Dutch Uncle repeated attacked Poles before I swiped back at West Euro trash.

You see what you want.

Typical ignorance.

Ignorance is another word you should stay away from. I recognize that you’re having difficulty with words and context and I’m trying to help your dumb ass out. Have you seen laser beams from outer space? Yet you believe it’s true.

Your problem is less about being uninformed but far more about your desire to be seen as ‘American.’ You believe Americans are racist, thus, so must you be.
Ignorance is another word you should stay away from. I recognize that you’re having difficulty with words and context and I’m trying to help your dumb ass out. Have you seen laser beams from outer space? Yet you believe it’s true.

Your problem is less about being uninformed but far more about your desire to be seen as ‘American.’ You believe Americans are racist, thus, so must you be.

How dare Poles fight back.

Where did I say I desire to be American!?

I see myself as more Polish.

My guess is 30% of Americans are racist.
Ignorance is another word you should stay away from. I recognize that you’re having difficulty with words and context and I’m trying to help your dumb ass out. Have you seen laser beams from outer space? Yet you believe it’s true.

Your problem is less about being uninformed but far more about your desire to be seen as ‘American.’ You believe Americans are racist, thus, so must you be.

I've never said anything about laser beams.

You're just getting desperate.

You think 1 kook represents all Right Wingers.

Now, that's ignorant.
Ignorance is another word you should stay away from. I recognize that you’re having difficulty with words and context and I’m trying to help your dumb ass out. Have you seen laser beams from outer space? Yet you believe it’s true.

Your problem is less about being uninformed but far more about your desire to be seen as ‘American.’ You believe Americans are racist, thus, so must you be.

Some Blacks are into conspiracy theories.

I've seen it in person & online.

Some Blacks believe HIV /AIDS was man made.
I'm not here to make friends.
I'm here to speak the truth in my eyes.

So am I which is why I’m pointing out to people like you that what you think doesn’t mean shit. You can type what passes as ‘thought’ until your fingers fall off .. doesn’t mean shit because your thoughts are worthless and have no value.





What is your point? Why are you here? There is nothing you can do about this.
Some Blacks are into conspiracy theories.

I've seen it in person & online.

Some Blacks believe HIV /AIDS was man made.
. Millions of people who are not black believe AIDS was man-made, just as millions of people believe coronovirus was man-made .. but only white people on your side of the fence believe the laser beam bullshit of that Pelosi drinks the blood of kidnapped babies.

What was your point again?

Question: which is the greater possibility, AIDS BEING MAN-MADE OR FIRES BEING SET BY JEWISH FUNDED LASER BEAMS FROM OUTER SPACE? How about Nancy Pelosi drinking the blood of kidnapped children?

Know anything about the Tuskegee experiments?

I didn’t think so.
Last edited:
. Millions of people who are not black believe AIDS was man-made, just as millions of people believe coronovirus was man-made .. but only white people on your side of the fence believe the laser beam bullshit of that Pelosi drinks the blood of kidnapped babies.

What was your point again?

Question: which is the greater possibility, AIDS BEING MAN-MADE OR FIRES BEING SET BY JEWISH FUNDED LASER BEAMS FROM OUTER SPACE? How about Nancy Pelosi drinking the blood of kidnapped children?

Know anything about the Tuskegee experiments?

I didn’t think so.

I know about the Tuskegee experiment.
...because the cities are going bankrupt?

To reiterate; most of those are city and state problems. Rarely should the Feds become involved even though that's exactly what the Republicans have done since the 1960s by empowering corporations with the rights of citizens, making money "free speech" and eroding the power of collective citizens.

The efforts to prevent another Gamestop move by citizens freely assembling is going to be led by Republicans and corporate Democrats.
In many cases, yes. Quite a few pension funds are a conglomerate. Not sure if it works that way in the public sector, but a group of businesses pay into one fund and checks are cut to retirees. What's happening is that as businesses go bankrupt, they are no longer contributing to the pool. So the pensions are getting paid, but with fewer contributors. The math doesn't work.

I do remember Christie putting the entire NJ public sector pension fund in the hands of campaign donors who blew quite a bit of it. There are quite a few people across the nation who got screwed out of pensions.
FBI may have warned of a possible attack.

The Capitol Police sure weren't prepared.

In fact, they admitted just that.
Because trump's defense dept. ignored pleas for help, as well as numerous calls from the Maryland governor who had his National Guard at the DC border waiting for permission to move in.

They waited for hours, as trump basked in the glory of the insurrection before announcing that he 'loves' them.
Huh. I guess you'll just have to offer that defense to a federal judge.

Federal prosecutors have offered an ominous new assessment of last week’s siege of the US Capitol by Donald Trump’s supporters, saying in a court filing that rioters intended “to capture and assassinate elected officials”.
And now they're adding conspiracy charges. This is going to have serious repercussions for everyone but trump.
In many cases, yes. Quite a few pension funds are a conglomerate. Not sure if it works that way in the public sector, but a group of businesses pay into one fund and checks are cut to retirees. What's happening is that as businesses go bankrupt, they are no longer contributing to the pool. So the pensions are getting paid, but with fewer contributors. The math doesn't work.

I do remember Christie putting the entire NJ public sector pension fund in the hands of campaign donors who blew quite a bit of it. There are quite a few people across the nation who got screwed out of pensions.

With human beings, there's always the power and corruption factor. People are human with human faults. Anyone who believes different isn't thinking realistically. The key, IMHO, is that citizens feel protected by their government, not abused by it.

When citizens don't feel protected by their government, regardless of level, they have a right to band together and protest it.

What nobody has a right to do is to take over a government, regardless of level, by force and impose their version of laws upon all others.
And now they're adding conspiracy charges. This is going to have serious repercussions for everyone but trump.

If there is a spirit that guides the universe in helpful ways, then Trump will die in prison. The rest of his worshippers who overran the Capitol will do 10-15 years.
. Millions of people who are not black believe AIDS was man-made, just as millions of people believe coronovirus was man-made .. but only white people on your side of the fence believe the laser beam bullshit of that Pelosi drinks the blood of kidnapped babies.

What was your point again?

Question: which is the greater possibility, AIDS BEING MAN-MADE OR FIRES BEING SET BY JEWISH FUNDED LASER BEAMS FROM OUTER SPACE? How about Nancy Pelosi drinking the blood of kidnapped children?

Know anything about the Tuskegee experiments?

I didn’t think so.

The Tuskegee Experiment while terrible was child's play compared to what Nazis did to Jews, Poles, Romani Gypsies, and Soviet POWs.ück_concentration_camp

Nazi medical experiments Edit
Starting in the summer of 1942, medical experiments were conducted without consent on 86 women; 74 of them were Polish inmates. Two types of experiments were conducted on the Polish political prisoners. The first type tested the efficacy of sulfonamide drugs. These experiments involved deliberate cutting into and infecting of leg bones and muscles with virulent bacteria, cutting nerves, introducing substances like pieces of wood or glass into tissues, and fracturing bones.[citation needed]

The second set of experiments studied bone, muscle, and nerve regeneration, and the possibility of transplanting bones from one person to another. Out of the 74 Polish victims, called Kaninchen, Króliki, Lapins, or "Rabbits" by the experimenters, five died as a result of the experiments, six with unhealed wounds were executed, and (with assistance from other inmates) the rest survived with permanent physical damage.[citation needed] Four such survivors—Jadwiga Dzido, Maria Broel-Plater, Władysława Karolewska, and Maria Kuśmierczuk—testified against Nazi doctors at the Doctors' Trial in 1946.

Between 120 and 140 Romani women were sterilized in the camp in January 1945. All had been deceived into signing the consent form, having been told by the camp overseers that the German authorities would release them if they complied.[citation needed]

Nazi human experimentation was a series of medical experiments on large numbers of prisoners, including children, by Nazi Germany in its concentration camps in the early to mid 1940s, during World War II and the Holocaust. Chief target populations included Romani, Sinti, ethnic Poles, Soviet POWs, disabled Germans, and Jews from across Europe.

Head injury experiments
In mid-1942 in Baranowicze, occupied Poland, experiments were conducted in a small building behind the private home occupied by a known Nazi SD Security Service officer, in which "a young boy of eleven or twelve [was] strapped to a chair so he could not move. Above him was a mechanized hammer that every few seconds came down upon his head." The boy was driven insane from the torture.[13]

Freezing experiments

A cold water immersion experiment at Dachau concentration camp presided over by Ernst Holzlöhner (left) and Sigmund Rascher (right). The subject is wearing an experimental Luftwaffe garment.
In 1941, the Luftwaffe conducted experiments with the intent of discovering means to prevent and treat hypothermia. There were 360 to 400 experiments and 280 to 300 victims indicating some victims suffered more than one experiment.[14]

Malaria experiments
From about February 1942 to about April 1945, experiments were conducted at the Dachau concentration camp in order to investigate immunization for treatment of malaria. Healthy inmates were infected by mosquitoes or by injections of extracts of the mucous glands of female mosquitoes. After contracting the disease, the subjects were treated with various drugs to test their relative efficacy.[21] Over 1,200 people were used in these experiments and more than half died as a result.[22] Other test subjects were left with permanent disabilities.[23]

Immunization experiments
At the German concentration camps of Sachsenhausen, Dachau, Natzweiler, Buchenwald, and Neuengamme, scientists tested immunization compounds and serums for the prevention and treatment of contagious diseases, including malaria, typhus, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, yellow fever, and infectious hepatitis.[24]

Epidemic jaundice
From June 1943 till January 1945 at the concentration camps, Sachsenhausen and Natzweiler, experimentation with epidemic jaundice was conducted. The test subjects were injected with the disease in order to discover new inoculations for the condition. These tests were conducted for the benefit of the German Armed Forces. Most died in the experiments, whilst others survived, experiencing great pain and suffering.[25]

Mustard gas experiments
At various times between September 1939 and April 1945, many experiments were conducted at Sachsenhausen, Natzweiler, and other camps to investigate the most effective treatment of wounds caused by mustard gas. Test subjects were deliberately exposed to mustard gas and other vesicants (e.g. Lewisite) which inflicted severe chemical burns. The victims' wounds were then tested to find the most effective treatment for the mustard gas burns.[26]

Child victims of Nazi experimentation show incisions where axillary lymph nodes had been surgically removed after they were deliberately infected with tuberculosis at Neuengamme concentration camp. They were later murdered.[27]
Sulfonamide experiments
From about July 1942 to about September 1943, experiments to investigate the effectiveness of sulfonamide, a synthetic antimicrobial agent, were conducted at Ravensbrück.[28] Wounds inflicted on the subjects were infected with bacteria such as Streptococcus, Clostridium perfringens (a major causative agent in gas gangrene) and Clostridium tetani, the causative agent in tetanus.[29] Circulation of blood was interrupted by tying off blood vessels at both ends of the wound to create a condition similar to that of a battlefield wound. Researchers also aggravated the subjects' infection by forcing wood shavings and ground glass into their wounds. The infection was treated with sulfonamide and other drugs to determine their effectiveness.

Sea water experiments
From about July 1944 to about September 1944, experiments were conducted at the Dachau concentration camp to study various methods of making sea water drinkable. These victims were subject to deprivation of all food and only given the filtered sea water.[30] At one point, a group of roughly 90 Roma were deprived of food and given nothing but sea water to drink by Hans Eppinger, leaving them gravely injured.[18] They were so dehydrated that others observed them licking freshly mopped floors in an attempt to get drinkable water.[31]

A Holocaust survivor named Joseph Tschofenig wrote a statement on these seawater experiments at Dachau. Tschofenig explained how while working at the medical experimentation stations he gained insight into some of the experiments that were performed on prisoners, namely those in which they were forced to drink salt water. Tschofenig also described how victims of the experiments had trouble eating and would desperately seek out any source of water including old floor rags. Tschofenig was responsible for using the X-ray machine in the infirmary and describes how even though he had insight into what was going on he was powerless to stop it. He gives the example of a patient in the infirmary who was sent to the gas chambers by Sigmund Rascher simply because he witnessed one of the low-pressure experiments.[32]

Sterilization and fertility experiments
The Law for the Prevention of Genetically Defective Progeny was passed on 14 July 1933, which legalized the involuntary sterilization of persons with diseases claimed to be hereditary: weak-mindedness, schizophrenia, alcohol abuse, insanity, blindness, deafness, and physical deformities. The law was used to encourage growth of the Aryan race through the sterilization of persons who fell under the quota of being genetically defective.[33] 1% of citizens between the age of 17 to 24 had been sterilized within two years of the law passing.

Within four years, 300,000 patients had been sterilized.[34] From about March 1941 to about January 1945, sterilization experiments were conducted at Auschwitz, Ravensbrück, and other places by Carl Clauberg.[26] The purpose of these experiments was to develop a method of sterilization which would be suitable for sterilizing millions of people with a minimum of time and effort. The targets for sterilization included Jewish and Roma populations.[12] These experiments were conducted by means of X-ray, surgery and various drugs. Thousands of victims were sterilized. Aside from its experimentation, the Nazi government sterilized around 400,000 people as part of its compulsory sterilization program.[35]
If there is a spirit that guides the universe in helpful ways, then Trump will die in prison. The rest of his worshippers who overran the Capitol will do 10-15 years.

Why? Why would an all-powerful entity, greater than our entire Universe, give a shit about your bloodlust for the former Asshole-in-Chief? Even though Trump was a fucking lying, piece-of-shit draft-dodging, disease-carrying adulterer (and probable incestuous pedo) why would such a power care about the fraction of relative time Trump soiled our little rock?
Why? Why would an all-powerful entity, greater than our entire Universe, give a shit about your bloodlust for the former Asshole-in-Chief? Even though Trump was a fucking lying, piece-of-shit draft-dodging, disease-carrying adulterer (and probable incestuous pedo) why would such a power care about the fraction of relative time Trump soiled our little rock?

Well at least we have Karma. ;)
Do you believe in karma? I do, but I don't think its apportionment is proportional. I know good people who have suffered too much and bad people who haven't suffered enough.

Well there's past lives. I believe in both. I know there's not much in the way of evidence.