Trump and his base growing stronger according to Politico...

This. I am what is lost. To put a finer point on it, I am amenable to voting for a conservative of a more (to use their pejorative) RINO stripe.
But I can't. The Trump party no longer offers that as a viable option. But I can guarantee I will never vote for Trump
or any politicians who did not vote to impeach and remove him. Biden was the sane choice. I chose wisely. Wise moderates or conservatives
will never, and I mean ever, vote for a Cruz, or a Rubio or anyone who has ever given aid and suckor to "the big lie"

To grow their party Republicans have to clean house and draft from the outside, unknown center rightys to moderates who completely lack
the stink of TReason45*.

You never had the city, and now your suburbs are completely gone. Hell, even sane rural patriots are in question. Texas and Florida and Virginia
and Georgia are going if have not gone purple/blue. In short, congrats. You Trumpfucks/Teabag racist normalizing, climate science denial, mendacious
lemmings had a 4 year party of degradation and now it's cleanup time. You fucked the whore of babylon and sent the video to your wife before
you sobered up. "You can never go home," someone said. But there is a rather bright side of all this. The intelligent people control EVERYTHING
for as far and as long as the eyes can see.

Eat shit. You earned it, you magnificent hate filled losers and total disgraces to not only the human race, but to our species.

Well said, my man. If the RepubliQanons don't realize they need to be LESS radical, not more, to win back their base, then they deserve what's coming i.e. no White House or Congress Majority wins in the next decade.
Trump's base is all for the RepubliQanons to become more radical but the rest of the country is so down on them, they won't, can't win.
Americans will never forget January 6th just like they'll never forget Sept 11 or Dec 7th.
It's gonna be a HUGE ShitStain on their legacy worse than Watergate.
If Americans were so concerned about immigration, Trump would still be in the White House.

You're just using cheap Chicken Little Scare Tactics. Our current Immigration laws aren't perfect but they're not the 'job killing' monster you think it is.


The scare tactic is there’s a white supremacist hiding behind every bush.

Like I said, an increasing number of lower working class minorities [the ones democrats supposedly care about] are seeing through the lies and propaganda.

Their jobs are threatened by illegal immigration. It’s politics 101.

Even more so, when the losing party is being marginalized and demonized. Look at what they are doing to Liz Cheney for voting to impeach Trump.

But it’s a mistake for Democrats and the uniparty to think this begins and ends with Trump. The populist nationalist movement is a reaction to globalism and it’s global movement that’s only accelerating, partly because of lockdowns.

I was saying this back in the Spring: free people aren’t going to tolerate lockdowns and/or draconian policies 4-ever. They will only make populists out of them and they will rebel. And it’s not if—it’s when.

But the populist nationalist movement is ascendant and it will remain so post-Trump.

Won't do any good if we can't make elections honest.
How sweet would it be if:

Trump gets convicted in the Senate and barred from holding public office ever again.

2024 rolls around and 50~60 million people write Trump's name in on the presidential ballot.

Trump gets enough to win the popular vote maybe a few states worth of EC.

But none of it means a damn thing because he still can't hold office.
Well said, my man. If the RepubliQanons don't realize they need to be LESS radical, not more, to win back their base, then they deserve what's coming i.e. no White House or Congress Majority wins in the next decade.
Trump's base is all for the RepubliQanons to become more radical but the rest of the country is so down on them, they won't, can't win.
Americans will never forget January 6th just like they'll never forget Sept 11 or Dec 7th.
It's gonna be a HUGE ShitStain on their legacy worse than Watergate.

Americans will never forget Jan 6th, 2021. They will remember the election fraud, the riots, the return to racism and discrimination, the house arrest of the population at large, the fall of the federal government, etc. all brought about by DEMOCRATS.
...and it WILL come back to bite them right on the ass.
The scare tactic is there’s a white supremacist hiding behind every bush.

Like I said, an increasing number of lower working class minorities [the ones democrats supposedly care about] are seeing through the lies and propaganda.

Their jobs are threatened by illegal immigration. It’s politics 101.

You may believe that. I doubt the Dems do.
Won't do any good if we can't make elections honest.

We can either roll up in the fetal position or start affecting real election reform at the state level. Republicans have considerable power in many state governments. In fact, it’s largely a Red nation presently being ruled by Blue urban areas at the federal level.

Democrats are famously prone to over reach—especially, when they get cocky and start talking about Eternal Rule [they learned nothing from 2010 when the lost 60 House seats]. This has an excellent chance of being worse.

Keep hammering the populist message and focus on 2022.
We can either roll up in the fetal position or start affecting real election reform at the state level. Republicans have considerable power in many state governments. In fact, it’s largely a Red nation presently being ruled by Blue urban areas at the federal level.

Democrats are famously prone to over reach—especially, when they get cocky and start talking about Eternal Rule [they learned nothing from 2010 when the lost 60 House seats]. This has an excellent chance of being worse.

Keep hammering the populist message and focus on 2022.

Re: the bolded. Why is "the nation" considered rural, and not urban?

Biden won by 8 million votes. THAT is the nation - that's a majority of the nation.

And don't worry about Democrats in '22. Worry about how Republicans are currently going to have to nod politely when asked about Jewish Space Lasers.
Re: the bolded. Why is "the nation" considered rural, and not urban?

Biden won by 8 million votes. THAT is the nation - that's a majority of the nation.

And don't worry about Democrats in '22. Worry about how Republicans are currently going to have to nod politely when asked about Jewish Space Lasers.

Well, states have their own seats of government, two branches of legislatures, mayors, sheriff’s and etc. Much of it is republican presently. And it represents of sizable portion of local government—across the nation. If republicans are smart, they will pass legislation that would do away with much of the ‘creative’ election stuff democrats have conjured up and make it difficult for them to do a repeat of 2020.

Elections are run at the state level, right?

And yeah, if the patten holds Democrats will get a visit from their old friend Hubris in 2022 lol. I can see it coming after Biden’s first week in office. Killing jobs during a pandemic[!] isn’t a good start. Their seemingly insatiable desire to nail Trump again and again. That almost has to backfire with independent voters. Stuff like that.
Well, states have their own seats of government, two branches of legislatures, mayors, sheriff’s and etc. Much of it is republican presently. And it represents of sizable portion of local government—across the nation. If republicans are smart, they will pass legislation that would do away with much of the ‘creative’ election stuff democrats have conjured up and make it difficult for them to do a repeat of 2020.

Elections are run at the state level, right?

And yeah, if the patten holds Democrats will get a visit from their old friend Hubris in 2022 lol. I can see it coming after Biden’s first week in office. Killing jobs during a pandemic[!] isn’t a good start. Their seemingly insatiable desire to nail Trump again and again. That almost has to backfire with independent voters. Stuff like that.

Trump is still the leader of the GOP. That's something the GOP will just have to deal with.

As for Biden, he won't deserve a good Dem showing in the midterms if he doesn't do well w/ the economy. I've heard too many conservatives predict economic doom when a Democrat takes over to take it seriously. I think we'll be in good shape, the the midterms will probably go accordingly.
Trump is still the leader of the GOP. That's something the GOP will just have to deal with.

As for Biden, he won't deserve a good Dem showing in the midterms if he doesn't do well w/ the economy. I've heard too many conservatives predict economic doom when a Democrat takes over to take it seriously. I think we'll be in good shape, the the midterms will probably go accordingly.

I don’t see how Biden can keep his radical flank happy and do well on the economy at the same time lol. Seems he’ll have to pick one or the other.

Also, the standard with voters will be Trump’s pre-China virus economy, with its record employment numbers for minorities, low unemployment, tight job market, low pump prices and etc.

Unless Biden can pull some sort of Magic trick that ain’t happening. For one, he would have to open the economic spigot wide open and democrats are seemingly wed to Covid restrictions for at least the next several quarters.

Total long shot we’ll have anything other than mediocre economic numbers going into the midterms and it could easily head farther south by then.
We can either roll up in the fetal position or start affecting real election reform at the state level. Republicans have considerable power in many state governments. In fact, it’s largely a Red nation presently being ruled by Blue urban areas at the federal level.

Democrats are famously prone to over reach—especially, when they get cocky and start talking about Eternal Rule [they learned nothing from 2010 when the lost 60 House seats]. This has an excellent chance of being worse.

Keep hammering the populist message and focus on 2022.

100% correct.
I don’t see how Biden can keep his radical flank happy and do well on the economy at the same time lol. Seems he’ll have to pick one or the other.

Also, the standard with voters will be Trump’s pre-China virus economy, with its record employment numbers for minorities, low unemployment, tight job market, low pump prices and etc.

Unless Biden can pull some sort of Magic trick that ain’t happening. For one, he would have to open the economic spigot wide open and democrats are seemingly wed to Covid restrictions for at least the next several quarters.

Total long shot we’ll have anything other than mediocre economic numbers going into the midterms and it could easily head farther south by then.

Why the bolded? Who made that determination?

Not how it works. Biden will be judged by how things go from the day he was inaugurated. And Trump won't be remembered as a good economic President.

I'd bet the economy is booming next year. Just a hunch.
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