OMG: Look what The Dumb Shit President Tweeted Today?

Depends on if he runs again (which I suspect he won't) and who his opponent is. Who knows, 2020 might be the year a billionaire runs as an independent in a self-financed campaign, dropping turds in both parties' respective punchbowl. I do think attributing Trump's win to just "uneducated, easily pliable, angry white guys" is faulty. Back when I had a FB, almost all my FB friends have or are in the process of getting college degrees and Trump had a lot of support from them. HRC did run a horrible campaign, but that alone isn't why she lost so profoundly in EC delegates. The DNC continues to try to wall themselves off into a bunch of urban enclaves. That does not bode well for them in a lot of down-ticket races.

Either way, both parties suck donkey testicles.



the republicans cheated their motherfucking asses off even using Russian help to Cheat the fuck out the This nations people

stop blaming the victim of theft for what the criminals did

Hilary kicked their asses

They ran a lousy campaign and took much for granted. Conversely, Trump relied on undereducated, easily pliable, angry white guys. They bought what the snake oil salesman was selling.

The question is, how many are still buying the shit that he's selling? I still see a few of those cretinous dupes on this forum.

Hilary kicked their asses

I hear he was fired for being a showboat and a grandstander, and the FBI being in turmoil........if you have something more specific tell me where in the 13 minute interview he said he fired him because of the Russian investigation........thanks in advance....

you mean he fired him for getting more press than trumpy?

he fired him for the reason he said in national TV

"this russer thing"



the republicans cheated their motherfucking asses off even using Russian help to Cheat the fuck out the This nations people

stop blaming the victim of theft for what the criminals did

Hilary kicked their asses


Hillary cheated Bernie. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

....and if Hillary won, she would be off playing golf for a week on AF1. Since she isn't, she didn't.
[h=1]Trump is losing it....Now denies he fired Comey because of the Russia Investigation. ....[/h]Perhaps Lester Holt needs to replay the TAPED interview where Donald Trump does indeed say he fired James Comey over the Russia investigation.
Trump did not fire Comey because of Russia. He did before, but now it is different. He no longer did and if you say he said that before, you are a liar and cannot understand the complex Trumpy.
Trump did not fire Comey because of Russia. He did before, but now it is different. He no longer did and if you say he said that before, you are a liar and cannot understand the complex Trumpy.

Trump is really crazy and getting worse.
Trump did not fire Comey because of Russia. He did before, but now it is different. He no longer did and if you say he said that before, you are a liar and cannot understand the complex Trumpy.

Trump said he can Fuck the Mother's of his Supporters in the middle of 5th avenue, and not lose their support ... or something like that. :laugh:
You have to understand PMP and Trumpers thinking, they don’t think Trump lies, they don’t think Trump making a statement like this

[FONT="]And in fact when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, 'You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story, it's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won,'" Trump said.

They don’t think this means Comey was fired to stop the Russian investigation, they need him to literally say, “I fired Comey to stop the Russian investigation”, even then they would try to twist it, to make Trump innocent, and pure as they believe him to be. PMP and Yrump supporters on this forum are like Jordan, they refuse to believe Trump lies. [/FONT]

Have to learn righty. Trump said he fired Comey because of Russia. that was an absolute, inarguable fact. Now he says he did not. That is now, the absolute inarguable fact. The truth is whatever Trump says today. The rightys will back him no matter what he says. They sold their souls to Trump.
Depends on if he runs again (which I suspect he won't) and who his opponent is. Who knows, 2020 might be the year a billionaire runs as an independent in a self-financed campaign, dropping turds in both parties' respective punchbowl. I do think attributing Trump's win to just "uneducated, easily pliable, angry white guys" is faulty. Back when I had a FB, almost all my FB friends have or are in the process of getting college degrees and Trump had a lot of support from them. HRC did run a horrible campaign, but that alone isn't why she lost so profoundly in EC delegates. The DNC continues to try to wall themselves off into a bunch of urban enclaves. That does not bode well for them in a lot of down-ticket races.

Either way, both parties suck donkey testicles.

Can't disagree with most of that. Your FB friends were gullible. Probably very young, so that is not to be held against them. Do they still support Trump?
Can't disagree with most of that. Your FB friends were gullible. Probably very young, so that is not to be held against them. Do they still support Trump?

I guess some of them do. Not sure since I quit FB last year because I was sick of the crazy extremism by both camps. It isn't about gullibility. A lot of people were really pissed about obamacare. Just because someone got coverage through it didn't mean that they liked it, or more importantly, the amount of money they were having to pay out. The more independent/moderates in my circle definitely went to the right over that one as their premiums just kept skyrocketing 25-30% a year. Anytime the new rates came out, there were definitely torches and pitchforks running around looking for a witch. They didn't see Hillary's "fix it" as being anything more than "Hillary is going to make it even more expensive".
[h=1]Avenatti: "Fully expect the following: sheer panic, personal attacks, tirades, and distraction."[/h]Michael Avenatti

Verified account


Warning: As the walls close and reality sets in that the most damaging witnesses, secrets and evidence are no longer protected, fully expect the following: sheer panic, personal attacks, tirades, and distraction. But none of it will change the outcome in the end... #basta

8:16 AM - 18 Apr 2018

You claim someone else has a mental illness with very little evidence.

There is plenty of evidence on this forum that he is a lunatic. STFU you whiny little piss-ant.

The evidence that Trump has a mental illness is at least somewhat substantial, not validated or confirmed, but there enough the make a judgement.

That is a lie you whiny little piss-ant. Link us up with something credible to support this lunacy. You're just as big of a moron as the other lying whiny leftist piss-ant.