Trump and his base growing stronger according to Politico...

Tricycle. Domer is a midget. A real midget. Cannot even see over the dashboard of a Cooper mini.

I was interested in a Mini but even in their high end car, not enough power/ weight ratio. Nah, domer's a Subaruian. My daughter calls them "lesbian cars".
I dont think some of you understand that there are HUGE pockets of the country where any of the covid restrictions were never followed because LEO deemed them unconstitutional and unenforceable . Thats how it is here. We go to bars...No masks, we go out for dinner with friends at restaurants,.... no masks. Our bars and restaurants are packed. We go to stores to shop,....masks, and some with no masks. Yet our infection rate keeps dropping dropping, dropping. Has been since our peak in late oct.

I suppose you don't have to wear seat belts either do you?
It was YOU who birthed the tea party movement and the absolute ass kicking they gave you back in 10. It was also YOU you birthed the populist Trumpism movement. NOW..... you will be the ones who birth the FREEDOM movement. Once born,.... there is no going back. Thanks in advance.

Two yrs ago democrats took over the House of Reps, this past election your orange asshole lost the presidency to the democrat and then the senate was taken over by the democrats. Yes it it appears you and your rightwing assholes are taking everything over. Trump is done, he will never again be elected to dog catcher much less public office. You want to know what movement will be next I'd say it will be the progressives.
We dont want to tear EVERYTHING DOWN. Not even close. But we WILL put an end to the absolute corrupt shit show of both parties. NEITHER give a flying fuck about the citizens of this country. Deep down EVERY SINGLE POSTER in this room KNOWS this to be a FACT. WHY FIGHT IT?

Corrupt shit show? Your fucking fuhrer was impeached twice and the most corrupt shit show just ended.
I am only a few years younger than you. I have been hearing that same bullshit story my entire life. It never happens. As people become older and wiser they reject the progressive movement.

No they don't. The progressives are growing by the day and you aren't going to stop them. Trump is the shithead that is now rejected by enough republicans that he will never again be elected to anything. With any luck he might control enough republicans to win a primary there but he doesn't stand a chance in another general election.
About half my Trump supporting family peeled off from him after the terrorism, the others still support him, so I don’t think there’s as many Trump supporters now.

Same here and also at work. Many are now rejecting Republicans entirely and some are still republicans at heart but will never vote for trump again. They are also disgusted by the way many republicans are still kissing Trumps ass after he is gone. The republican party isn't done losing members by any stretch.
“It is not important who votes, but is only important who counts the votes.”
And because of this it really doesnt matter.
Democracies run in a cycle. Guess where we are now !
Bondage to Spiritual Faith —-> Spiritual Faith to Great Courage —-> Courage to Liberty —-> Liberty to Abundance —-> Abundance to Complacency —-> Complacency to Apathy —-> Apathy to Dependence —-> and Dependence back into Bondage.”

Republicans counted the votes in this last election. Amazing how all the assholes who actually think Trump won the last election say shit like this when republicans were the ones counting the votes in all but one of the swing states.
The same thing was said of the Democrats back in 16. Yet they nominated Joe Biden in 20. Of coarse there was massive corruption in the voting system, but the point stands. Nothing under the sun is new. This has all been said before........ and proven wrong.

Republicans running these elections say they were the most secure ever. Trumps number one in charge said they were the most secure. Trumps AG and DoJ said there was nothing to investigate, there was no corruption. Your cry baby asshole is the only one making that claim yet he doesn't know jack shit about running an election and you believe him? You are just a cry baby asshole like he is.
Your a traitor.

Inversion fallacy. It is DEMOCRATS that do not recognize the Constitution of the United States or of any State. It is DEMOCRATS that are currently turning the federal government into an oligarchy so they can implement their fascism. I call it the SODC now.

The States of America are still here. They are now deciding whether to join the SODC or to secede and restore a federated republic as government.