fully immersed in faith..
his executive orders were to cancel Obama's executive orders.......Trump said he would never do executive orders and he has done many more than any other president..
his executive orders were to cancel Obama's executive orders.......Trump said he would never do executive orders and he has done many more than any other president..
his executive orders were to cancel Obama's executive orders.......
You believe that? .
more than I believe anything you post.....especially since Obama signed 276 and Trump hasn't......
more than I believe anything you post.....especially since Obama signed 276 and Trump hasn't......
and still republicans like to pretend they are innocent
So? Obama had democratic congress for two years and only did one of the things he promised and that was half-assed healthcare
Thart senate control thing is a farce.
It is, oldster?
They managed to pass Obamacare without a single GOP vote, didn't they?
Yes. so fucking what.
In the senate, Al Franken was held out a few months by election disputes. Kennedy and Byrd were dying and were like Mccain is now. Spector ran as a Dem to hold his seat, but he was a Repub and voted that way. Thart senate control thing is a farce.
Damn facts and math and stuff
Why do you post. is there no place else you can show ignorance and you desperately want to? Obama averaged 34 a year. In a year and a half Trump has 77. that is a 53.3 av. No president ever came close to that.
So? Obama had democratic congress for two years and only did one of the things he promised and that was half-assed healthcare
Yes. so fucking what. They brought Kennedy in a wheel chair to vote. Why does that matter? The point of the thread is Repubs united against the Dems, and you proved it again.
Racist republicans and even some so called "dems" keep repeating this lie.
So, they managed to pass Obamacare without a single GOP vote, didn't they?
Need it explained to you again, old man?
Getting dumber aren't you.? The whole point of the fucking thread was the The Repubs agreed to unite against Obama. Your post is more proof of that. Can you really not understand that?
Racist republicans and even some so called "dems" keep repeating this lie.
I remember when he had to run a mulligan campaign in me and I promise to do all the stuff I promised to do in 08..........