The 'rat Party formed the KKK, had LBJ and and Robert Byrd.
And Nixon and Reagan and Bush and Trump? Don't have enough debt? They keep trying to give it to you. And wars. just love their wars.
The 'rat Party formed the KKK, had LBJ and and Robert Byrd.
And Nixon and Reagan and Bush and Trump? Don't have enough debt? They keep trying to give it to you. And wars. just love their wars.
One can only hope.You chirrin' keep messin' the economy and creating international problems, so we adults have to pay the bills and clean up the mess...
The good news is that The Obama fucked things up so badly, that Democrats may have lost power for at least a generation.
Does that mean you will kill them then. Lots of threats being thrown around her. Just wondering.
You chirrin' keep messin' the economy and creating international problems, so we adults have to pay the bills and clean up the mess...
The good news is that The Obama fucked things up so badly, that Democrats may have lost power for at least a generation.
Beautiful this goofball says that him saying he would kill me is not a threat to kill me but then says. "tough guy" is a threat to kill him.
It's time to learn you place as a minority in America
too funny you cracka christstains are now 40 percent of the population and dying off fast and that is trumps base
You mean those subhumans ripping children from their parents named Clinton and Obama? Sorry dickhead the procedures have been practiced for decades. So take your lying faux outrage and shove it!
1. I will outlive you.
2. Jews are marrying shiksas at an alarming rate (to Jews), and if you look at Debbie Wasserman-Shults, you will see why.
3. I take comfort in knowing that I am better looking than you.
sez the dying demographic sub species
The real question remains....besides being a vile bigoted whiner, what "species" is he?Your kind will ALWAYS remain a sub species.
The real question remains....besides being a vile bigoted whiner, what "species" is he?
Some separation did go on during the administration of previous presidents...but not on the scale that it has gone on during this disgusting administration...and not with the glee and bravado this abomination has been showing.
One good thing, though, you actually do see this to be a disgusting thing...and are trying to rationalize it.
Don't bother. This has to do with a disgusting president proudly ripping kids away from their parents in order to score points with his sicko base!
Oh so it's ok if Democrat administrations separate families on a smaller scale but it's not ok for a Republican administration to rigidly enforce the same laws?
Who is trying to rationalize????????
Yes...that is correct. You've got it right. Some separating is unavoidable...but making it national policy is something only a scumbag American right winger can be okay with.
I'm surprised you were able to see it. I was thinking you were one of those scumbag, piece-of-shit American right wingers who are trying to turn our country into a sewer.
The scumbag, piece-of-shit American right wingers are.
Aren't you happy you are not part of that scumbag, piece-of-shit American right wing?
Give it your best shot.
I am waiting.
If you, or anyone, would attempt take what is mine, alter my lifestyle or take my freedom in any way, shape or form, you will be met with a bullet.
You see Frank, this is why it is ineffectual to have a serious political discussion with you.. You cannot reply without insults and hatred.
Oh so it's ok if Democrat administrations separate families on a smaller scale but it's not ok for a Republican administration to rigidly enforce the same laws?
Who is trying to rationalize????????