Trump and his base growing stronger according to Politico...

the reason the Democrats won Georgia is because black people turned out like they've never turned out before and Republican stayed home you're living in a mythology

Yup, VA used to be reliably red and now it is solid blue every election. NC still swings back and forth but is certainly no longer solid red. Now GA is turning blue. It's like Howard Dean said, if we can just get the redneck assholes in the south to realize they are voting against their own best interests we would never again lose a national election. Hell, the last election for senate BOTH republicans were saying they were FOR the $2000 stimulus checks. I suppose the Georgians weren't stupid enough to buy that bullshit.

We are also coming into the age of voting by mail which also spells death for the republican.
And you don't get it. If you refuse to vote for the Republicans, you will kill the party. If you refuse to vote for the Democrats, everyone yawns, and moves on in life. The Democratic Party neither needs you, nor wants you.

The Alt Right has had success in being an alternative right wing, and by infiltrating the right wing. There is no Alt Left, and the Alt Right is definitely not anywhere with the Democrats.

Shhhhhhhhhhhh! Don't tell him his grand plans will lead to nothing but full on democratic control of govt.
One of life's great mysteries. But 2016 was a perfect storm - a party looking for an identity, someone presenting lies w/ great conviction, and an opposition candidate who had more baggage than an airport.

Won't happen again.

You got it! It's like all the stars were in alignment and the shithead still lost the popular vote. Needless to say the country corrected the mistake in the next election.
You're right about that. Just look at them:


Yes, that is the face of Stone's "freedom" party in the middle. He recently told a judge that he was really a good man.:) The one on the right with his work ID around his neck was fired from that job the next day.:(
No they don't. The progressives are growing by the day and you aren't going to stop them. Trump is the shithead that is now rejected by enough republicans that he will never again be elected to anything. With any luck he might control enough republicans to win a primary there but he doesn't stand a chance in another general election.


Even more so, when the losing party is being marginalized and demonized. Look at what they are doing to Liz Cheney for voting to impeach Trump.

But it’s a mistake for Democrats and the uniparty to think this begins and ends with Trump. The populist nationalist movement is a reaction to globalism and it’s global movement that’s only accelerating, partly because of lockdowns.

I was saying this back in the Spring: free people aren’t going to tolerate lockdowns and/or draconian policies 4-ever. They will only make populists out of them and they will rebel. And it’s not if—it’s when.

But the populist nationalist movement is ascendant and it will remain so post-Trump.

Yes. Populism, nationalism, even Trumpism is happening all over the world RIGHT NOW.
You got it! It's like all the stars were in alignment and the shithead still lost the popular vote. Needless to say the country corrected the mistake in the next election.

Delusional lol.

The populist nationalist base expanded under Trump. In no small part because of Trump’s hard stance on border security. Anyone who advocates for strong border security is a six pack away from being a populist nationalist. This includes an increasing number of working class Hispanics and blacks. They saw past the lies and voted for a continuation of border security—since only one person was running on that, he got their vote.

It happened his name was Donald Trump—this time. Next time, it could be someone else.

These people aren’t stupid. They know illegal immigrants flooding into the country is a threat to their jobs—because they see it and live it. It’s doesn’t have a damn thing to do with racism or xenophobia so they see right through those lies. It has to do with keeping their jobs and feeding their families.

Perhaps one day some lefties will open their eyes and ‘become less stupid’. If they want to increase the minimum wage—tighten the job market, like Trump was doing until China F*d us. What’s the quickest route to tightening the job market for low income workers?

Answer should be easy enough.
Your fucking "freedom" whatever the fuck it is is getting smaller by the day. The democrats and the progressives are a building wave that is going to be here for decades. I'm not so sure that a republican will ever again hold the presidency. The birth rate of Hispanics and blacks so far outnumbers Caucasians in this country that by 2040-50 Caucasians will be a minority in this country. John McCain was 100% right when he said if the republican cannot find a way to embrace both the Hispanics and blacks in this country the party is doomed.

Great so then watch the US turn into South Africa slowly and inexorably.
Great so then watch the US turn into South Africa slowly and inexorably.

Great to see you attack the United States of America and talk about freedom of speech when you can go to prison for calling your King a psychotic dipshit...which the fucker most definitely is besides being a cowardly asshole hiding in Germany.

Yup, VA used to be reliably red and now it is solid blue every election. NC still swings back and forth but is certainly no longer solid red. Now GA is turning blue. It's like Howard Dean said, if we can just get the redneck assholes in the south to realize they are voting against their own best interests we would never again lose a national election. Hell, the last election for senate BOTH republicans were saying they were FOR the $2000 stimulus checks. I suppose the Georgians weren't stupid enough to buy that bullshit.

We are also coming into the age of voting by mail which also spells death for the republican.

I think it's telling that a lot of the lawyers that Trump appointed denied his claims that the election was rigged or a fraud.
The stronger Trump's base grows, the more Republicans will vote Democrat.
No rational, sane Republican wants to be associated with a racist traitor.

This. I am what is lost. To put a finer point on it, I am amenable to voting for a conservative of a more (to use their pejorative) RINO stripe.
But I can't. The Trump party no longer offers that as a viable option. But I can guarantee I will never vote for Trump
or any politicians who did not vote to impeach and remove him. Biden was the sane choice. I chose wisely. Wise moderates or conservatives
will never, and I mean ever, vote for a Cruz, or a Rubio or anyone who has ever given aid and suckor to "the big lie"

To grow their party Republicans have to clean house and draft from the outside, unknown center rightys to moderates who completely lack
the stink of TReason45*.

You never had the city, and now your suburbs are completely gone. Hell, even sane rural patriots are in question. Texas and Florida and Virginia
and Georgia are going if have not gone purple/blue. In short, congrats. You Trumpfucks/Teabag racist normalizing, climate science denial, mendacious
lemmings had a 4 year party of degradation and now it's cleanup time. You fucked the whore of babylon and sent the video to your wife before
you sobered up. "You can never go home," someone said. But there is a rather bright side of all this. The intelligent people control EVERYTHING
for as far and as long as the eyes can see.

Eat shit. You earned it, you magnificent hate filled losers and total disgraces to not only the human race, but to our species.
Delusional lol.

The populist nationalist base expanded under Trump. In no small part because of Trump’s hard stance on border security. Anyone who advocates for strong border security is a six pack away from being a populist nationalist. This includes an increasing number of working class Hispanics and blacks. They saw past the lies and voted for a continuation of border security—since only one person was running on that, he got their vote.

It happened his name was Donald Trump—this time. Next time, it could be someone else.

These people aren’t stupid. They know illegal immigrants flooding into the country is a threat to their jobs—because they see it and live it. It’s doesn’t have a damn thing to do with racism or xenophobia so they see right through those lies. It has to do with keeping their jobs and feeding their families.

Perhaps one day some lefties will open their eyes and ‘become less stupid’. If they want to increase the minimum wage—tighten the job market, like Trump was doing until China F*d us. What’s the quickest route to tightening the job market for low income workers?

Answer should be easy enough.

If Americans were so concerned about immigration, Trump would still be in the White House.

You're just using cheap Chicken Little Scare Tactics. Our current Immigration laws aren't perfect but they're not the 'job killing' monster you think it is.
