Now Do You Understand the Importance of Voting?

Hello evince,

Trump will be a dictator with our top law as his buttboys

That's not going to happen. Trump is restricted by the Constitution.

President Trump is a yuge new reason to appreciate the beauty of the US Constitution.

Trump will serve his term or terms and be gone. And he might not even make it through his entire first term. We will just have to wait until we see what Mueller's Special Investigation turns up.

Sadly, even after Trump is gone, he won't shut up. It is an unwritten rule that ex-Presidents stay out of the day to day stuff. I expect him not to be bound by such things. We are going to have to endure his tweets until he dies.
They voted for trump because they don't want to pay taxes. The healthcare issue falls squarely at the feet of Republicans, so maybe your friends 'don't understand' as much as you think they do?

If they did then they were fooling themselves. We will always pay taxes and as we can see from the Donor Relief Act (the just passed tax bill) only the very rich get any kind of significant tax cut and many upper middle class folks get tax INCREASES
Hello evince,

That's not going to happen. Trump is restricted by the Constitution.

President Trump is a yuge new reason to appreciate the beauty of the US Constitution.

Trump will serve his term or terms and be gone. And he might not even make it through his entire first term. We will just have to wait until we see what Mueller's Special Investigation turns up.

Sadly, even after Trump is gone, he won't shut up. It is an unwritten rule that ex-Presidents stay out of the day to day stuff. I expect him not to be bound by such things. We are going to have to endure his tweets until he dies.

Trump is only restricted by the Constitution insofar as the Congress will hold him accountable. As we can see...this GOP COngress is NOT holding him accountable for anything. Our only hope at reining him in is a Democratic Party controlled Congress.
If they did then they were fooling themselves. We will always pay taxes and as we can see from the Donor Relief Act (the just passed tax bill) only the very rich get any kind of significant tax cut and many upper middle class folks get tax INCREASES
Let's not forget those who voted for trump because he was going to give them 'much better health insurance at a fraction of the cost'
Hello Controlled Opposition,

I voted for Jill Stein because I read the Green Party platform and agreed with most of it.

I am bemused when people try to tell me that voting my conscience is wrong.

If anyone wants to tell me I am responsible for Trump, I will laugh audibly. People told me the same thing when in 2012, my refusal to vote for President Obama was significant they were flat out wrong. My write-in vote didn't matter at all.

You did exactly what you are free to do; and should be commended for expressing your vision for the nation in the most patriotic way possible - by voting. It is your choice who you vote for.

You are not 'too blame' for anything.

I have done exactly the same thing. I did not trust Al Gore so I vote my conscience and that meant a vote for Ralph Nader and the Green Party. I stood up for what I believed in.

I have since decided that if I could have a take-over, I would have voted for Gore. I became more aware; and have since realized that since I am in a swing State, my vote carries more power. The damage done to the middle class by W for two terms gave me plenty of time to think about what I did.

Voting my conscience this time would have meant a vote for Jill Stein.

I was determined not to repeat my previous mistake, so in 2016 I held my nose and voted to prevent Trump.

The 2016 election was a particularly disgusting choice to make, so I have become a proponent of IRV, Instant Runoff Voting. (also called ranked choice voting)

That is a system where instead of picking just one choice, you prioritize the ballot. Put a (1) by your first choice, 'your conscience vote,' a (2) by who you would like to get it if your first doesn't, a (3) by whomever you would like to see get it if the others don't, and on and on, as many choices as you care to make.

When the ballots are tallied, the first choice of each ballot is used for the first count. All but two candidates are eliminated.

The next tally uses the second choice for any ballots whose first choice has been eliminated. That way there will never be a split vote spoiler.

"IRV has the effect of avoiding split votes when multiple candidates earn support from like-minded voters. As a simple example, suppose there are two candidates with similar views, A and B, and a third with different views, C; with first-preference totals of 35% for candidate A, 25% for B and 40% for C. In a plurality voting election, candidate C may win with 40% of the votes, even though 60% of electors prefer both A and B over C. Alternatively, voters are pressured to choose the seemingly stronger candidate of either A or B, despite personal preference for the other, in order to help ensure the defeat of C. With IRV, the electors backing B as their first choice can rank A second, which means candidate A will win by 60% to 40% over C despite the split vote in first choices."

Instant Runoff Voting
Hello Lesh,

Trump is only restricted by the Constitution insofar as the Congress will hold him accountable. As we can see...this GOP COngress is NOT holding him accountable for anything. Our only hope at reining him in is a Democratic Party controlled Congress.

I disagree. Congress has told Trump that firing Mueller is a red line. And Congress, while it may not be stepping up to the plate to hold Trump strictly accountable for some things it could, is not about to pass new laws expanding the powers of the president. We can hold on to the very likely hope that Trump will do what damage he can while he has the chance, and then he will lose power.

The power of his tweets are another story. All we could hope for there is that he gets hauled into court for inciting something, and court-ordered to stop tweeting. And even then he would not stop. He would challenge it and drag it out for eons. The tweeting won't end until he dies. He is hopelessly addicted to the power and attention.
I didn't say "where it counts." But 3,000,000 more people voted for Hillary than for the abomination.

First you acknowledge that Hillary did get more votes...then you call my saying that she got more votes a "lie."

Did you get enough sleep last night?

I am not a liberal.

And calm down. You sound like a guy begging for a heart attack or a stroke.

Jeez...if I had known what I would say would bother you this much...

...I'd have bolded and sized it up!


C'mon, Don. Up your game. Don't make it too easy for me.

I love how you say "I am not a liberal", yet you take liberal positions on everything.

Bottom line is saying Hillary won the popular vote is irrelevant. It doesn't matter. That is the lie. You say it like it means something. The only thing you can possibly be trying to do is assuage your sore pussy.

Don't worry, you won't be around for Trump's re-election. It might kill you
All those folks who stayed home because they were pissed about Bernie...or who listened to the Russian Agitprop and saw Clinton the way the GOP wanted you to see her, or simply had something else to do..

THIS is the result. Trump...and Supreme Court and lower court Justices who will be on the bench for a generation, They will roll back abortion rights, civil rights, and labor rights and protections.

They will roll back even the most basic gun control laws.

We have ONE chance to correct this and that is the mid-term election. If Dems fail to take back the House and more importantly the Senate next year...the window closes.

There will be no checks on the insanity that is Trump.

If only that party had something else to run on besides corporatist neoliberal economic policies with legislation handed to them by corporate think tanks. That's how we got Don in the first place. Don is not the problem, merely a symptom of the United Corporate States' power structure to meet and address the needs of society.

No, they're going to have to do better, this is exactly how Hillary lost. But you're right, the Democratic Party has no intention of changing at all.
I love how you say "I am not a liberal", yet you take liberal positions on everything.

Bottom line is saying Hillary won the popular vote is irrelevant. It doesn't matter. That is the lie. You say it like it means something. The only thing you can possibly be trying to do is assuage your sore pussy.

Don't worry, you won't be around for Trump's re-election. It might kill you

Bottom line is saying Hillary won the popular vote is irrelevant. It doesn't matter. That is the lie.

First let me say, Hillary's toast, rightly so, one corrupt party down, one to go.

Let's look at the lie that is america relative to our electoral system, shall we?

Land of the Free? Harvard Study Ranks America Worst in the West for Fair Elections

American elections ranked worst among Western democracies. Here’s why.

Study ranks United States 26th in the world in integrity of its elections

So to address the thread's question, yup, we understand all right.
Killing unions will lower ALL wages over time.

Overturning Roe v Wade will affect women's rights for 30 years

Courts don't interpret cases based on whether someone's salary is affected or whether unions are being subsidized by coerced payments, but based on the Constitution. Worker's salaries don't trump the 1st Amendment.

The courts are very reluctant to overturn previous decisions, especially those that have been established for many years. Perhaps they will modify the six month prohibition because that was based on viability in 1973 and medical advances have extended that viability.
Some people here seem to think you are an out-of-control, angry troll.

I think you are an asshole…and probably certifiable. You should seek mental health help. Truly.

In the meantime…chill! This is life…not a dress rehearsal.

You are a pathetic troll, USF. Instead of amuse!

Some people here seem to think you are an out-of-control, angry troll.

I think you are an asshole…and probably certifiable. You should seek mental health help. Truly.

In the meantime…chill! This is life…not a dress rehearsal.

You are a pathetic troll, USF. Instead of amuse!

Revel in 'em, Don.

You gotta have something to make your life worth living...and the "tears" of the left are available.

The nation, and the world in general, will be sorely hurt by this abomination we have as president. But as has been often noted, I am gonna be 82 in a few I doubt I will have to put up with it for long.

The poor kids of the world...especially those of our nation...will pay dearly because people like you supported the Dear Leader who is shitting on our country.

Enjoy some of that, too.

I love how you say "I am not a liberal", yet you take liberal positions on everything.

No I don't.

Bottom line is saying Hillary won the popular vote is irrelevant. It doesn't matter. That is the lie. You say it like it means something. The only thing you can possibly be trying to do is assuage your sore pussy.

If you think saying that Hillary won the popular vote is a simply are too stupid to be in this kind of conversation.

Hillary very definitely won the popular almost 3,000,000 votes.

Get back under control.

Don't worry, you won't be around for Trump's re-election.

You are pathetic.

It might kill you

Like I said.

Some people here seem to think you are an out-of-control, angry troll.

I think you are an asshole…and probably certifiable. You should seek mental health help. Truly.

In the meantime…chill! This is life…not a dress rehearsal.

You are a pathetic troll, USF. Instead of amuse!


Some people here seem to think you are an out-of-control, angry troll.

I think you are an asshole…and probably certifiable. You should seek mental health help. Truly.

In the meantime…chill! This is life…not a dress rehearsal.

You are a pathetic troll, USF. Instead of amuse!
