lower they can go from the Clown Show they have been cheerleading for almost two decades.
You fuckers have been sleazing at the bottom ever since you officially morphed into the democrat party. ;)