T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Biased Faux News BS.
Why does the gy need an AR-15 to defend his home?
Why can't he use a 12 ga shotgun or a 30.30 or a 30.06?
Why can't he use a Glock or some other hand gun?
Where is it written that an AR-15 is the only weapon that you can use to defend your home against intruders?
Because maybe .223 ammunition is cheaper than 30.06 or .30? What's the difference if he has this:

or this other than the top gun fires .223 while the bottom fires 7.62mm

They both have 20 to 30 round magazines. They both have semi-automatic fire. "Assault" rifle is about nothing but cosmetics.
Oh, and as for gun buy back programs... Unless Congress is willing to cough up several trillion dollars to do one nationally, it ain't happening. The 4th and 6th amendments require that such a program pay fair market value for weapons bought back if it were mandatory to turn them in. That would be considered a case of eminent domain and no different than the government having to pay you fair market value for land they take to build say, a highway. Zero difference.