The stupid, racist, MF is on TV calling people animals.
When is the majority of this country going to stop this man and his madness?
The stupid, racist, MF is on TV calling people animals.
When is the majority of this country going to stop this man and his madness?
The MAJORITY just got rid of a racist madman.
Glorifying thugs and terrorists is over forever.
No Minty, the majority voted for Clinton.
President Obama's 2 terms were over, he couldn't run again so, you all didn't "get rid of him'.
The only people who glorify thugs and terrorist, are you and your kind. It's all your dear leader talked about on TV today.
Not the majority in right places. She lost the Electoral college and won LA county.
I hate thugs and terrorists and want them in jail or dead. Not put on a pedestal and lionized like Obama did with them.
Apparently you are happy to put your own brand of thugs and terrorists, not to mention liars, on a pedestal and lionize them.
Sounds like you think patriotic Americans are thugs and terrorists. No wonder you're an Owebama fan.
Sounds like you're highly confused about what defines "patriotic Americans". You seem to think that all it takes to be patriotic, is to be a bunch of obnoxious loud mouth assholes who talk the talk about patriotism but in reality, are fascist Nazi pigs at heart. No wonder you're a Trumptard fan.
The stupid, racist, MF is on TV calling people animals.
When is the majority of this country going to stop this man and his madness?
Not confused at all. Hating America while coddling thuglets and terrorists like retarded babies is not patriotism, it is traitorous.
I'm so glad your police-hating, terrorist lover is out of the White house.
The butthurt snowflakes 'rioted' for a week because they lost the election. Fucking idiots. lol
The lies gush out of your mouth like shit from a broken sewer line.
While you butthurt snowflakes hoarded up guns and ammo after you lost in '08 and '12. Fucking idiots. lol
You know it's true and you can't defend that piece of dogshit to save your life.![]()
He doesn't need defending.
Certainly not to the likes of you.
He just wipes shit like you off the bottom of his shoe.
Will you rise up sambo? Or just whine on a message board?
I think it will be option B
And yet:
You lose again.