FOX viewers described in minute detail, every JPP wingnut following this exact script

They released The Kraken but it dried up and blew away.

Isn't it great that the Right no longer talks about The Big Lie?

I guess they've got bigger turds to fry.

The speed with which conservative posters suddenly dropped the Kraken theory, and tried to tip-toe away from it, is nothing short of actually remarkable.
I'd like to know how many of the right wing posters here are: in Russia or the East Bloc euro countries in boiler rooms, hardcore wingnuts in the US working in boiler rooms for peanuts, sit-at-home low-rent morons with guns stuffed under their beds addicted to Fox, or just plain drunk teabillies doing some rage rants

1. 5%
2. 5%
3. 60%
4. 30%
I'd like to know how many of the right wing posters here are: in Russia or the East Bloc euro countries in boiler rooms, hardcore wingnuts in the US working in boiler rooms for peanuts, sit-at-home low-rent morons with guns stuffed under their beds addicted to Fox, or just plain drunk teabillies doing some rage rants

And all of the above. lol

I don't think I've ever seen so many people who relish being fearful victims of something or the other. The constant screaming about "socialism," "communism," "Marxism," is really reminiscent of the 1950s. Their politicians and the Reichwing media seem to cycle between scaring them about commies, or illegals, or uppity brown/black people, and of course dire economic disaster.

To be fair, I see the same thing on NBC Nightly News which we watch most evenings -- only with them it's the pandemic. You sometimes start to wonder if there is *anything* else going on in the world other than the plague.
The speed with which conservative posters suddenly dropped the Kraken theory, and tried to tip-toe away from it, is nothing short of actually remarkable.

The right wing strategy is "Throw everything against the wall and see what sticks" and The Kraken didn't stick.

The problem for republiQanons is the more bullshit you throw, the more you end up smelling like BULLSHIT!
I was always surprised that Deplorables abandoned the theory that crack Venezuelan intelligence services rigged our elections and handed the presidency to Joe Biden.

That theory had a ring of plausibility to it.

If Chavez cheated in the election I think he used much cruder methods than buying voting machines rigged to give him the victory.
Ive always believed Fox's viewers were heavily liberal.
And their rating crashed when they stopped tuning in.
I dont know any conservative who watched it regularly but i constantly hear liberals quoting it chapter and verse.

what channel do you watch for your indoctrination if fox is too liberal- the Hitler Channel?
FOX is just another AP propaganda outlet.

GIGO. GIGO stands for "Garbage In, Garbage Out".

AP sends the high word down and the networks disseminate it. That's how it works these days. There are no network investigative reporters anymore.

AP says what's what and the others parrot it. That's it. Sad but true.

Often it's pure D. bullshit, too. For instance the lies about the chemical weapon stockpile in Syria.
Russia launched a bomb at it because the Daesh were adjacent and blew it (and them) all up. That's what happened. Yes, the chemical weapon stockpile gases got released as a result. Only the Daesh knew they were there, though.

I did a study a while back..2014-2015..and CBS ranked higher than regurgitating the AP word of the day accurately.
That's not something to exactly be proud of.
So you came to that conclusion after talking to a handful of liberals you know?
And you extrapolated that to all the liberals in America?

Not a very scientific survey, bro.

Far more than a few and across various media.
Never claimed it was scientific but it does explain the Fox fall off.
He's already done tremendous good.

We were averaging just under a million vaccinations a week under Trump. At that pace, herd immunity would be 6-7 years away.

We just had 4 days in a row with over a million vaccinations a day. One day had over 1.7 million.

this is not the time to worry about vacations.
Far more than a few and across various media.
Never claimed it was scientific but it does explain the Fox fall off.

No, that's correlation, not causation. And maybe your "I've always believed" isn't what is. I mean, what one believes isn't always reality, as examples of this permeate this forum.
I've heard that the Fox falloff in viewership was due to them calling Nevada for Biden before the mainstream media on Election Night and also Fox didn't buy into The Big Lie and officially declared Biden President. And Trump tweeting to his followers that Fox turned on him and they should watch NewsMax and OAN instead helped as well. Because we all know, when Trump says "blow me", his followers get on their knees.
No, that's correlation, not causation. And maybe your "I've always believed" isn't what is. I mean, what one believes isn't always reality, as examples of this permeate this forum.
I've heard that the Fox falloff in viewership was due to them calling Nevada for Biden before the mainstream media on Election Night and also Fox didn't buy into The Big Lie and officially declared Biden President. And Trump tweeting to his followers that Fox turned on him and they should watch NewsMax and OAN instead helped as well. Because we all know, when Trump says "blow me", his followers get on their knees.

And you are mistaken. Has far more to do with their return to an anti Trump viewpoint well before the election.
Ive always believed Fox's viewers were heavily liberal.
And their rating crashed when they stopped tuning in.
I dont know any conservative who watched it regularly -- Septic lie

So you came to that conclusion after talking to a handful of liberals you know?
And you extrapolated that to all the liberals in America?

Not a very scientific survey, bro.

Not to mention that it isn't even true.
I have one.

I believe some people congenitally inferior and have self selected to overtake a group called Republicans.
I have watched them post here and have found no exceptions. The utter contempt that
all liberals have here for all Republicans is completely rational and based in absolute truth.