The Election That Could Break America

The article explores some of the ways Trump could try to upset the gameboard during the election and post-election if it's not going his way.

WRONG: the Party of the Jackass is trying to make a mockery of our election systems in a lame attempt to steal the election for an OLD, WHITE, UNACCOMPLISHED dimwit with onset dementia.
Trump is a liar and a coward,

I R O N Y!!!!

....but if he loses the election, his days in office are numbered.

He will win re-election and pathetic dipshits like you will whine and cry for another four years.

If he "overturns the gameboard" it will be by refusing to go to work.

More speculative bullshit. You leftists seem to be quite full of it.

He'll skip town and go on permanent vacation in Florida leaving Pence to clean up after him until Inauguration Day.

He's told his constituents that if he loses fair and square, they will never hear from him again. Whiny loons like you will cheer. America and Americans will suffer. And four years from now Democrat's will be sent to the sidelines of political power.
All Trump does is run away and hide behind others. He's a coward.

What a painfully stupid and lie filled claim. The man has stood up to the Party of the Jackasses lies and pathetic attempts to make a mockery of our institutions, and the PHONY media, who have basically become the PRAVDA of the DNC, have lied and promoted divisive false narratives for four fucking years.

Are you mentally retarded? Or just a triggered morons on steroids? I think this post is PROJECTION of your own stupidity and cowardice.

Vigilance is a good thing but he won't be in the WH after January 20th unless the Oval Office is a crime seen because he had his brains blown out by himself or someone helping him.

I don't think you can post without looking dishonest, pathetic and stupid. :palm:

If there's a problem it will be White Supremacist assholes shooting people in the streets. Expect more dead people but not a dictatorship.

More lunatic ranting; you really are a triggered mental case aren't ya snowflake? :rolleyes:

That said, if you are truly concerned follow this advice: Buy a gun. Learn how to use it. Buy lots of ammo. Be patient.

Yeah shit-for-brains; let's have a shoot out in the streets! Dumb fuck. Leftist gun haters on one side, and Conservative gun owners on the other and let's see how that will trun out.

You fucking tards are going FULL retard knowing that Trump is rolling to re-election because Biden is a sad, pathetic old loon with dementia.
My expectations if the vote is close in November:

1. The Democrats will cheat and try to steal the election via fraud. (the Republicans might too but they're amateurs)
2. Both parties will massively lawyer up trying to change results in close states.
3. Whatever the result, nobody will like it.

Very accurate. :thumbsup:
"We want to get rid of the ballots."

Has an American politician ever been this openly opposed to Democracy in recent history?

That quote is a LIE dumbass; he wants to get rid of mail in ballots where anyone and everyone whether they are registered or not. It's a monstrously stupid idea that only dishonest hacks and morons support.
At this point, I hope Trump and the Republicans do win the election by a significant margin. The Democrat / Leftist response would be worth every penny of the price of admission. Can you imagine the hair-on-fire clusterfuck of lunacy and rage that would follow that happening? I could see some of the commentators at CNN and MSNBC keeling over with strokes or heart attacks at the news their side lost the election.

Oh, four days to the next sideshow event-- The first Presidential debate. Pelosi is urging Biden to pass on it...
At this point, I hope Trump and the Republicans do win the election by a significant margin. The Democrat / Leftist response would be worth every penny of the price of admission. Can you imagine the hair-on-fire clusterfuck of lunacy and rage that would follow that happening? I could see some of the commentators at CNN and MSNBC keeling over with strokes or heart attacks at the news their side lost the election.

Oh, four days to the next sideshow event-- The first Presidential debate. Pelosi is urging Biden to pass on it...

In order to save this Republic from the dishonest Fascistic tentacles of the Democratic Party of the Jackass and PHONY media, Trump needs to win BIGLY and Republicans retake the House.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

At this point, I hope Trump and the Republicans do win the election by a significant margin. The Democrat / Leftist response would be worth every penny of the price of admission. Can you imagine the hair-on-fire clusterfuck of lunacy and rage that would follow that happening? I could see some of the commentators at CNN and MSNBC keeling over with strokes or heart attacks at the news their side lost the election.

Oh, four days to the next sideshow event-- The first Presidential debate. Pelosi is urging Biden to pass on it...

Taking pleasure at the misfortune of others is a shallow pleasure.

If Trump wins I will mourn for the nation. It would be a blow to freedom and Democracy.

I mourned for a week after the 2016 election. I considered it the most tragic thing that had ever happened to the USA in my life.

I was right. It has been.

Hopefully we will fix that this time.

Biden For President!
At this point, I hope Trump and the Republicans do win the election by a significant margin. The Democrat / Leftist response would be worth every penny of the price of admission. Can you imagine the hair-on-fire clusterfuck of lunacy and rage that would follow that happening? I could see some of the commentators at CNN and MSNBC keeling over with strokes or heart attacks at the news their side lost the election.

Oh, four days to the next sideshow event-- The first Presidential debate. Pelosi is urging Biden to pass on it...
In order to save this Republic from the dishonest Fascistic tentacles of the Democratic Party of the Jackass and PHONY media, Trump needs to win BIGLY and Republicans retake the House.

You two make a nice pair of boobs. ;)

Despite Trump's fucked up news briefs, both his staff and the Republicans assure that the election will be fair and that they will honor the results. Anyone pissing their pants differently need to get a grip on reality before they are committed by their loved ones.
You two make a nice pair of boobs.

You're the definition of a boob snowflake.

Despite Trump's fucked up news briefs, both his staff and the Republicans assure that the election will be fair and that they will honor the results. Anyone pissing their pants differently need to get a grip on reality before they are committed by their loved ones.

Despite your selective outrage and asinine points of view; it isn't Trumps supporters or Republicans who are triggered and trying to make a mockery of our election process dumbass.

I do wish you weren't a dishonest dumbass; but I feel you were born an idiot and can't help it. Go back to whining about BIG fonts and BIG signatures you whiny dunce.
It has been said that his favorite game as a child (in terms of years,) was Monopoly.

How much do you want to guess that if he's losing he overturns the gameboard?

He won't need to... The Biden-Harris ticket is the worst that America has ever been offered: a walking corpse and a prostitute with a nasty mouth. On 3rd November the Democrats are going to receive an absolute THRASHING. Mark my words.

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He won't need to... The Biden-Harris ticket is the worst that America has ever been offered: a walking corpse and a prostitute with a nasty mouth. On 3rd November the Democrats are going to receive an absolute THRASHING. Mark my words.


Consider them marked. Both sides are so close that it's a tough call but this I know: Whoever wins will claim it was "an absolute THRASHING". Mark my words. :D