Into the Night
Verified User
Oh really? We came out on top of the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions and occupations? How about mass NSA surveillance? The drone strikes? Where was our military on 9/11? How are all those things working out for us?
From where I sit, our military hasn't defended any of our freedoms...instead, they've taken away lives, resources, and revenue.
What did you defend? Nothing. Iraq and Afghanistan were not threats to our way of life. They were barely threats in the Middle East and we've thrown how many trillions of dollars down those drains?
You might have fought not for the country, but for your brothers in arms...but really, what was the point? If the point was to merely support your brother in a fox hole, then you're avoiding conversation about why you both were in the foxhole to begin with.
Veterans are not a special class of people. Time to stop venerating them as if they are. Trillions of dollars lost, millions of lives lost, and none of it stopped a wannabe dictator from trashing our democracy.
Veterans are a special class of people. They chose to risk life and limb to preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States and the people the United States. Be proud of your service, veterans! Thank you!
The United States is not a democracy and never was. It is a federated republic. There are currently no democracies anywhere in the world. They are an unstable form of government, usually converting to an oligarchy or dictatorship in a short space of time. This is what happened to Athens. It became an oligarchy.
Trump is not a dictator. He is only the President. He has done nothing outside his authorized powers as President or as a candidate.
The Democrats, including Biden, want to destroy the Constitution of the United States, the State constitutions, and implement fascism by oligarchy. Nothing less.
It is the Democrats that want to tell you what kind of car you can drive, what kind of light bulb you can buy, what kind of toilet you can install, what kind of use you can put your land to, what kind of crop you can plant, how much you must pay employees, how much you can charge for your product or service, who you have to hire based on racism, what your religion is, who you get your news from, whether you have to wear a mask or not, whether you can open your business or not, bring about riots, looting, arson, and vandalism in the streets, cheat on elections on a massive scale, run Democrat run cities into hellholes, created the KKK, divide people into little groups by race, creed, or economic status, tell you what kind of home you can build or live in, tell you how much money you're allowed to make, and on...and on...and on...
All rules for thee but not for me.
Fuck you.