Instead Of Raising Minimum Wage . . .

Ditch min wage altogether and let supply and demand work.

You seem to need a lesson on supply and demand...

Demand isn't created by increasing supply. Demand is created by increasing wages. Supply fills the demand, not the other way around. If you give people more money to spend, particularly people with low incomes, that money gets spent immediately in the consumer economy. Spending creates demand which creates jobs.

So if you lower everyone's wages, does that mean they have more or less money to spend in the consumer market?
Are you kidding? The owners would go to slavery if they could. Raising the min wage results in more spending. More spending is more demand. Demand is what drives hiring and expansion.

What proof do you have that owners would go to slavery? That makes you sound a bit insane.
. . . why not have overtime start at thirty hours instead of at forty?

you mean you actually have to ask that question ?

well traditionally a 40m hour work week has been standard breaking the work week down into 3 equal 8 hour period 8 for work 8 for yourself and 8 to sleep.

next it would result inn company's hiring more employees with out benefits and only working them 30 hours per week thus avoiding overtime wages which are expensive.
overtime is traditionally used to fill customer orders that are short term or large and there is a due date or when schedules are shorted . for instance nasa wanted the eelv program advanced foe sooner use. we went from working 40 tom 50mhour work weeks to 80 hour work weeks , this was a cost plus % for profit contract and I did this for the most part of a year. I already made good wages but I made a lot more and they spent a lot more.
Overtime for private industry is based on product cost as is wages .are youn wiling to pay double for a can of beans or a burger from mickey dees or you fuel >think about it its common sense many industry could not afford it just as with the 15.00 a hour min wage which will cost jobs and hike prices
Oh I remember you you become more unhinged as the discussion moves along.

This is projection. You're the one who refuses to debate in good faith.

You keep claiming I have other names.

You want me to believe that you just discovered JPP this month?

You are not here for any serious discussion.

More projection from you're the one who doesn't want to engage in good faith.

So you act in bad faith, then you complain that I'm being mean to you by calling you out for acting in bad faith.

What a fucking crybaby.
This is projection. You're the one who refuses to debate in good faith.

You want me to believe that you just discovered JPP this month?

More projection from you're the one who doesn't want to engage in good faith.

So you act in bad faith, then you complain that I'm being mean to you by calling you out for acting in bad faith.

What a fucking crybaby.

I've asked you to tell me what my "other" names are and you haven't and you have the nerve to say I don't debate in good faith? You're troubled.

So nobody new ever comes to this site? Really???

What other names have used? You're more unhinged as we go along
next it would result inn company's hiring more employees with out benefits and only working them 30 hours per week thus avoiding overtime wages which are expensive.

Isn't that what the ACA is for?

If an employer doesn't offer health care coverage, then the worker can go on the ACA and get a plan there...probably mostly fully covered since their wage of $15/hr would qualify them for ACA subsidies or Medicaid.

You haven't really thought much about this, have you?
overtime is traditionally used to fill customer orders that are short term or large and there is a due date or when schedules are shorted .

This is horseshit.

for instance nasa wanted the eelv program advanced foe sooner use. we went from working 40 tom 50mhour work weeks to 80 hour work weeks , this was a cost plus % for profit contract and I did this for the most part of a year. I already made good wages but I made a lot more and they spent a lot more.

OK, but chances are, anyone working in NASA on that program is a salaried employee.

Overtime for private industry is based on product cost as is wages

Not one bit.

are youn wiling to pay double for a can of beans or a burger from mickey dees or you fuel

Why would the cost of a Big Mac double if the wage of the people making it double? Take me through that math, preferably in a P&L. Thanks.

think about it its common sense many industry could not afford it just as with the 15.00 a hour min wage which will cost jobs and hike prices

The MW has been raised 26 times since the 1940's and prices for products have not risen at the same rate.
Why mandate such things when MW workers are more often teens or the retired. People in their primary earning years for the most part don't work MW jobs they have careers that offer those things.

Raising the minimum wage isn't focused on just minimum wage jobs. It focuses on ALL jobs earning under the proposed minimum wage. Anyone earning under $15/hr would be affected.
Raising the minimum wage isn't focused on just minimum wage jobs. It focuses on ALL jobs earning under the proposed minimum wage. Anyone earning under $15/hr would be affected.

Sitting around waiting for a Conservative, ANY Conservative, to quit their job to get $15/hr for flipping burgers, if it's so easy.
Isn't that what the ACA is for?

If an employer doesn't offer health care coverage, then the worker can go on the ACA and get a plan there...probably mostly fully covered since their wage of $15/hr would qualify them for ACA subsidies or Medicaid.

You haven't really thought much about this, have you?

and you can live on a 30 hour work week and pay for health care and the increase in prices caused by a 15 hour min wage , you really have not thought much about this have you
and you can live on a 30 hour work week and pay for health care and the increase in prices caused by a 15 hour min wage , you really have not thought much about this have you

Work, economics, simple math and science are all strange and unknown things to a modern day democrat.
Why mandate such things when MW workers are more often teens or the retired. People in their primary earning years for the most part don't work MW jobs they have careers that offer those things.

That is not true. However, if the min wage went to 15, the food stamps and cost of social services would drop steeply saving tax money.
That is not true. However, if the min wage went to 15, the food stamps and cost of social services would drop steeply saving tax money.

yes and prices will go up due to the additional cost reducing buying power of lower income brackets and eventually putting them right back where they were only with out food stamps and social services until the bar was again lowered , it will also result in less jobs , another democrat who is unable to do math due to not having enough toes and fingers to count with
Question on this...

Who picks up the 11 hours of work that employee would no longer do? Because someone has to work those hours. So who is it going to be? Why would a company go through the process of hiring two people to do the job of one person?

That's why these arguments never make sense to me...just because a worker's hours are cut doesn't mean those hours don't need to be filled.

Why not?? They can have them work whatever they want unless there are some state/local/union restrictions to doing so.