FOX viewers described in minute detail, every JPP wingnut following this exact script

The amazing and terrifying fantasy world of the Fox News viewer.....

The following are some more of our typical Fox News viewer’s beliefs, based on headlines from Fox’s website over the past two days:


Biden may be the new president in name, but the actual president is Susan Rice.

Biden’s campaign was bankrolled by millions in “dark money.” This is bad. Republicans would never do this.

Tulsi Gabbard holds noteworthy and important opinions about everything.

The most powerful people in the entire Democratic Party are the four “Squad” Congresswomen.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in particular wields enormous influence within the Democratic Party, such that her every utterance is noteworthy; she dictates the entire Democratic agenda.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is also a coward who is afraid of gun-carrying members of Congress.

Black people are mostly violent criminals, except for those who appear on Fox News as conservative commentators.

Antifa is … everywhere.

Hollywood stars are jumping ahead of everyone else to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone pipeline is a job-killing political disaster that spells doom for the Democratic Party.

Biden and his son Hunter committed unspecified crimes in Ukraine that involved some sort of shady corporate deal and made the Bidens millions. This information is all contained on a laptop somewhere.

Democrats abused the National Guard during the inauguration.

Biden will kowtow to everything China wants.

China is a threat to us in space warfare.

Karl Rove is a sage voice on economic policy.
Glenn Greenwald says Democrats are the true fascists. Because he was once believed to be a liberal, he must be right.

Arms treaties with Russia are bad.

Joe Biden taking questions from pre-selected reporters is bad.

QAnon believers are being persecuted.

A sheriff in Cochise County, Arizona, noticed that “illegal” border crossings “spiked” after Biden won the Democratic primary.

Neera Tanden is bad and dangerous for some reason.

Pamela Anderson believes “Big Tech” seeks to control your brain.

Anthony Fauci is the highest-paid member of the federal government, and this is bad, because Fauci is bad.
I was always surprised that Deplorables abandoned the theory that crack Venezuelan intelligence services rigged our elections and handed the presidency to Joe Biden.

That theory had a ring of plausibility to it.
I was always surprised that Deplorables abandoned the theory that crack Venezuelan intelligence services rigged our elections and handed the presidency to Joe Biden.

That theory had a ring of plausibility to it.

Probably explains why they gave it up. lol
The amazing and terrifying fantasy world of the Fox News viewer.....

The following are some more of our typical Fox News viewer’s beliefs, based on headlines from Fox’s website over the past two days:


Biden may be the new president in name, but the actual president is Susan Rice.

Biden’s campaign was bankrolled by millions in “dark money.” This is bad. Republicans would never do this.

Tulsi Gabbard holds noteworthy and important opinions about everything.

The most powerful people in the entire Democratic Party are the four “Squad” Congresswomen.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in particular wields enormous influence within the Democratic Party, such that her every utterance is noteworthy; she dictates the entire Democratic agenda.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is also a coward who is afraid of gun-carrying members of Congress.

Black people are mostly violent criminals, except for those who appear on Fox News as conservative commentators.

Antifa is … everywhere.

Hollywood stars are jumping ahead of everyone else to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone pipeline is a job-killing political disaster that spells doom for the Democratic Party.

Biden and his son Hunter committed unspecified crimes in Ukraine that involved some sort of shady corporate deal and made the Bidens millions. This information is all contained on a laptop somewhere.

Democrats abused the National Guard during the inauguration.

Biden will kowtow to everything China wants.

China is a threat to us in space warfare.

Karl Rove is a sage voice on economic policy.
Glenn Greenwald says Democrats are the true fascists. Because he was once believed to be a liberal, he must be right.

Arms treaties with Russia are bad.

Joe Biden taking questions from pre-selected reporters is bad.

QAnon believers are being persecuted.

A sheriff in Cochise County, Arizona, noticed that “illegal” border crossings “spiked” after Biden won the Democratic primary.

Neera Tanden is bad and dangerous for some reason.

Pamela Anderson believes “Big Tech” seeks to control your brain.

Anthony Fauci is the highest-paid member of the federal government, and this is bad, because Fauci is bad.

what's one good thing biden will do?
what's one good thing biden will do?

He's already done tremendous good.

We were averaging just under a million vaccinations a week under Trump. At that pace, herd immunity would be 6-7 years away.

We just had 4 days in a row with over a million vaccinations a day. One day had over 1.7 million.
I was always surprised that Deplorables abandoned the theory that crack Venezuelan intelligence services rigged our elections and handed the presidency to Joe Biden.

That theory had a ring of plausibility to it.

let's not forget Chavez was rigging the election from the grave, something Hannity is absolutely sure of
Ive always believed Fox's viewers were heavily liberal.
And their rating crashed when they stopped tuning in.
I dont know any conservative who watched it regularly but i constantly hear liberals quoting it chapter and verse.
I was always surprised that Deplorables abandoned the theory that crack Venezuelan intelligence services rigged our elections and handed the presidency to Joe Biden.

That theory had a ring of plausibility to it.

They released The Kraken but it dried up and blew away.

Isn't it great that the Right no longer talks about The Big Lie?

I guess they've got bigger turds to fry.
Ive always believed Fox's viewers were heavily liberal.
And their rating crashed when they stopped tuning in.
I dont know any conservative who watched it regularly but i constantly hear liberals quoting it chapter and verse.

So you came to that conclusion after talking to a handful of liberals you know?
And you extrapolated that to all the liberals in America?

Not a very scientific survey, bro.
The amazing and terrifying fantasy world of the Fox News viewer.....

Here's a fun exercise for you. Every time you see one of the Reichtards here post some obviously-copied-from-elsewhere screech, copy it yourself. Paste it into Google and watch how many RW blogs and weird little sites come up that contain the exact same phrasing.

These people are not very smart. Our parrots copy phrases too, but at least when *they* use them they're in context and have meaning. Many RWers seem incapable of critical thinking or original ideas.
So you came to that conclusion after talking to a handful of liberals you know?
And you extrapolated that to all the liberals in America?

Not a very scientific survey, bro.

He's a RWer. They think that science is stoopid. That thought is proving to be deadly.

"(CNN) -- The anti-science movement has set up the United States and the world up for a worse Covid-19 pandemic than otherwise would have been, infectious disease expert Dr. Peter Hotez argued Thursday.

"An anti-science disinformation campaign of unprecedented magnitude and led by both multinational corporations and some governments, especially the Russian and US Governments, fuels the pandemic," Hotez, dean for the National School for Tropical Medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine, wrote in the journal Plos Biology."
The amazing and terrifying fantasy world of the Fox News viewer.....

The following are some more of our typical Fox News viewer’s beliefs, based on headlines from Fox’s website over the past two days:


Biden may be the new president in name, but the actual president is Susan Rice.

Biden’s campaign was bankrolled by millions in “dark money.” This is bad. Republicans would never do this.

Tulsi Gabbard holds noteworthy and important opinions about everything.

The most powerful people in the entire Democratic Party are the four “Squad” Congresswomen.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in particular wields enormous influence within the Democratic Party, such that her every utterance is noteworthy; she dictates the entire Democratic agenda.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is also a coward who is afraid of gun-carrying members of Congress.

Black people are mostly violent criminals, except for those who appear on Fox News as conservative commentators.

Antifa is … everywhere.

Hollywood stars are jumping ahead of everyone else to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone pipeline is a job-killing political disaster that spells doom for the Democratic Party.

Biden and his son Hunter committed unspecified crimes in Ukraine that involved some sort of shady corporate deal and made the Bidens millions. This information is all contained on a laptop somewhere.

Democrats abused the National Guard during the inauguration.

Biden will kowtow to everything China wants.

China is a threat to us in space warfare.

Karl Rove is a sage voice on economic policy.
Glenn Greenwald says Democrats are the true fascists. Because he was once believed to be a liberal, he must be right.

Arms treaties with Russia are bad.

Joe Biden taking questions from pre-selected reporters is bad.

QAnon believers are being persecuted.

A sheriff in Cochise County, Arizona, noticed that “illegal” border crossings “spiked” after Biden won the Democratic primary.

Neera Tanden is bad and dangerous for some reason.

Pamela Anderson believes “Big Tech” seeks to control your brain.

Anthony Fauci is the highest-paid member of the federal government, and this is bad, because Fauci is bad.

That's what sheep do.
Here's a fun exercise for you. Every time you see one of the Reichtards here post some obviously-copied-from-elsewhere screech, copy it yourself. Paste it into Google and watch how many RW blogs and weird little sites come up that contain the exact same phrasing.

These people are not very smart. Our parrots copy phrases too, but at least when *they* use them they're in context and have meaning. Many RWers seem incapable of critical thinking or original ideas.

I'd like to know how many of the right wing posters here are: in Russia or the East Bloc euro countries in boiler rooms, hardcore wingnuts in the US working in boiler rooms for peanuts, sit-at-home low-rent morons with guns stuffed under their beds addicted to Fox, or just plain drunk teabillies doing some rage rants