Gov. Cuomo will be president.

Without restrictions contingent upon the aid, South Carolina would revert to its slavery past, and a few would have all the money, what little bit there would be now that tobacco is not a cash crop.

Brad you are just trolling now. You don't believe anything you are saying. But, since this is what you want, all of the minorities can relocate to your utopia with free housing, free healthcare, a living wage, a basic income, free education, free college, free wifi

And you rich people will support it.

When can they pack their bags?
It really is amazing how much the high tax supporting leftists on this site squealed at having their taxes raised. I guess they enjoyed having their high tax rates subsidized by the rest of us. Would that qualify those states as takers Comrade?

Pelosi is trying to get the SALT deduction reinstated as we speak by tying it to the new Porkulus bill/
There are ONLY four states that are NOT "taker" states...Connecticut, New Jersey, Massachusetts and New York. ALL the rest are "taker" states. California ranks above the middle of pack of taker states. Most of the Red states...are greater takers than California.

Another liberal simpleton refuses to address the impact of the end of the SALT deduction on Blue jurisdictions much-vaunted status as benefactors of lower-taxed jurisdictions.

What he is reluctant to admit is that no longer will the denizens of highly-taxed DEMOCRAT-dominated shitholes be able to deduct the cost of their local, county and state taxes from their federal tax burden.

Instead of shifting the high cost of their own bad decisions onto the nation as a whole, residents of Blue enclaves will find themselves paying their fair share for the first time. They are unlikely to like it, and this shift will also expose their true status as tax debtors.

The deduction for state and local taxes has been around since 1913, when the U.S. first instituted our federal income tax. The SALT deduction is one of the largest federal tax expenditures. New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, California, Massachusetts, Illinois, Maryland, Rhode Island and Vermont are the states (plus the District of Columbia) with the highest average deduction for state and local taxes.

The Tax Policy Center found that changing the SALT deduction could lead to a change in revenue for local and state governments. In response to the fact that people are paying more in federal taxes, those governments could choose to decrease their local tax rates. This would leave them with less to spend on government-sponsored programs and services.
Brad you are just trolling now. You don't believe anything you are saying. But, since this is what you want, all of the minorities can relocate to your utopia with free housing, free healthcare, a living wage, a basic income, free education, free college, free wifi

And you rich people will support it.

When can they pack their bags?

Given the proper support the "minorities" you want to get rid of will become very profitable members of society.
There are ONLY four states that are NOT "taker" states...Connecticut, New Jersey, Massachusetts and New York.

ALL the rest are "taker" states.

California ranks above the middle of pack of taker states. Most of the Red states...are greater takers than California.

I don't believe that to be correct. The four you listed are the largest donor states, but they are not the only donor states.

North Dakoka, Illinois, New Hampshire, Washington, Nebraska and Colorado round out the top ten of donor states.

The thing with California is we have the most wealth. We are leaders in the entertainment industry and as well as the Silicon Valley and being the leader in tech. We have Cal, Stanford, USC, UCLA, Cal Tech and the Pomona schools so we have excellent higher education options at the top level. If you're educated and driven there is no better place to be.

We also have the most poverty and unless you are rich we have crappy public schools. If your goal is to own a home you have zero chance unless you are rich, have family money or move to the hinterlands.

So if that's the model of this new 'country' we'll see what life is really like with rich and poor and a very small middle class.
what support are you going to give them?

what the wealthy states already give their people, good education, healthcare, social support, high min wadge, health and safety standards.... And best of all a more equal playing field so that the intelligent and hard working are able to succeed and grow, while the less able are at least cared for. A system where wealthy trust fund brats don't manage the majority of the wealth.
I don't believe that to be correct. The four you listed are the largest donor states, but they are not the only donor states.

North Dakoka, Illinois, New Hampshire, Washington, Nebraska and Colorado round out the top ten of donor states.

The thing with California is we have the most wealth. We are leaders in the entertainment industry and as well as the Silicon Valley and being the leader in tech. We have Cal, Stanford, USC, UCLA, Cal Tech and the Pomona schools so we have excellent higher education options at the top level. If you're educated and driven there is no better place to be.

We also have the most poverty and unless you are rich we have crappy public schools. If your goal is to own a home you have zero chance unless you are rich, have family money or move to the hinterlands.

So if that's the model of this new 'country' we'll see what life is really like with rich and poor and a very small middle class.

California has a stronger economy than the rest of the United States, it has a great healthcare system and is working on its education system. My wife says great things about her public high school in N.Cal, If the nation state of California were not dragged down by the ignorant states, they would be even better. They could devote more money to affordable housing and education.
what the wealthy states already give their people, good education, healthcare, social support, high min wadge, health and safety standards.... And best of all a more equal playing field so that the intelligent and hard working are able to succeed and grow, while the less able are at least cared for. A system where wealthy trust fund brats don't manage the majority of the wealth.

it sounds almost too good to be true

why do you think California has the one of the highest poverty rates in the country since they are wealthy and already doing this?
it sounds almost too good to be true

why do you think California has the one of the highest poverty rates in the country since they are wealthy and already doing this?

California does not have "one of the highest poverty rates in the country". You are confusing California with Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina.
it sounds almost too good to be true

why do you think California has the one of the highest poverty rates in the country since they are wealthy and already doing this?

As poverty goes, California ranks 20 th in the US. You need t be far more concerned about your RED states
That depends on how you define Christian. I am proud to not be what many Christian Conservatives call a Christian. I do not believe God is to be feared. I do not believe we are to hate any portion of ourselves. I believe we are LOVED by God regardless of what Earthly actions we take.

Fellow Christians, what does this passage mean to you? " Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and He is the saviour of the body. "

New York and New Jersey and the rest of New England are the savior of Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina and Kentucky.