Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Such a dildo. For one thing Im not even in Florida yet,... thats next month. So,.... wrong AGAIN pal.![]()
You weren't in Washington, DC. So where were you hiding...or is that too personal?
Such a dildo. For one thing Im not even in Florida yet,... thats next month. So,.... wrong AGAIN pal.![]()
I knocked a piece of that off myself awhile back! She doesnt talk very well ever since. Cant think straight either.![]()
You weren't in Washington, DC. So where were you hiding...or is that too personal?
What does that post have to do with the thread you started?
Wasnt HIDING anywhere...LOL. I never have to![]()
Whatever I want it to. Its MY thread. Im just nice enuff to let you play in it awhile.
Straight out of Goebbels, you accuse your enemy of what you actually are.![]()
horseshit on all accounts. The press started off with fake Russian collusion and it went downhill from there.His policies, other than two things, judges and tax cuts he was pretty much a failure at everything, but if you knew that before hand then you are part of the problem and not the solution.
One of the very first acts by trump was to call in the Press and then berate them for not being on board with his agenda, if you think that made the Press more likely to report how he wanted then you do not understand the Press. Trump only stood up to the press that was telling the truth about him and usually based on trumps own words, those that praised and got all tingly over everything trump he loved, well until like FOX they told some truths and all of a suddenly they are also the enemy. Trump always claims he is a fighter, but the truth is he quits on things left and right, especially if it is hard work, and I will remind you that trump had basically stopped working in November of 2020. No trump is not a fighter, he is a spoiled brat that could not even lose with dignity or class, that is what you voted for.
no again. deflection on your part.True, you far righties have been doing it for over a decade, glad you finally admit it, but everyone else had already figured it out on their own.
"lies"in politics are largely subjective. whatever happened to the free flow of ideas, and let the populace figure it out?The Green New Deal is such a fearmongering thing. Everyone knows how DC works. It will never pass.
Years down the line, we'll get some watered down version, that costs almost nothing and accomplishes less.
Biden has a detailed plan for jobs. It's on the WH site. Check it out. You just don't like it, or agree w/ it.
That's all this is about. People can't deal with losing elections anymore. They always want their viewpoint to prevail.
There is no censorship in America. Just private companies making private decisions. Is that really our biggest problem? We can't tweet lies, so it's time for a revolution?
Again, it all begs the question: what can't you do that you want to do?
no again. deflection on your part.
WTF does this supposed to meanJust the Truth, Skippy, and you guys are guilty as sin, heck you did not even try to hide what you were doing. Oh some people are gonna get locked up alrigh,t but it is not who you thought they would be.
Gonna be an Excellent Year, Pandemic and all. Be safe.
How did it happen? Accident in your Prius lol?
horseshit on all accounts. The press started off with fake Russian collusion and it went downhill from there.
I remind you Trump gave many press conferences and much access to the press.
The fake news was lies of omission and spin as well.
As to his success, we got the lowest record unemployment, we got the caravans stopped,
we got wage gains that Obama never got -and they were skewed to lower incomes -not the typical 1%'rs
we got a trade deal negotiated with China -while Biden wants to go back to the failed WTO
Plus Biden is dithering on China with his "strategic patience" - China isn't fucking around -Biden is
WTF does this supposed to mean
"lies"in politics are largely subjective. whatever happened to the free flow of ideas, and let the populace figure it out?
Biden is already undermining our energy independence. I happened to tun on Wall St Journal report
and some guy said we were paying $400 billion a year on oil imports during Bush.
We are a NET EXPORTER now -meaning all that money stays in the US economy -not shopped overseas.
FFS he even blocked the Keystone -no reason for that -it passed all State Dept reviews -
it's just pandering to the left loons
You are telling me the Progressives are fine with a half a loaf?? LMAO. they are radicals.
They are going to press Biden as far as he will go, and then some ( and that is where we get the supposed job growth)
If there is one thing you can count on, it is that.Predictable, because Democrats are overplaying their hand, again.
Predictable, because Democrats are overplaying their hand, again.
Your a traitor.