Your white founders refused to work, that's why darkies had to build your nation for you.
So you equate work with being hands on all the time, huh?
Your white founders refused to work, that's why darkies had to build your nation for you.
When we're all gone, how is the future going to look for those that relied on white people's money in order to eat? Maybe they'll starve and do the rest of the people a favor.
White People's Money sounds like a natural for a network sitcom title.
Are you saying someone that earned it and wants to keep it is greedy but someone that didn't earn it yet somehow thinks a portion is their isn't greedy?
How can wealth be transferred to someone that would be hundreds of years old? I see, you're one of those that thinks people who weren't slaves should be handed something funded by those that never owned slaves.
It is really hard for you to think for yourself, or even to grasp quite simple concepts. Irregardless of your racist comments, and poor pathetic life, the money is going no where. It will simply transfer from the hands of the greedy White guy to those who actually deserve it. If not for those you call "lazy bastards", pieces of shit you admire so much, like Trump, would not have squat to live off of. First they enslaved the Native American, then they enslaved the Blacks, the Chinese, the Mexican, even the Irish, to make their fortunes off of. It wasn't their labor that created the wealth, just their greed. Now we see the wealth being transferred to those who were once enslaved, and in many ways this is being done by the integration of the races, another reality you hate being the ignorant racist you are.
When the White race is gone, and the Earth is returned to its original inhabitants, peace will return, and assholes like you will burn in hell the only place where you are qualified to be.
Since the money they have comes from the white man, if the white man isn't making it anymore and the lazy bastards that rely on it won't do anything to earn it, it won't be there for them to get.
Are they going to have black people on the show constantly begging for the money and/or playing the history of slavery card? Now, that would be natural.
White evangelicals saw in Donald Trump a president who could help them in their fight against diversity, abortion and the shrinking role of religion.
Ever since World War II, white evangelicals in the United States have waged a desperate and largely failing war against thickening walls of separation between church and state, the removal of Christianity from public schools, the growing ethnic and religious diversity of the country, the intrusion of the federal government into their everyday lives (especially as it pertains to desegregation and civil rights), and legalized abortion.
Shift to a Majority-Minority Population in the U.S. Happening Faster than Expected
And this is data that is reflective of a few years ago
The future sure doesn't look good for them![]()
So you equate work with being hands on all the time, huh?
Pap always made it a point to acknowledge.....the obvious, "THE SMELLER IS ALWAYS THE FELLER"..... in layman's term "He who smelt it dealt it". The left always attacks the thing they fear the most. In this case....its obvious, the left FEARS white evangelicals.![]()
don't hate white people and dream of their nonexistence
check your self
Why? Do you wish to enroll and require information on grants, scholarships and tuition fees? Reason and logic points out a very obvious point. If things are going as you suggest.....why are you so concerned about such minority institutions? Are you a BIGOT?
Don't make the mistake of thinking I hate anyone. Stating facts, and truth, is not hate, it is reality.
Try it some time. You might like it.
Tell me, did they not "earn" by enslaving others, and profiting from their labor? And the ones that inherited this "earned" wealth how did they do so save for the right of inheritance? If the hears to that wealth can just receive it without working for it, then why cannot the heirs of the slaves that created it? Is that beyond your understanding? Jefferson, and Madison, understood it, and got laws passed in Va that eliminated transference of inherited wealth. Then too, they opposed income inequality (as did Christ) declaring that a Republic could not survive under such conditions.
Just another fact for your usual limited intellect, once you're dead you ain't "keeping it".
Have you ever read Adam Smith, and his "Wealth of Nations", or his "Theory of Moral Sentiments"? Jefferson, and the Founders did, and agreed with it.
And lots of trailer parks will become ghost towns.
Works for Wall Street doesn’t it.
Work that generates renenue, you know, all the stuff capital avoids.