And he disarmed them, too. That's why we have a Constitution, to protect from government tyranny. You've even said yourself, that disarming us will never happen here.
Trump is a fan of Hitler.. He keeps a book of his speeches on his night table.
And he disarmed them, too. That's why we have a Constitution, to protect from government tyranny. You've even said yourself, that disarming us will never happen here.
Trump is a fan of Hitler.. He keeps a book of his speeches on his night table.
And he disarmed them, too. That's why we have a Constitution, to protect from government tyranny. You've even said yourself, that disarming us will never happen here.
Trump is a fan of Hitler.. He keeps a book of his speeches on his night table.
Adolf Hitler came to power legally. Donald Trump also came to power legally.
Hitler…oops, I mean Trump…will almost certainly prevail. He’ll manage to obtain an enabling act of some sort…and become dictator.
Wow...even you do not usually stretch that far.
I guess you had something to say there. I wish you had said it.
Even lamer.
Your posts are bordering on pathetic.
Pull yourself together. No need to allow me to get to you to this degree.![]()
The last thing in the world I want is for you to stop.
I'm enjoying bitch slapping you.
You've earned it!![]()
"Your" hoping???
the People will win
which means the entire right will be brought back into reality and shamed for being so gullible to evil
cheating is not winning and we are going to end your election cheating
I see that you're still in the denial stage, Francis.![]()
I apologize for upsetting you so much, Francis; because I can see how it bothers you so much.
I see your problem now, Francis.
Your parental units taught you that when your laughed at, it means you're bitch slapping them.
That was cruel of them.![]()
AWWWWWWW, yes; the first sign that the opposition has nothing else, Francis, is when then turn into a spelling Nazi.![]()
If he had any, they'd be Jewish. As his grandmother was. Of course, Judaism is considered a blood disease, rather than a religion to the trump klan.Wait, did Hitler have Jew grandchildren too?
You've gone completely off the deep end Frank, seek professional help.
I think every POTUS gets that claim. Plenty said Obama was going to do the same thing.I remember on the old Bill Maher board some deranged lib claimed Bush Jr. was going to take over all three branches of government and install himself president for life.
I'm thinking frank might be that guy.