Why is there so much vitriol aimed at Trump.

Forget what Trump has said about grabbing women and your personal general dislike of the man. But why is there such deep seated hatred that Trump haters would rather see this country harmed rather than work with him. Is it so important that Trump fail you Trump haters would rather see the USA harmed than him succeed? I know GW and Obama were hated but never in history has there been so much hatred aimed at a president.

Please give honest answers not the left wing talking points.

My hate is aimed at the entire racist republican party and their lying, cheating, murderous ways.
My hate is aimed at the entire racist republican party and their lying, cheating, murderous ways.

Give us specific examples how the GOP is racist.
Specific examples how the GOP is lying, cheating, murderous.

I don't expect any truthful examples, as you lefties aren't known for honesty.
Give us specific examples how the GOP is racist.
Specific examples how the GOP is lying, cheating, murderous.

I don't expect any truthful examples, but you lefties aren't known for honesty.

Why do I need to give examples? If you can't see it, you're part of the problem.
Why do I need to give examples? If you can't see it, you're part of the problem.

WRONG! You and your ilk are the problem! I don't like Trump the man but I support the president as long as he does what is best for this country. What great Americans.

It's you haters that want Trump to fail without regard to any damage it may do to the country.
Russia has always been close with Iran. Qatar shares the South Pars gas field (huge) with Iran..

Qatar wants a gas pipeline thru Syria .. Iran wants control of Socotra, Bab al Mandab and the Straits of Hormuz.

Iran funds Hezbollah, HAMAS and the al Houthis in Yemen... all of which are against the interests of Saudi Arabia, the US and Israel.

How's that for a tangled mess? What is Trump's position or is he just putty in Putin's hands?

Is Trump on BOTH sides?

Trump is Putins puppet/bitch
WRONG! You and your ilk are the problem! I don't like Trump the man but I support the president as long as he does what is best for this country. What great Americans.

It's you haters that want Trump to fail without regard to any damage it may do to the country.

Dumping Trump is the best thing for the country!
WRONG! You and your ilk are the problem! I don't like Trump the man but I support the president as long as he does what is best for this country. What great Americans.

It's you haters that want Trump to fail without regard to any damage it may do to the country.

Oh, there will be damage. Trumps tariffs are already showing an impact on the economy and fucking some specific industries. He has alienated our longtime allies. they are getting together without us like Japan and Germany just did. Countries Trump has pissed off. China, Germany, Britain, japan, Canada, mexico, Iran, and so many others. He has pissed off NATO, the G7 and all our former trading partners. He has allowed pollution to get worse and worse ,both with his Paris agreement withdrawal and putting fossil fuel men in charge of environmmental agencies.

We did not want him to fail. We thought even though he is a rude crude lowlife, that someone in the government could keep him straight. They cannot. Trump is bouncing into walls. But on the plus side, for Repubs, he has allowed the bigots and haters a free reign. They have never felt better.
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All the lies,what happened to the Trump care, "going to be great,everyone covered".
Ray Charles can see from the Helsinki disaster,that Trump fears whatever Putin has to keep Trump under his thumb.
His laziness,that he doesn't read daily reports.
He just doesn't have the experience,temperament to put the country,the people before himself.

You mean "If you like your doctor . . " Wait, that was the black guy lying that you're willing to overlook.
WRONG! You and your ilk are the problem! I don't like Trump the man but I support the president as long as he does what is best for this country. What great Americans.

It's you haters that want Trump to fail without regard to any damage it may do to the country.

The damage is done and it is not isolated to just the country.
WRONG! You and your ilk are the problem! I don't like Trump the man but I support the president as long as he does what is best for this country. What great Americans.

It's you haters that want Trump to fail without regard to any damage it may do to the country.

If you can't see it, you're part of the problem.