Masks don't prevent transmission of Viruses

Yep. He doesn't like being proven wrong.

I know I tossed you in the Sin Bin but you're such an ignorant twat I thought I'd drop this on you before I log out tonight. This is what OSHA tells their own people:

A relevant quote, I could have picked many just like this one:

Workers, including those who work within 6 feet of patients
known to be, or suspected of being, infected with SARS-CoV-2
and those performing aerosol-generating procedures, need to
use respirators:

It's 34 pages long but it's a good read...unless you just really don't want to know what OSHA is telling their own people about COVID.

Here's a tip sparky, I can do the same thing with the CDC...the guidance they give their employees is far different than the cloth facemask bullshit they give the public.

There it is. Read it, don't...whatever.
I know I tossed you in the Sin Bin but you're such an ignorant twat I thought I'd drop this on you before I log out tonight. This is what OSHA tells their own people:

A relevant quote, I could have picked many just like this one:

It's 34 pages long but it's a good read...unless you just really don't want to know what OSHA is telling their own people about COVID.

Here's a tip sparky, I can do the same thing with the CDC...the guidance they give their employees is far different than the cloth facemask bullshit they give the public.

There it is. Read it, don't...whatever.

Oh respirators. That would be a good idea for aerosol generating procedures.

Thank you for the link.

Good night. ;)
I have been willing to learn. All you do is throw lies and misinformation at me. Why?

There you go proving you're unwilling to learn by blaming the teacher. It's not the teacher's fault you're stupid. Your crack whore mother shouldn't have done so many drugs while she was pregnant with you.
There you go proving you're unwilling to learn by blaming the teacher. It's not the teacher's fault you're stupid. Your crack whore mother shouldn't have done so many drugs while she was pregnant with you.

Ok go right ahead and educate me. Let's see what you got.
Oh really? Then why were elective surgeries halted?

Elective surgeries were halted due to a lack of up to date information as to coronavirus dispersal & transmission in a semi-closed environment & subsequent possible health hazards to patients & health care workers.
There you go proving you're unwilling to learn by blaming the teacher. It's not the teacher's fault you're stupid. Your crack whore mother shouldn't have done so many drugs while she was pregnant with you.

More super ego malfeasance avoidance claiming to be an anointed teacher in ed"JEW"cate with fabricated misnomers & immaculate conceptions just as spewing COVID sans a mask lesson plan.
855 posts and lefties do not dispute the content of the article that the thread is about. Lefties obvious agree with the content of the articl. e
More super ego malfeasance avoidance claiming to be an anointed teacher in ed"JEW"cate with fabricated misnomers & immaculate conceptions just as spewing COVID sans a mask lesson plan.

^^^^Another dumbass unable to learn. Unwilling is a given.
820 posts and lefties are not disputing the content of the article that this thread is about. Lefties agree with the article.

Still going with that "man is God" spreading coronavirus with selective discretion avoidance in acceptance of disputes with fabricated misnomer immaculate conceptions as if being masked to get remuneration for article post totals...
^^^^Another dumbass unable to learn. Unwilling is a given.

Trying to ed"JEW"cate with written lynching enforcement is plainly a politics problem coronavirus spreader lesson tautology of the not so master race Islamidiotocracy "death to the infidels" diatribe.
Still going with that "man is God" spreading coronavirus with selective discretion avoidance in acceptance of disputes with fabricated misnomer immaculate conceptions as if being masked to get remuneration for article post totals...

I see you are still hiding behind your gibberish to evade posting a dispute from the article that this thread is about with a succinct summary of why you dispute it. Dodge, deflect, deflect, divert, convert, post gibberish, redefine, or otherwise evade.
I see you are still hiding behind your gibberish to evade posting a dispute from the article that this thread is about with a succinct summary of why you dispute it. Dodge, deflect, deflect, divert, convert, post gibberish, redefine, or otherwise evade.

This perpetual display of cross conditioned autism certainly is little more than a Freudian slip of continuing frustration in some legend in your own mind pyramid scheme success spreading a plethora of balderdash as if it's COVID itself avoiding any article rebuttals acceptance .
I see you are still hiding behind your gibberish to evade posting a dispute from the article that this thread is about with a succinct summary of why you dispute it. Dodge, deflect, deflect, divert, convert, post gibberish, redefine, or otherwise evade.

Still going with repetitious schizoid autism super ego avoidance reminiscent of Nazi War Criminals at Nuremburg acceptance for facts of mask efficiency just as this Christian Nation's lynching enforcement of SCOTUS Rehnquist's fabricated misnomer immaculate drug conceptions granting standing for thieving US Constitution arsonists & their current Islamidiotocracy "man is God" coronavirus pandemic health care plan reduction of the human gene pool as if the same as stolen & burned US Constitutions are as much a holy ghost as Jesus the Christ national religion & those pandemic masks which are sufficient.