Gov. Cuomo will be president.

The takers would not be able to afford the military or the nukes, without money those things would fall apart in a matter of weeks.

The Fundy’s can’t be trusted with nukes.

would you have any limits on people immigrating to your newly founded socialist utopia? Would healthcare be free? Would there be a "living" wage? Would you have 70% of your income taxed with ZERO loopholes? Would you run your economy only on wind and solar and ZERO fossil fuels?

Tell us about your socialist utopia Brad
We would have to provide plenty of international aid to the takers, we couldn’t have Russia swooping in and taking them under their wing.

With the SALT deduction no longer hiding the true cost of DEMOCRAT government, how are the other states "takers", since they have been subsidizing the Blue shitholes before now?
You are correct, but Brad will point out that he "correctly" predicted the democrat party would take the House in 2018. So that is something. Of course a five year old could have made that prediction, but let's give credit where credit is due

Yes, let’s credit him with making a five year old’s prediction.

Off year election with the party in power losing seats in the House .They gained in the Senate.
Brad* refuses to address the impact of the end of the SALT deduction on Blue jurisdictions much-vaunted status as benefactors of lower-taxed jurisdictions.

What he is reluctant to admit is that no longer will the denizens of highly-taxed DEMOCRAT-dominated shitholes be able to deduct the cost of their local, county and state taxes from their federal tax burden.

Instead of shifting the high cost of their own bad decisions onto the nation as a whole, residents of Blue enclaves will find themselves paying their fair share for the first time. They are unlikely to like it, and this shift will also expose their true status as tax debtors.

The deduction for state and local taxes has been around since 1913, when the U.S. first instituted our federal income tax. The SALT deduction is one of the largest federal tax expenditures. New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, California, Massachusetts, Illinois, Maryland, Rhode Island and Vermont are the states (plus the District of Columbia) with the highest average deduction for state and local taxes.

The Tax Policy Center found that changing the SALT deduction could lead to a change in revenue for local and state governments. In response to the fact that people are paying more in federal taxes, those governments could choose to decrease their local tax rates. This would leave them with less to spend on government-sponsored programs and services.
Without restrictions contingent upon the aid, South Carolina would revert to its slavery past, and a few would have all the money, what little bit there would be now that tobacco is not a cash crop.
would you have any limits on people immigrating to your newly founded socialist utopia? Would healthcare be free? Would there be a "living" wage? Would you have 70% of your income taxed with ZERO loopholes? Would you run your economy only on wind and solar and ZERO fossil fuels?

Tell us about your socialist utopia Brad

Hasn't Brad* previously lauded Communist Cuba and Shitaly as his go-to nations?
I've seen yours, and I'm about to share them via PM with Earl.


Good this true?
[B said:
Brad*[/B];3590671]Its taxation without representation. They are holding us back. Without them we would be wealthier than Canada.


What you refuse to address is the impact of the end of the SALT deduction on Blue jurisdictions much-vaunted status as benefactors of lower-taxed jurisdictions.

What you are reluctant to admit is that no longer will the denizens of highly-taxed DEMOCRAT-dominated shitholes be able to deduct the cost of their local, county and state taxes from their federal tax burden.

Instead of shifting the high cost of their own bad decisions onto the nation as a whole, residents of Blue enclaves will find themselves paying their fair share for the first time. They are unlikely to like it, and this shift will also expose their true status as tax debtors.

The deduction for state and local taxes has been around since 1913, when the U.S. first instituted our federal income tax. The SALT deduction is one of the largest federal tax expenditures. New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, California, Massachusetts, Illinois, Maryland, Rhode Island and Vermont are the states (plus the District of Columbia) with the highest average deduction for state and local taxes.

The Tax Policy Center found that changing the SALT deduction could lead to a change in revenue for local and state governments. In response to the fact that people are paying more in federal taxes, those governments could choose to decrease their local tax rates. This would leave them with less to spend on government-sponsored programs and services.
Cuomo said. that he is NOT running for the presidency.

Is he lying?

Of course he is.

Trump said something. I had the sound off so I could not tell what it was.

Was he lying?

Of course he was lying. I mentioned that he "said something." He had to be lying.
Clearly Cuomo has made the calculation that he will take over in the ruins left by Trump in 2024, Its the pattern America has been following. 8 Years of Republicans destroying the economy followed by 8 years of repair by Democrats.

I like Cuomo's personality, and competence level WAY better than Rump, but he is politically only a little better.

It would help America, but we need major fundamental changes that the more progressive wing might bring. I am also starting to believe we would do better to start some statewide confederations of the more successful states (blue) so that we can cooperate like the United States was intended to operate while making the fed and vote of the smaller less economically successful states less relevant.

It might start small, maybe grow out of the New York, New Jersey, Michigan, and Illinois alliance that is forming to assist each other with Covid. Likely it would include smaller New England states as well. Later California, Washington and Oregon could join together.

Naturally, eventually the Great Lakes states could join up with the New England alliance.

We could rid ourselves of the backward poverty stricken states of the South and West, without them we would soar.

I would hope this could happen peacefully as a natural transition of allowing alike minded people to band together, but the damage to the poor, uneducated states might force them to fight to keep us obliged to help them.

Florida and Georgia, Texas, North Carolina and Virginia might come along eventually, but I think the rest of the states, for the most part, might prefer to wallow in their own misery. We could offer aid to places like South Carolina, Alabama and Mississippi and asylum for the women and minorities.

Cuomo stands as much chance of being president as you do of giving him a blow job.
Brad* refuses to address the impact of the end of the SALT deduction on Blue jurisdictions much-vaunted status as benefactors of lower-taxed jurisdictions.

What he is reluctant to admit is that no longer will the denizens of highly-taxed DEMOCRAT-dominated shitholes be able to deduct the cost of their local, county and state taxes from their federal tax burden.

Instead of shifting the high cost of their own bad decisions onto the nation as a whole, residents of Blue enclaves will find themselves paying their fair share for the first time. They are unlikely to like it, and this shift will also expose their true status as tax debtors.

The deduction for state and local taxes has been around since 1913, when the U.S. first instituted our federal income tax. The SALT deduction is one of the largest federal tax expenditures. New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, California, Massachusetts, Illinois, Maryland, Rhode Island and Vermont are the states (plus the District of Columbia) with the highest average deduction for state and local taxes.

The Tax Policy Center found that changing the SALT deduction could lead to a change in revenue for local and state governments. In response to the fact that people are paying more in federal taxes, those governments could choose to decrease their local tax rates. This would leave them with less to spend on government-sponsored programs and services.

It really is amazing how much the high tax supporting leftists on this site squealed at having their taxes raised. I guess they enjoyed having their high tax rates subsidized by the rest of us. Would that qualify those states as takers Comrade?
Umm, California is now a taker state and has the highest poverty rate in the country. Why do you want us?

There are ONLY four states that are NOT "taker" states...Connecticut, New Jersey, Massachusetts and New York.

ALL the rest are "taker" states.

California ranks above the middle of pack of taker states. Most of the Red states...are greater takers than California.