
Show me where the Bible encourages Christians to behave that way. You cant. Islam, on the other hand, does. Do you appreciate the difference? What you posted is the complete opposite of what Jesus taught. Islam encourages it. So, who's the real stooge, punk?

^ That is such bullshit. What kind of Christian are you, that you spread lies just because you hate an entire religion. People like you give real Christians a bad name.
Christianity has been guilty of horrible crimes through its history, from castrati, the crusades, the backing of Nazis and Mussolini, the Inquisition, sucking up to royalty in Europe, the covering up of priests abusing children and boys for centuries. throw in book burning and the denial of science, and it is just a corrupt and destructive force. It is a corporation fighting for money and power. hat is all it cares about.

A couple thousand years ago, the Arabs were the most advanced people in the world in science, philosophy, and general learning. they were way ahead of Europeans. then Islam came along and beat them back into the stone age. Ever wonder why you use arabic numerals? Because they were way ahead of your people . then religion made them abandon learning and accept superstition and the "learning of the church". What a thing to call it.
the newer religions are just as stupid. Scientology is a joke. Mormonism was started by a conman they believe the craziest shit. Jehovah Witness is anti-science too.

the common denominator is that religions are against knowledge and science. they turn us backwards and make us stupider. they all do it.

Religions teach hate and separation.they all want to get bigger , wealthier and more politically powerful. they are corporations.
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Come on CFM.

Man-up and just admit, you voted for an idiot!

The sad news, it wasn't the first or last time you will ever do that!

It's OK! Millions of other idiots did too! So cut yourself a little slack!

But please, just acknowledge your mistake- and you're good with me!

I didn't vote for Obama or Hillary. Unlike you, I know skin color and having a vagina doesn't make one qualified. You still think they do.

I didn't expect you to be man enough to do what your stooges video showed. That makes you a stooge and a coward just like the others listed.
Show me where the Bible encourages Christians to behave that way. You cant. Islam, on the other hand, does. Do you appreciate the difference? What you posted is the complete opposite of what Jesus taught. Islam encourages it. So, who's the real stooge, punk?

The behaviour of the very many British Muslims I have known doesn't suggest that the religion encourages these things. Don't you think different cultures have inherited nastinesses of their own, plus reactions to stress?
I didn't vote for Obama or Hillary. Unlike you, I know skin color and having a vagina doesn't make one qualified. You still think they do.

I didn't expect you to be man enough to do what your stooges video showed. That makes you a stooge and a coward just like the others listed.

OK! So you are going to ride the Trump Train on down the tracks till it derails?

What the hell are you going to do then? Cry about it? Start crying Hillary? BUT OBAMA! BOO HOO HOO! LOL!
Catholics are Christians. Period. Stop being stupid.

You have been misinformed. Catholics have many traditions that conflict with the teachings of Christ. The Pope has even said that tradition is superior to Scripture. A Christian is someone who obeys the word of God.
I would rather have devout Muslims as my neighbors, than beer-swigging, gun-humping, confederate flag-waving, rightwing Trumpanzees.

I would feel safer around law-abiding American Muslims who completely abstain from alcohol and drugs, than around drunk, gun-humping, deplorable rednecks jacked up on crystal meth.

"Muslims as a group have one of the lowest crime rates and the highest education rates in the U.S."
OK! So you are going to ride the Trump Train on down the tracks till it derails?

What the hell are you going to do then? Cry about it? Start crying Hillary? BUT OBAMA! BOO HOO HOO! LOL!

It's OK. We all know why you voted the way you did. You lying about it doesn't change it.
I would feel safer around law-abiding American Muslims who completely abstain from alcohol and drugs, than around drunk, gun-humping, deplorable rednecks jacked up on crystal meth.


Hope those Muslims treat you like an infidel. Maybe they'll throw your ass off a building, faggot.
You have been misinformed. Catholics have many traditions that conflict with the teachings of Christ. The Pope has even said that tradition is superior to Scripture. A Christian is someone who obeys the word of God.

Prove that the Pope said sacred tradition is superior to scripture. You're pulling this out of your nether regions. I feel sorry for you, falling for these ignorant falsehoods. Whatever you're practicing I want no part of.
Prove that the Pope said sacred tradition is superior to scripture. You're pulling this out of your nether regions. I feel sorry for you, falling for these ignorant falsehoods. Whatever you're practicing I want no part of.

Trump supporting dim-wits are generally unaware that Catholics are Christians - indeed among the first and earliest Christians.
And these Trump-loving nitwits seem to think that evangelical Protestant denominations that are less than a few centuries old are the only Christians on the planet.

Wrapping up - it's just another case where barely educated bible thumpers do not actually know anything about Christian history or tradition.

BS. The Index Librorum Prohibitorum (English: List of Prohibited Books) was a list of publications deemed heretical, or contrary to morality by the Sacred Congregation of the Index (a former Dicastery of the Roman Curia) and thus Catholics were forbidden to read them.[SUP][1]

Paul IV enacted his version of the Index (the Pauline Index.) He banned Italian and German translations of the Bible, not the Bible itself.

Your own link doesn't say tradition is superior to Scripture. It says that for Catholics "
[/SUP][SUP]both (Tradition and Scripture) must be accepted and respected with equal affection and honour. Secondly, the unbreakable bond between Scripture and Tradition accounts for the fact that for Catholics, Tradition is the context within which the Scriptures are interpreted, just as Tradition itself has to be understood and lived with reference to Scripture."