That's OK Francis, you go right on believing that.

Here’s how I view you.


Now show everyone how your OCD won't let you stop replying. :D[/QUOTE]

My name is not Francis...I do not do "believing."

You are my pet, US. Here is how I think of you:

That's OK Francis, you go right on believing that.

Here’s how I view you.


Now show everyone how your OCD won't let you stop replying. :D[/QUOTE]

My name is not Francis...I do not do "believing."

You are my pet, US. Here is how I think of you:

The rightys said the same thing about Obama. They talked about him suspending the 2016 election. I don't believe he did that.

Aloysious is all wet on that. I have never claimed any such thing about George W. Bush. I have no idea of what the "old Bill Maher board" even is.
That's OK Francis, you go right on believing that.

Here’s how I view you.


Now show everyone how your OCD won't let you stop replying. :D[/QUOTE]

My name is not Francis...I do not do "believing."

You are my pet, US. Here is how I think of you:

That's OK Francis, you go right on believing that.

Here’s how I view you.


Now show everyone how your OCD won't let you stop replying. :D[/QUOTE]

My name is not Francis...I do not do "believing."

You are my pet, US. Here is how I think of you:

That's OK Francis, you go right on believing that.

Here’s how I view you.


Now show everyone how your OCD won't let you stop replying. :D[/QUOTE]

My name is not Francis...I do not do "believing."

You are my pet, US. Here is how I think of you:

That's OK Francis, you go right on believing that.

Here’s how I view you.


Now show everyone how your OCD won't let you stop replying. :D[/QUOTE]

My name is not Francis...I do not do "believing."

You are my pet, US. Here is how I think of you:

Here is my guess about the reality of our political situation. I HOPE I AM WRONG. I fervently hope I am wrong.

We’ve lost…they’ve won!

Those of us who oppose and are horrified that Donald Trump is our president...those of us who actively oppose him…HAVE LOST.

The people who helped Donald Trump to win the presidency; the people continuing to support him; and the people NOT actively opposing him…


Adolf Hitler came to power legally. Donald Trump also came to power legally.

It now appears as though the fools who support him have sealed the fate of our nation. My guess is that anyone (including Donald Trump) on trial for crimes committed in support of his candidacy or in support of his administration…will NEVER be found guilty. There will always be at least one rabid individual on each jury like one of these people here who refuses to see the problem…probably several. After several hung juries…the prosecutors will give up even trying.

Hitler…oops, I mean Trump…will almost certainly prevail. He’ll manage to obtain an enabling act of some sort…and become dictator.

I imagine for the rabble fawning before him…it will be a glorious time.



Unfortunately, the reckoning will come. It always does. That will not be so glorious.



When it comes to Trump vs Hillary, we would have lost either way. It's just that with Trump, we lost less. As for Hitler, he was virtually a human GOD! If you don't think so, you are not fit to even speak his name. It is blasphemy! Unfortunately, the righteous don't always win.
And he disarmed them, too. That's why we have a Constitution, to protect from government tyranny. You've even said yourself, that disarming us will never happen here.

Doesn't need to, technology has made that mute, but rest secure in the knowledge that you might have been more protected in the 1700-1800s. The entire population is under constant corporate state surveillance. Your constitution never got in the way of genocide or slavery, or anything else the substantial people decided was in their best interests.

That's why your police depts have been militarized.
That's OK Francis, you go right on believing that.

Here’s how I view you.


Now show everyone how your OCD won't let you stop replying. :D[/QUOTE]

My name is not Francis...I do not do "believing."

You are my pet, US. Here is how I think of you:

When it comes to Trump vs Hillary, we would have lost either way. It's just that with Trump, we lost less. As for Hitler, he was virtually a human GOD! If you don't think so, you are not fit to even speak his name. It is blasphemy! Unfortunately, the righteous don't always win.

That's OK Francis, you go right on believing that.

Here’s how I view you.


Now show everyone how your OCD won't let you stop replying. :D[/QUOTE]

My name is not Francis...I do not do "believing."

You are my pet, US. Here is how I think of you:
