Let's go Brandon!
I find myself having to exclaim a lot these days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I won't apologize for it! LOL!
Still not enough.
I find myself having to exclaim a lot these days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I won't apologize for it! LOL!
Show me where the Bible encourages Christians to behave that way. You cant. Islam, on the other hand, does. Do you appreciate the difference? What you posted is the complete opposite of what Jesus taught. Islam encourages it. So, who's the real stooge, punk?
Catholicism and Christianity are not the same thing.
Come on CFM.
Man-up and just admit, you voted for an idiot!
The sad news, it wasn't the first or last time you will ever do that!
It's OK! Millions of other idiots did too! So cut yourself a little slack!
But please, just acknowledge your mistake- and you're good with me!
Show me where the Bible encourages Christians to behave that way. You cant. Islam, on the other hand, does. Do you appreciate the difference? What you posted is the complete opposite of what Jesus taught. Islam encourages it. So, who's the real stooge, punk?
I didn't vote for Obama or Hillary. Unlike you, I know skin color and having a vagina doesn't make one qualified. You still think they do.
I didn't expect you to be man enough to do what your stooges video showed. That makes you a stooge and a coward just like the others listed.
I would rather have devout Muslims as my neighbors, than beer-swigging, gun nut, confederate flag-waving, rightwing Trumpanzees.
Catholics are Christians. Period. Stop being stupid.
I would rather have devout Muslims as my neighbors, than beer-swigging, gun-humping, confederate flag-waving, rightwing Trumpanzees.
"Muslims as a group have one of the lowest crime rates and the highest education rates in the U.S."
OK! So you are going to ride the Trump Train on down the tracks till it derails?
What the hell are you going to do then? Cry about it? Start crying Hillary? BUT OBAMA! BOO HOO HOO! LOL!
I would feel safer around law-abiding American Muslims who completely abstain from alcohol and drugs, than around drunk, gun-humping, deplorable rednecks jacked up on crystal meth.
It's OK. We all know why you voted the way you did. You lying about it doesn't change it.
You have been misinformed. Catholics have many traditions that conflict with the teachings of Christ. The Pope has even said that tradition is superior to Scripture. A Christian is someone who obeys the word of God.
Prove that the Pope said sacred tradition is superior to scripture. You're pulling this out of your nether regions. I feel sorry for you, falling for these ignorant falsehoods. Whatever you're practicing I want no part of.
Prove that the Pope said sacred tradition is superior to scripture. You're pulling this out of your nether regions. I feel sorry for you, falling for these ignorant falsehoods. Whatever you're practicing I want no part of.
You know I always vote for the good guys and gals! LOL!