Biden admits truth Finally amazing

You just have to trust me when I say this- But Joe is Ordinary Joe. He's a man. And real men, already know about men and their toys. He is not someone wanting to take men's toys away.

But, having that said, law abiding men with pistol grip assault rifles made for the military or law enforcement, should be allowed to own them or shoot them if that is what they want to do- So long as they follow the law.

Biden has always been a no-nonsense legislator, and all he has ever voted for are no-nonsense gun laws.

Biden also believes in Gun Registration. Biden also believes in Gun Licensing. Of course Biden also believes that the registration and licensing should be handled at the state level- JUST AS AUTOMOBILE LICENSING AND REGISTRATION IS CURRENTLY.

The only thing Biden is going to do Federally is make it a federal mandate that states License and Register the guns owned and sold in each state.

That way, the information may be shared with other state, local, and Federal Law enforcement agencies.



So may we all grow up and just be real men about this?

registrations and licenses are not signs of responsbility. they are signs of slavery. we will not comply
:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:

Fuck you, full of shit blowhard. :fu:

see, you say this now.........but that's just you projecting your own cowardly submission to elitist slavery....but I know differently because i'm not part of your slavish mindset that the two main political party bases push on you. i'm really looking forward to your abject terror when you see that the government will not save you
registrations and licenses are not signs of responsbility. they are signs of slavery. we will not comply

Slavery my ass idiot! Is that what Automobile Registration and licensing is? Slavery?

I suggest you pull your head out your ass DUMBER-THAN-A-BOX-OF-CURLY-HAIR!

You are an example of someone who is not smart enough or responsible enough to own a gun!

I see your toys being taken away some day because of your stupidity and lack of respect for society and the law of the land.
Slavery my ass idiot! Is that what Automobile Registration and licensing is? Slavery?
it damned sure is slavery. You're allowing a government entity to deprive you of your right to travel, to make a living using that travel, for the idiot sake of safety theater.......that is slavery

I suggest you pull your head out your ass!

i'm not the one doing what government says I must do, slave
Biden is going to take your guns and leave you defenseless against despotic government oppression!

Ha! Too bad. Elections have consequences, gun clinging religious losers! Now peel open that cold dead hand mother fucker!
Biased Faux News BS.

Why does the gy need an AR-15 to defend his home?

Why can't he use a 12 ga shotgun or a 30.30 or a 30.06?

Why can't he use a Glock or some other hand gun?

Where is it written that an AR-15 is the only weapon that you can use to defend your home against intruders?

Its not the only but it is one of the best.
Biden is going to take your guns and leave you defenseless against despotic government oppression!

Ha! Too bad. Elections have consequences, gun clinging religious losers! Now peel open that cold dead hand mother fucker!

Aren't you concerned at all that a person worse than Trump can rise up after you've empowered the Federal government to do anything it wants?

“A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.”
President Gerald R. Ford
Address to a Joint Session of Congress
August 12, 1974
if you failed to read the particular laws that biden is attaching ARs and AKs to, that's on you, dumbass.......READ THE LAW

I don't see the law in the article. And the fact that you keep calling me names instead of just simply linking to the law tells me you have no fucking clue.
I don't see the law in the article. And the fact that you keep calling me names instead of just simply linking to the law tells me you have no fucking clue.

are you admitting that you're not familiar with joe bidens campaign page to see his stance on the issues? that you just listened to the media to tell you what it is???????

maybe you should have read his page, that would at least lent me a little respect for your opinion...........but in any the following link
are you admitting that you're not familiar with joe bidens campaign page to see his stance on the issues? that you just listened to the media to tell you what it is???????

maybe you should have read his page, that would at least lent me a little respect for your opinion...........but in any the following link

Just as I thought, you have no clue. There's nothing in your link about gun buybacks.

Here's what Biden is proposing on his own site.

"Buy back the assault weapons and high-capacity magazines already in our communities. Biden will also institute a program to buy back weapons of war currently on our streets. This will give individuals who now possess assault weapons or high-capacity magazines two options: sell the weapons to the government, or register them under the National Firearms Act."
Just as I thought, you have no clue. There's nothing in your link about gun buybacks.

Here's what Biden is proposing on his own site.

"Buy back the assault weapons and high-capacity magazines already in our communities. Biden will also institute a program to buy back weapons of war currently on our streets. This will give individuals who now possess assault weapons or high-capacity magazines two options: sell the weapons to the government, or register them under the National Firearms Act."

just as I thought, you're dumb as fuck and can't, or won't, follow what the law says..........and we were talking about confiscation, moron.
just as I thought, you're dumb as fuck and can't, or won't, follow what the law says..........and we were talking about confiscation, moron.

No fucktard, the article claims that the Biden buy back's program is a cover for gun confiscation.

Wait a minute... after going back to the article and read the headline, I wondered if the OP read the word "admin's" as "admits". :thinking:
see, you say this now.........but that's just you projecting your own cowardly submission to elitist slavery....but I know differently because i'm not part of your slavish mindset that the two main political party bases push on you. i'm really looking forward to your abject terror when you see that the government will not save you

Save me from what.... your hot air?

I'll just turn up the a/c.

When the gub'mint says give 'em up, you'll be a good little bitch and give 'em up.