who's endorsing John James in his bid against Debby?....

You show your ignorance and acceptance of right wing propaganda in so many ways. The media is owned by corporations. It provides what corporations want. This site will show people who can read and think, who owns what. Corporations own newspapers, TV stations, magazines, movie studios and radio. This old meme about left wing news in a relic of the past. https://www.cjr.org/resources/

I know, right?.......the way the media fawns over Trump is embarassing, isn't it.....
and we're happy you did.....please do it again in 2020.....doesn't change the inarguable fact of what the statistics show about black voters and the difference of their voting for Obama and for Hilliary.......if I recall correctly that is what we were arguing about.....

Inarguable. How about flat wrong. But you are unable to learn. I showed you how misinformed you were, but you float the goal posts .Perhaps numbers elude you too. Logic obviously does.
John James, decorated Iraqi veteran, conservative businessman, African American, pro-life......Trump-endorsed......won the Michigan primary yesterday by double digits.......he will face off against the incumbent lib'rul old white woman, Debbie "I haven't introduced any legislation in 18 years" Stabinaw for the US Senate seat this November.......
James is a typical right winger who wants to stop health care for the poor. He and Pensler came out against pre existing conditions in health care. They will keep chipping away at it. And I do not believe driving a helicopter makes you a more knowledgeable politician.
James is a typical right winger who wants to stop health care for the poor. He and Pensler came out against pre existing conditions in health care. They will keep chipping away at it. And I do not believe driving a helicopter makes you a more knowledgeable politician.

Racist just don't want to see a black man in Congress
John James, decorated Iraqi veteran, conservative businessman, African American, pro-life......Trump-endorsed......won the Michigan primary yesterday by double digits.......he will face off against the incumbent lib'rul old white woman, Debbie "I haven't introduced any legislation in 18 years" Stabinaw for the US Senate seat this November.......

What kind of chance do you think he has against Stabenow?

Given that Michigan went for Trump and has been leaning GOP in state politics do you think he has a chance?
James is a typical right winger who wants to stop health care for the poor. He and Pensler came out against pre existing conditions in health care. They will keep chipping away at it. And I do not believe driving a helicopter makes you a more knowledgeable politician.

maybe if you had driven a helicopter you wouldn't be wrong about him being against health care for the poor or "being against pre-existing conditions" (whatever that is supposed to mean in your twisted mind.......do you think he's opposed to someone having diabetes?......if so, so am I)......yes, they were both against Obamacare.......isn't every rational American?......
What kind of chance do you think he has against Stabenow?

Given that Michigan went for Trump and has been leaning GOP in state politics do you think he has a chance?

there is presently a very thin line between liberals and conservatives in Michigan.......Trump won because 130,000 fewer people voted Demmycrat in Wayne County between 2012 and 2016........James has the potential of picking up 20%+ of the black vote.....if he does, he will beat Stabinaw......
... but I have just one simple question?

How will he go over with the crowd of people we all know on this Forum who are "documented" as calling Barack Obama Half-White, and numerous racist epithets,

How is Obama NOT half white? Black father, white mother = HALF white you moron.

... but I have just one simple question?

How could these closet racist cowards, look John James in the Eye and in his Face and pat him on his back and say they support him?

Simple; because they are not racist cowards. Just because a race hustling dumbfuck like you bloviates that they are, doesn't make it so snowflake.

Hummm ... inquiring minds would like to know?[/SIZE] ;)

You don't have a mind and you could hardly be labeled inquiring. You're nothing more than a low IQ race hustling dumbass on steroids.
John James, decorated Iraqi veteran, conservative businessman, African American, pro-life......Trump-endorsed......won the Michigan primary yesterday by double digits.......he will face off against the incumbent lib'rul old white woman, Debbie "I haven't introduced any legislation in 18 years" Stabinaw for the US Senate seat this November.......

I am predicting that Stabinow is history....I have been wrong before but not as much as the low IQ race hustling liberal dumbfucks on this forum.
James is a typical right winger who wants to stop health care for the poor. He and Pensler came out against pre existing conditions in health care. They will keep chipping away at it. And I do not believe driving a helicopter makes you a more knowledgeable politician.

Stabinaw has been a woman in Michigan for 18 years.......in that entire time she submitted no legislation that passed.......on her own website the only thing she could find to brag about was her support for Obamacare.......

Could not understand the committees and seats she was on? Could not follow what she voted for? Politics has to be very hard for you.
maybe if you had driven a helicopter you wouldn't be wrong about him being against health care for the poor or "being against pre-existing conditions" (whatever that is supposed to mean in your twisted mind.......do you think he's opposed to someone having diabetes?......if so, so am I)......yes, they were both against Obamacare.......isn't every rational American?......

Nope. Obamacare covered preexisting conditions. That is very popular. It stops the recission that "health providers " have used to cheat customers. I am surprised that some people like that. You aren't the only one with weak powers of analysis.
Could not understand the committees and seats she was on? Could not follow what she voted for? Politics has to be very hard for you.

so you are saying she can be excused for doing nothing in 18 years because she didn't hold very important committee positions?.....
Nope. Obamacare covered preexisting conditions. That is very popular. It stops the recission that "health providers " have used to cheat customers. I am surprised that some people like that. You aren't the only one with weak powers of analysis.

here's a clue, nobody proposed eliminating protection for pre-existing conditions......oh wait, that fucks up most of the demmycrat memes about health care.....whatever will they do now?......