Media Fact-Checkers Caught Pushing Falsehoods...

That was a great article, but I really pay no heed to the daily lib screams of "Trump has lied 3,203,469.7 times since taking office!!!!! ARGGGHHHHH!!!!!"

It demonstrates on how logic can be stretched and distorted to claim nearly any statement is a lie. Imagine if they held their own to the same standard?
Are you incapable of not believing something you read? WTF? You're an idiot. I can glean the facts out of any piece of news. Are you unable to form your own point of view?

Trumpsters get triggered so easily. I'm sorry you fall for fake news.
Duh? Breitbart is fake news. Try posting a website that deals in real news. If you can't find a few, then the story is probably bullshit.

Even Zappacrite knows that attacking the source without addressing the issue is a logical fallacy.

Facts are facts. Numbers don't change depending on which website they happen to come from. But here you are, attacking the source once more. If you had anything more substantial, you'd post it.